Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2542: ,Confusing!

Thousand-handed Rentu and Old Monster Xingyue had fought well, but suddenly they saw a mountain-like giant fist blasting towards them, and they were shocked!

The two immediately stopped fighting, one of them slapped a palm, and greeted the thundering giant fist!

boom! ! ——

Two giant palms and a giant fist instantly collided with each other, and the power that burst out was like three meteorites collided from outside the sky, and like a supernova exploding!

Powerful apertures centered on the three of them, impacting in all directions, like ocean waves, scouring layer by layer!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The sound of muffled thunder resounded!

The surrounding mountains were stunned and shattered by the shock waves of this layer of power!

The mountain is shaking, the boulder is flying, the wind is sweeping, and the dust is flying!

It's like an earthquake, a typhoon, and a mountain collapse!

Until the light of the three true qi disappeared, the sun poured on the bodies of Thousand Hands Rentu, Xingyue Old Monster, and Raksha Ghost Monarch, and they were dyed with a faint golden light, as if a **** descended from the earth!

"Raksha Ghost Lord, I was fighting fiercely with the boss, what are you doing?!"

Thousands of hands slaughtered his beard and stared, and screamed at Raksha Demon Lord.

Raksha Guijun grinned and said: "I see you two playing so lively, so I want to join too!

It just so happens that the three of us have broken through to the realm of great achievement from the dust. Come to Bibi to see who has the strongest martial skills, how about? "


Old Monster Xingyue's eyes lit up and said: "Okay, fighting with three people is much more interesting than fighting with two!

Come on, let's practice hands with the three of us and see who is the best! "

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Thousands of Hands slaughtered his head and responded with a loud voice.

Immediately, the three of them stood in the air, looked at each other, and then quickly released all the power from the dust in their bodies!

Huhuhu! !

The three martial artists who have become great from the dust release the power of true energy at the same time, and their coercion and breath can be described as shaking the world!

The mountains within a hundred miles shook, and even the air was distorted to varying degrees, as if to break the void!

Just one minute passed.

I saw that the bodies of the Thousand Hands Man Tu, Xingyue Old Monster, and Raksha Guijun were surrounded by red, light blue, and black light, and their eyes burst out with dazzling light!

After all, the three of them all know each other's strengths. Although they have strengths and weaknesses, they are not much different!

Therefore, since everyone wants to win in this three-person melee, only release their strongest strength!


In an instant, the three of them made a burst of shouts in the air at the same time, their bodies swept toward the middle like three streams of light!

"Thousand-handed Buddha Palm!!"

"Huangquan angry palm!!"

"God rushes thunder fist!!"

The three of them shook their fists at the same time as they swept towards the middle!

boom! ! !

In an instant, two palms and one punch were like three flying mountains, slamming together heavily!

The violent power impacted in all directions, directly shook the three of them back hundreds of meters!

The silhouettes of the three immediately tumbling in the air, and after stabilizing their bodies, their figures moved, like three cannonballs ejected, rushing toward the middle again!

In the blink of an eye, the three of them narrowed the distance and quickly fought together!

The three of them fought each, and launched a frenzied attack towards each other with their fists and feet.

Moreover, although the three of them seem to be playing chaotically and very messily, if you can see the trajectory of the three's fist and foot attack, you can see that the three of them have exerted their palm and fist to the extreme, both offensive and defensive, and not giving way to each other. !

Bang bang bang! !

For a time, only three figures can be seen in different positions, flashing and colliding quickly, sometimes leaving several huge pits on the mountain, sometimes smashing a tree in the jungle below, and sometimes in the middle of the river. On the confrontation, there was a "crackling" explosion!

The three people of Qianshou Rentu have their own advantages, some are good at boxing, some are good at palm, and some are good at footwork!

But without exception, the three of them have maximized their respective advantages and made up for their own weaknesses!

Moreover, after hitting the back, the three of them didn't think about it at all, and instinctively launched a fierce attack, without hesitation in every move and every style, just like a dragon stunned by a dragon, simple, natural and smooth!

If there are other warriors here, they will definitely be completely overwhelmed by the battle of the three!

"Hahaha! Happy! So happy!"

In this hearty battle, Qianshou Rentu felt blood boiled, laughed loudly, and the voice echoed in every corner of the mountain!

"If there is no result today, no one is allowed to stop, whoever stops will lose!"

Old Monster Xingyue also said aloud.

"no problem!"

The ghost of Raksha also answered with a shaking voice.

Thousands of hands and the three people are all fists to the flesh, strong against strong, although every muscle and every bone in their body is tingling and painful, but it is extremely painful!

After all, everyone is a master of no one in a million. Only when masters fight against masters can they unscrupulously give full play to their strength!

The birds, birds and beasts in the mountains and in the jungle were frightened and fled frantically by these three guys!

Even the wild boars, jackals and other birds of prey did not dare to approach these three!

The instincts of animals can make them feel that these three humans are really terrible, it's better to stay away!

At this moment, among the inaccessible mountains, the three of them have completely left other things behind, have a fight and have fun!

It's as if the entire mountains, rivers, and jungles are under their feet, and they are in their own hands!

This is a kind of free and easy way beyond the world, this is a kind of invigorating pursuit of the peak of martial arts!

After fighting for thousands of moves in a row, the three figures returned to the sky again!

When the bodies of the three were bounced away again, they stopped, and instead of continuing the close combat, they were ready to compete with other stunts!

"Chi Yan Sword!!"

Qianshou Rentu waved his right hand!

I saw that Zhen Qi instantly formed a huge sword burning with scarlet flames, standing proudly on the sky, emitting a scarlet light!

This Chiyan Sword is tens of meters long and one meter wide. It's huge and powerful!

"Shiying Knife!!"

Old Monster Xingyue also waved his right hand.

The powerful infuriating qi swayed out, directly in the sky, condensing a huge light blue scimitar!

The entire huge knife is like the substance, exuding a sharp cold light in the sky!

"Nether Gun!!"

Raksha Ghost Lord also waved his hand, condensing the power of true energy into a long spear that exudes black light!

Although this spear is not as good as the Chiyan Sword and the Swift Shadow Sword in terms of visual impact, it has an unignorable coercion and permeating momentum!

Suddenly, a sword, a knife, and a gun hovered above the heads of the three of them, facing each other, the coercion was full, and the domineering and unparalleled!

Immediately, the three of them waved their big hands directly without any hesitation or pause!

bass! !

Ooh! !

Whoosh! !

Chi Yan Sword, Swift Shadow Sword, and Nether Spear were dispatched at the same time, directly initiating an impact!

The great sword is unsheathed, the knives dance wildly, the spear breaks through the sun, and rises with the storm!

Qiang Qiang! ! ...

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of fierce collision and explosion sounded in the sky, and rays of light sputtered out, bringing out a wave of incomparable sword power, sword power and gun power!

Although Qianshou Rentu three people did not take action by themselves at this time, the magic weapon condensed by the three people replaced the three of them in the battle, and the power that erupted was no weaker than the close combat of the three!

After the Chiyan Sword, the Swift Shadow Sword and the Nether Spear have fought for hundreds of times, finally in the last collision, all the three magic weapons were damaged and all died together!

Thousands of hands, Old Monster Xingyue, and Raksha Guijun saw that the long-range attack had no victory or defeat, so they immediately changed to melee combat again, and the fierce battle was together!

From the beginning to the present, the three people did not stop at all, nor did they give each other a chance to breathe. They played for twenty minutes!

However, the three of them are getting more and more courageous, completely tireless!

After fighting for half an hour, the three are fighting fiercely on the ground!

Just when the three of them were preparing to make a big effort to distinguish a high and low, they suddenly felt the airflow speed up, like a hurricane!

Moreover, the earth in a radius of thousands of miles began to shake, the mountains shook, and even the ground was torn apart!

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