Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2549: , Not a child's play!

Those who stayed on the island were Liu Yiyi, Su Luoyan, Li Shiyun, Xia Kexin and Yang Nuolan.

Because Ye Fei set the rules before, everyone also accepted this result.

In the evening, everyone had dinner together.

After eating dinner, Ye Fei came to the top floor of the castle alone, lit a cigarette, and looked at the sea of ​​stars in the distance, frowning and worrying in his heart.

The more time passed, the more he could feel the approach of the war.

Facing the coming battle, Ye Fei had no bottom in his heart, and he didn't know how it would turn out.

But no matter what the result is, the one who should come will still come. What I can do is to make all preparations to minimize the loss.

Although Ye Fei has a certain understanding of the personnel structure of the Alliance of Gods, Ye Fei actually knows very little about their strength.

These main gods, who were originally strong enough, didn't know what realm they had reached after absorbing the power of the **** stone?

All this is just unknown.

However, the only thing Ye Fei can be sure of is that the energy of the divine stone is indeed very scary.

At the beginning, Elena just absorbed the energy of a divine stone, and it was already terrifying.

If the main gods of the alliance of gods absorb more energy from the divine stone, it is possible that each main **** has reached the strength of the heaven and human realm.

If it is true, then this battle, the Ancient Alliance can be really dangerous.


Ye Fei spit out a long mouthful of smoke, frowning and uncertain.

"Brother Ye Fei, is that you?"

At this time, a gentle female voice came from behind.

Ye Fei turned his head and saw a slim and graceful figure walking towards him, "Yiyi, why are you here?"

Liu Yiyi smiled lightly and said, "Brother Ye Fei, I can't sleep, so I thought about coming up and letting out my breath. I didn't expect Brother Ye Fei to be here."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Yiyi, why can't you sleep anymore? Is it because of insomnia?"

Liu Yiyi blinked at Ye Fei with big eyes, and said softly: "Brother Ye Fei, actually seeing Sister Gu and Sister Xiao together with you to fight against the League of Gods, I really envy.

Sister Li and the others are the same as I thought, but unfortunately, our strength is too weak, we can only stay on the island, and we can't help anything..."

"Who said that you can't help me in any way?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "You can cheer for us on the island!

Moreover, as long as I think of someone on the island waiting for me to go home, I will tell myself that I must never let myself fall down!

I want to win this battle, and I want to come back alive to reunite with you! "

Liu Yiyi looked at Ye Fei with full eyes and said, "Brother Ye Fei, are you sure to win this battle?"

Ye Fei paused, then grinned and said, "Of course I am sure! Girl, if you ask that, aren't you doubting my strength?"

"No, it's not!"

Liu Yiyi shook his head nervously, and said: "I'm just a little worried, because I heard Sister Lan and the others said that the Alliance of the Gods is very powerful and it is not so easy to deal with."

Ye Fei grabbed the woman's soft waist from behind, looked into the distance, and said solemnly: "Girl, don't worry, no matter how strong the guys in the Alliance of Gods are, I will completely defeat them!"


Liu Yiyi nodded, "Brother Ye Fei, I believe you!"

The two hugged for a while, and Ye Fei made Liu Yiyi turn around, and his deep eyes stared at the woman tightly.

Liu Yiyi blinked with big watery eyes and looked at Ye Fei, as if he knew that the man had something to say to him.

"Yiyi, I mean if, if I die in the war, then you will leave the lost island and find your own happiness again..."

Ye Fei hesitated for a while, and finally said it.

After all, Ye Fei had to consider both good and bad results.

Before Ye Fei could finish speaking, Liu Yiyi reached out and covered Ye Fei's mouth, his eyes flushed and said: "Brother Ye Fei, you are not allowed to say that!

Didn't you say that you will definitely win this war? Why do you want to say that you are immortal now!

Brother Ye Fei, my man, my heart has been given to you, if you really die, then I will not marry forever! "

Ye Fei sighed heavily, stroked the woman's cheek, and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

"I'm so Brother Ye Fei... please... you must live..."

Liu Yiyi said these words with difficulty, feeling uncomfortable breathing, and tears couldn't help streaming down.

Ye Fei smiled, nodded, wiped away the tears from the corner of the woman's eyes, and whispered: "Okay, I promise you..."

After speaking, Ye Fei held the woman's waist tightly and kissed deeply.

Maybe it's because they don't know if there is tomorrow, so the men and women in the moonlight hugged each other tightly, kissed deeply and hotly, and could not wait to die and never let go.

"I seem to have disturbed you..."

At this time, a voice of disgust came faintly.

Liu Yiyi was taken aback, and quickly let go of Ye Fei, turned his head and looked around, exclaiming, "Sister Li?!"

Ye Fei said funnyly, "Shi Yun, when did you come up?"

"It's been another few minutes."

Li Shiyun curled her lips and said, "I think you are so devoted, so I didn't bother you."

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth and said with a smirk: "Originally, I just planned to make love to Yiyi tonight. Since you brought it to the door by yourself, let's get together..."

"Who is with you, you continue, I'm leaving!"

Li Shiyun rolled her eyes at Ye Fei, then turned around and was about to go downstairs.

"Haha, it's up to you!"

Ye Fei laughed loudly, took the small hands of Liu Yiyi and Li Shiyun, and walked directly downstairs.

"You stinky rascal, let go!" Li Shiyun struggled and shouted.

"Since you call me a scumbag, if I don't be a hooligan, wouldn't I be sorry for my name?"

Ye Fei laughed happily, and directly carried Li Shiyun on his shoulders, then dragged Liu Yiyi downstairs, and rushed directly into his room...


Time passed quickly, and another week passed in a blink of an eye.

In this week, Ye Fei didn't go anywhere, so he took Gu Qingcheng and others on the island to hurry up for the final sprint training.

Perhaps everyone was aware of the strength of the enemy this time, so everyone worked very hard to improve their cultivation and strength.

Of course, Ye Fei also took advantage of this time to have a good affection with the women.

It was another morning in the day.

Moonlight Island.

Ye Fei took Gu Qingcheng, Lu Qinghong and others to practice on the island as usual, without any relaxation or slack.

A group of figures are moving at high speed on the island, shifting and shifting, some are practicing alone, and some are competing and improving their combat skills.

After practicing for a while, Ye Fei came to the reef by the sea and sat down, lit a cigarette, but frowned slightly.

During this period of time, he let Elena stay on the island, while cultivating and absorbing the energy of the **** stone, while dealing with the affairs of the island, and let the woman pay attention to the movement of the alliance of the gods at any time. Once something is discovered, Just come and inform yourself.

However, it has been a week since Elena has not heard any news.

This inevitably made Ye Fei a little confused, wondering what the **** the guys in the Alliance of Gods were doing.

Ye Fei spit out a cigarette, and said to his heart that if there is no news, it happens that he and the women can continue to practice during this time, and the strength can be improved a little.

However, when Ye Fei finished smoking a cigarette and was about to continue practicing, suddenly, he saw a black and red figure rushing over from a distance.

Ye Fei stood up, glanced, a look of doubt appeared on his face, "Elena?"

At this time, it was Elena who was flying towards Moonlight Island.

Ye Fei frowned slightly, and said to his heart, could it be that there is news about the Alliance of the Gods?

After a while, Elena arrived at Moonlight Island. She swooped down suddenly and slowly landed in front of Ye Fei.

"Elena, why are you here, what's the matter?" Ye Fei asked hurriedly.

Elena came over and said with a serious face: "Wang, last night, our'Super Eye' system received a mysterious email...

So, I spent one night finally deciphering this email..."

"Who sent the email?"

A look of doubt appeared on Ye Fei's face, "What is the content?"

Elena took a deep breath and replied: "Wang, this email is from the Alliance of Gods, and the final signature is the King of Gods..."

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