Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2566: , Piercing Clouds and Cracking Stones!

When Elena, Gu Qingcheng and the others heard it, their expressions changed and they became worried.

Ye Fei was right. If the main **** and **** disciple of the Alliance of Gods rushed past, no matter how many warriors and warriors of the Huaxia Army, it would be of no avail.

After all, in front of the real masters, those warriors and armies are like ants, vulnerable.

Therefore, everyone was a bit at a loss for a while and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Lu Qinghong walked over and said, "Brother Fei, should the three of us rush over to help?"

What Lu Qinghong said was naturally himself, Ye Fei and Elena.

After all, only the three of them are currently able to fly.

Ye Fei frowned, and said: "I have thought about this approach, but I am worried that once we leave, if the main **** or **** disciple of the Alliance of Gods comes here, then we will not have time to come back and help. ..."

"Brother Fei, you are still thoughtful, but I didn't expect this." Lu Qinghong said.

"Purgatory King, don't worry, there are a few of us here, we promise that there will be no problem!"

Satan spoke with confidence, followed by the Wild Lord, Bloodthirsty Ghost Bat, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu and others.

Ye Fei thought for a moment, and said: "There are only a dozen real masters in the Alliance of Gods. Even if they really send people, they won't send all the main players.

After all, they have to leave most of their energy to fight the Ancient Alliance. Okay, then you just stay here, and I, Qinghong, and Elena will rush over first.

If someone from the Alliance of Gods really kills, if you can cope with it, just kill it. If you can’t cope with it, please contact me. "


Satan and others responded with shock.

"let's go!"

Ye Fei yelled, and was about to take Lu Qinghong and Elena away, but suddenly, the wind blew loudly, and the howling of ghosts and wolves resounded across the sky! !

Wow! Wow! Wow!

There were tornadoes on the sea ahead!

The sea seemed to be dragged by a certain amount of violent violence, and was directly swept up, forming a thick water column, straight into the sky!

The sky in front was also covered with dark clouds, blocking the sunlight, and it was directly darkened!

Moreover, the dark clouds gathered crazily and continued towards Ye Fei, making this piece of sky and sea seem to be plunged into darkness, death, and despair!

Rumble! ! ——

The sound of muffled thunder exploded one after another!

Moreover, in this dark cloud, you can vaguely see the flickering thunder and lightning!

Everyone felt this surging energy and coercion, and they couldn't help being shocked and frightened!

"This...what the **** is going on?!" Gu Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, astonished.

"Why... how could the sky suddenly change?!"

Gu Xiaoran swallowed his throat and said, "Isn't it because of a typhoon and tsunami?!"

"No... this is not the power of nature!!"

Qin Menglan frowned Liu's eyebrows and shook his head.

"Since it's not the power of nature..."

Xiao Lengyu paled, and said in surprise, "Is it man-made?!"

"Artificial?! is this's too scary..."

Bai Ningbing's body trembled, and a fine cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

The coercion of this violent energy made their hearts beat faster and felt suffocated.

"What a powerful magical coercion..."

Elena looked closely at the darkened sky ahead, and said something in a deep voice.

Because of the awakening of the blood of the witch, Elena is very sensitive to these magical powers.

The tens of thousands of people present were also shocked by this surging magical coercion.

Although they were all warriors who licked their blood, they were not afraid of life and death, but in the face of such magical coercion, they felt fear in their bones, and there was a feeling of no resistance in their hearts.


At this time, Satan grinned and said: "Prince of Purgatory, you really didn't lie to me this time... This is just the beginning, and there are experts who excite me..."

"Well, there is indeed a master..."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Moreover, more than one came..."

The voice did not fall.

I saw that several figures swept over from the front, and then stopped in the sky, overlooking Ye Fei and the others!

Among the group of people, headed by three old men wearing light blue robes, scarlet robes, and gray robes.

Behind the three elders, there are more than 30 people standing and covered in a thick black and gold armor, holding a large shield with a large cross pattern in their left hand, and a black long sword in their right hand, as if they were a few centuries ago. The knight is so mighty.

And the pressure and breath just now were released from this group of people.

Seeing these people, Ye Fei was shocked, a little confused, because he had never seen these guys before and felt very strange.

Although very strange, Ye Fei could feel the hostility of these guys.

So Ye Fei glanced at Elena and asked: "Elena, do you know who these guys are?"

Elena looked complicated, frowning tightly, and said: "Wang, if I am not mistaken... this three old man who took the lead is the Lord God who should have died as early as two hundred years ago!

The guy in the blue robe is the water **** Tupewu, the red robe is the Vulcan Toshaw, and the gray robe is the hunting **** Zamargan!

As for the guys behind them, they are the warriors of the Alliance of Gods, also known as the Black Armored Army! "

Ye Fei's face suddenly sank when he heard it.

Before, he had heard Winterburn talk about the three main gods of Water God, Fire God and Hunting God of the Alliance of Gods.

However, what he never expected was that these three guys were also resurrected!

Damn it!

Before, he thought that only the earth gods and eagle gods had been resurrected, and the alliance of the gods still had only twelve major gods, but now, he still thinks wrong!

There are not only twelve main gods in the Alliance of Gods, but fourteen!

Moreover, Ye Fei can't guarantee that there will be other main gods resurrected, after all, only the three main gods are now seen!

At this time, the God of Water looked at Ye Fei with an indifferent expression, and said in a cold voice: "Purgatory King, I advise you to be more acquainted, take the people from your temple, and leave quickly.

This battle is between our Alliance of Gods and the Ancient Alliance, and has nothing to do with your temple. "


Ye Fei smiled coldly and said, "Could it be that the king of the gods sent you a few to come here to be lobbyists?"

"You can understand that."

The God of Water nodded, and then said with contempt: "Of course, if you don't listen to persuasion, then we don't mind doing it and destroying you all..."

Ye Fei's eyes sank, and he shook his voice: "If you want to fight, fight, stop talking nonsense!!"

The voice fell off.

Ye Fei directly released the power of zhenqi in his body, and also released the majestic sword intent!

For a moment, Ye Fei's whole body exuded a faint golden light, and a pair of deep eyes also jumped with golden flames!

Immediately, Ye Fei held a huge sword of infuriating energy, condensed a golden sword with sword intent, stepped on the golden sword, and flew high in the sky, facing the three of the gods of water, fire and hunting!

"Hey, Lord Purgatory, you are really not interesting enough, how can you save me from fighting?"

Satan grinned and let out a burst of shouts, "Dual limit state! Crazy Demon King!!"

Boom! !

As soon as Satan's voice fell, the entire battleship he was standing on shook!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Satan's whole body began to rise, reaching a height of four or five meters!

The muscles on his body also swelled, and the shirt on his upper body was directly exploded, revealing a chest as thick as a city wall and steel arms!

In particular, his pupils burned with crimson flames, and his body became crimson, as if the real demon king Satan had come to the world!

Seeing that Satan suddenly changed his form, Alston, Barr and others were shocked!

"Like a trough!!"

Allston burst into a swear word, swallowed his throat and said: "This guy can grow so big?! I'm planning to find time to fight with him. Now that I look at it, let's forget it..."

"It's no wonder the boss wants to win over this guy... I didn't expect this guy to be so terrifying... He is indeed a big help for us..."

Barr couldn't help but sigh.

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