Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2569: , Soldiers are not tired of fraud!

As he said, Satan opened his mouth, and the flame that was originally swallowed in his stomach was like a surging river bursting a bank, whizzing out toward the **** of fire!

Vulcan was shocked, he didn't expect this big guy to have such a hand!

However, as the **** of fire, he is naturally not afraid of flames!

Therefore, he was only slightly surprised, and then with a wave of his arms, he directly controlled the roaring fire!

Immediately, Vulcan chanted a weird spell and waved his arms!

"Desolate Burning Dragon!!"

I saw that the huge fire that covered the sky suddenly began to condense, forming several scarlet flame dragons, tumbling, roaring, and rushing toward Satan!

When Satan saw this, he didn't get shocked at all, but rushed forward!

When approaching a giant flame dragon, Satan didn't say a word, and directly blasted the head of the giant flame dragon with a punch!

Satan's power can be described as powerful and terrifying. With a punch, you can hear the air being crushed and the sound of thunder rolling!

Only a loud noise was heard, and the head of this flame dragon was directly shattered by Satan's punch!

Immediately, Satan was not afraid of the attacks of the other flame dragons at all, but threw off his arms in excitement and ran wildly in the air!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Above this high altitude, he constantly punched and kicked his feet, stunned the remaining few flame dragons to smash!

In fact, if it were to be another main god, Satan would not have played so easily.

But the point is that Satan has fire attributes in his body, so he is not afraid of fire at all, and the flame of the fire **** is nothing to him.

Seeing this scene, Vulcan was almost mad!

This is a **** monster, a devil!

"Hell's Fire! Burning Rockets!!!"

Vulcan chanted a spell quickly, and then slammed his arms towards the sky!

I saw that thousands of flaming arrows appeared in the sky instantly!

Moreover, under the blessing of magical energy, these flame arrows have become sharper and stronger!


Vulcan immediately uttered a loud shout.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ...

The tens of thousands of flaming arrows that covered the sky and the sun, with a force of breaking through the air, whizzed directly towards Satan below!

"Damn! Get out of me!!"

Satan was furious and clenched his fists. He was not afraid of the anger shooting of the flaming arrow, but danced his fists and smashed at the flaming arrow!

Ye Fei knows how strong Satan's body is!

Before, Ye Fei's triple explosion of sword intent could only split Satan's body into a small wound. Therefore, this flaming arrow looked terrifying, but it was nothing to Satan!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

An explosion sounded in the air!

The flaming arrow was blasted to pieces by Satan. Although most of the flaming arrows hit Satan’s body, it also scratched Satan’s body, but this did not affect him, on the contrary. It makes him even more excited!

Seeing the excitement and fanatical appearance of Satan, Baal and others below were speechless!

This guy is a pervert at all!

Although Satan destroyed many flaming arrows with his fists and carried most of the attacks of the flaming arrows with his body, a small part of the flaming arrows swooped down from the sky, towards the Orston below. And Barr and others shot over!

Orston, Baal and others below did not have the time to watch the excitement anymore, but began to resist the waves of flames and arrows!

At this moment, after Satan in the sky shook a large flaming arrow with his body, he ran straight towards the Vulcan!

Compared to long-range attacks, he is better at close combat!

Seeing Satan rushing towards him like a fierce beast, Huoshen's face changed drastically and he waved his arms violently!

"Fire Great Shield!!"

Wow! !

In an instant, the monstrous flames released from his body, and quickly condensed to form a huge flame shield that was ten meters high and two to three meters thick!

However, facing the resistance of this huge flame shield, Satan was not afraid at all, and directly launched a crazy impact on this huge flame shield!

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a loud noise, Satan directly smashed this huge flame shield into pieces!

"This, this..."

Seeing that his defense was broken, Vulcan was shocked!

"You are paralyzed! Let me die!!"

Satan roared frantically, punched fiercely, and blasted towards the face of Vulcan!

He only heard a "bang", Vulcan's cheek was smashed by this fist, he cried out in pain, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body fell straight down like a meteorite. 1

boom! !

A splash of water exploded from the sea, and Vulcan's body sank directly into the sea!

But Satan didn't intend to let Vulcan be spared, but his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the bottom!

However, at the moment when Satan rushed down wildly, an extremely angry roar came out of the sea!

"Hell's Fire! Flame Cavern!!!"

According to common sense, water and fire are inherently incompatible, but the flames released by Vulcan directly gush out from the sea, rising for tens of feet!

The raging fire formed a sea of ​​fire directly in the air, covering Satan's whole person in it, just like a big furnace, to burn Satan into blood!

Seeing that he was enveloped by the fire, his body was burnt red by the scorching heat, and the red flame in his eyes burned more and more vigorously!

Although this flame was not enough to kill him, this heated flame again reached Baidu, and it made Satan feel his body feel the burning pain!


Satan clenched his fists with both hands, his arms and legs as thick as a telephone pole slammed outward, and a roar like a dragon roars and tigers roared in his mouth!

A vast and surging wave of violent air rushed out of his body, stupefied and stunned the flames that had invaded him!

At this moment, the Vulcan who had come out of the bottom of the sea and stood still in the air saw this scene, and there was a deep color of horror in his eyes, and even a hint of despair!

He doesn't know if he can kill this perverted guy, but there is no doubt that even if he can kill him, he will have to pay a heavy price!

"Old stuff..."

Satan raised his eyes to look at the **** of fire above, and said coldly: "You angered me... I will crush your head..."

The voice fell off.

cough! !

Satan's whole person turned into a crimson light, and he swept towards the fire **** above!

At this time, the other side.

Elena is also in a fierce battle with the hunting god!

The hunting **** cultivates dark magic, so the whole person feels gloomy, cunning, and evil!

However, Elena is the daughter of the Night Witch, and naturally will not be frightened by the breath of the Hunting God. Even if her strength has not reached the Celestial Realm, she can still fight the Hunting God five to five!

After hundreds of fierce battles, the bodies of Elena and the Hunter were bounced away again!

The Hunting God looked at Elena with a puzzling expression, and said coldly: "Girl doll, why is the aura on your body darker than mine...Who are you?"

"Who am I, you don't deserve to know!!"

Elena felt extremely proud and proud when she thought that her mother was the queen of the devil in the realm of nothingness.

Own mother is the super power of the higher plane, so naturally she can't lose her mother's face!

"What a female doll with sharp teeth!!"

The hunting god’s eyes gleamed with dim light, and he said evilly: "I will directly destroy your body and soul, so that you will never be born again!!"

As he said, the hunting **** opened his arms and began to chant the mantra in his mouth.

"Great dark magic god, please grant me supreme power!"

"Death Coil!! Soul hunting!!!"

With a wave of the hunting god's arms, countless black tentacles suddenly stretched out from the sea below, and swept directly toward the sky above Elena! !

The dense black tentacles not only carry surging magic power, but also carry a power to shock people's souls!

Elena's face changed, instead of head-on, she moved at high speed in the air. While dodge the black tentacles, her arms were closed, and a black and red shock wave was sent towards these tentacles!

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