Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2590: , But so!

These two coercive forces made Fengshen's heart frightened, and his hair could not help being erected!

He gave up the idea of ​​killing Dongfang Xuanqing, and subconsciously flashed a few dozen meters away!

When he looked up, he saw a golden light and a silver-white light flashing past the sky, and the dazzling light pierced him to close his eyes subconsciously!

This golden light and a silver-white light directly penetrated the dense dark clouds, just like two brilliant rays of light, penetrating the darkness and illuminating the entire world!

These two coercive and auras made all the warriors, warriors, and magicians present panic and tremble!

As for the Dragon Lord, Liu Quanxiu, Su Yuechen and others, they were already dumbfounded, and they didn't know where these two monstrous coercion came from!

Moreover, all the warriors and warriors who are in despair in this field are as if they have been shot one by one. When this coercion enveloped them, every cell of them was trembling!

Because they clearly felt that these two forces of coercion came from Guwu, not magic!

In other words, a powerful warrior is coming over now!

It's my own person who has arrived! !

"To... who is it..."

The dragon lord felt short of breath and asked with a trembling voice.

"Could it be... the ancestor of the ancient martial family is here?"

Su Yuechen murmured something.


Liu Quanxiu shook his head and trembled all over his body: "These two forces of coercion are not like the ancestors of the five ancient martial arts families...a bit like..."

"Like what?" Li Tanhua asked hurriedly.

"These two coercive forces seem to be sword intent!!"

Liu Quanxiu opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Yes! It's Jianyi!!"

At the moment Liu Quanxiu's voice fell, everyone saw the body of the two rays of light!

At this look, everyone present was dumbfounded, their hearts beating faster, and they swallowed straight!

Because these two rays of light are exactly two swords, two huge swords, just like two small towers tens of meters high!

One of them, the whole body exudes golden light, like blazing sunlight!

The other handle, the whole body exudes a silvery white light, like a cold moonlight!

There are two swords that are strong and soft, one yin and one yang, but there is a similarity!

That is, they all carry the peerless and unparalleled sword power that dominates the world!

"The boss is finally here..."

When Shi Junze saw that familiar golden giant sword, the corner of his mouth showed a relieved smile, and his heart was much more relaxed.


The dragon lord lifted his spirits and said in an incredible manner: "You said it was Ye Fei who came?!"

"What?! Ye Fei is really here?"

Liu Quanxiu was overjoyed when he heard it.

"Is the leader really coming?!"

The faces of the other heads also showed surprises.

Everyone knows that Ye Fei is the leader of the Ancient Alliance and his strength is very strong, but everyone has always only heard about Ye Fei's rumors, and has never seen Ye Fei himself, and does not know what Ye Fei's strength is.

But now, even if they didn't see Ye Fei himself, just the power of the sword made them completely admired and worshipped.

As for the Dongfang Xuanqing, who was leaning on a mast, shook his head with a wry smile.

I thought I had cultivated to the realm of Lichen Dacheng, and I had already caught up with this kid.

But I didn't know that after not seeing him for a short period of time, this kid's cultivation level has been horribly improved, once again surpassing himself.

Isn't it the realm of heaven and man? !

Could it be that... this kid really... really broke through to the legendary realm of heaven and human? !


What an evildoer!

However, the shock is more than just that.

Next second.

I saw the two swords rushed down directly from the sky, and stab them at the electromagnetic weirdo and the Gu King on the battleship!

"No! Run!"

The electromagnetic stranger's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly yelled at King Gu.

His only thought now is to run, run quickly!

Because the coercion carried by these two huge swords made him unable to think of any resistance at all!

King Gu nodded vigorously, ready to run with the electromagnetic weirdo!

However, the electromagnetic weirdo and the Gu King had no time to escape. The two giant swords rushed down like the same gold and silver two giant dragons, as if they were going to destroy everything! !

"no, do not want!!--"

"No!! I don't want to die!!"

The electromagnetic weirdo and the Gu King screamed sadly.

They don't want to die, they want to escape, but they can't escape at all!

boom! ! ——

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by two violent explosions, it sounded like the sky and the earth cracked, directly obliterating the two screams!

The golden rays of light and the silver-white rays of light carried fierce sword power, scouring away in all directions, cutting apart all the surrounding battleships, and the sea also rolled up with it, rising to a height of tens of feet!

The sea with a radius of several kilometers shook, and the thousands of warships parked on the sea shook violently, making everyone unsteady!

Just a few seconds is as long as a century.

Until the two groups of dazzling light disappeared, until all the warships stopped shaking violently.

Everyone swallowed their throats, and when they looked again, they saw that the two giant swords had firmly pierced the steel deck!

As for the electromagnetic weirdo and the Gu King, they have already become **** waters, their bones are twisted into pieces by the sword intent, and those who die can't die anymore, they become the souls of the sword!

Everyone present was completely shocked, dumbfounded, standing still, their bodies trembling!

The Chinese warriors and warriors present were in ecstasy, anger and unwillingness in their hearts. At this moment, they were vented, and they felt very relieved!

Just now, the electromagnetic monster and the Gu King killed many of their fighters and warriors, but now they were killed by a single move!

This kind of visual and spiritual impact has rejuvenated all the warriors and warriors of Huaxia!

On the other hand, everyone on the side of the Alliance of Gods turned pale, their hearts were chilling, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to move!

Such a powerful electromagnetic weirdo and Gu King have no other move, how can they fight?

At this time, after killing the electromagnetic weirdo and Gu King, those two giant swords rose into the sky again, suspended in the air, seemingly waiting for their master to arrive!

Fengshen stood still in the air, looking at the west with a gloomy expression, but suddenly a feeling of anxiety arose in his heart!

He was familiar with the king's sword intent emitted by this golden giant sword.

After all, he almost died under this sword at the beginning.

But now, he could feel that this sword intent seemed to have increased hundreds of times more, making his heart beat faster.

Moreover, the sword intent coercion emitted by this silver-white giant sword might as well be more than that of the king's sword intent.

In other words, in addition to that kid, there is another master with the same strength as that kid is coming here? !

But what is going on?

Didn't the three main gods of Water God, Fire God and Hunting God stop them? Why didn't they work?

Or... the three main gods have been killed? !

No...impossible...absolutely impossible!

Fengshen shook his head, the expression on his face changed and he didn't believe this possibility at all.

However, just as Fengshen was thinking about it, two sword lights had already swept over from the west.

When everyone looked up, all kinds of complex expressions appeared in the eyes of everyone present, fear, awe, surprise, excitement, surprise...

At this time, standing in the air is a pair of young men and women.

With a golden sword on his feet, the man is tall and slender. Although he is not very handsome, his sturdy face reveals a unique masculinity.

Especially the faint golden light radiating from his body, and the golden flames in his eyes, make people think that he is a mighty and extraordinary Heavenly Lord descending from the earth.

As for the woman next to the man, she is wearing a white gown with her feet on a silver-white long sword, her skin is snowy, her appearance is exquisite, and she has a white jade gourd hanging around her waist. people.

Especially the faint silver-white light emitting from her body is dazzling, really like a fairy descending to the earth.

Seeing this pair of young men and women, everyone felt that they were very suitable, just like a couple of gods and goddesses.

Therefore, these young men and women are Ye Fei and Dugu Yiren who rushed here.

At the moment when Ye Fei and Dugu Yiren arrived, the two huge swords floating in the air "swish" and returned to their hands...

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