Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2593: , One sword a thousand lives!

The bodies of those five or six wizards were blown up, and there was no bones left!

Only the scraps of clothes and blood falling towards the bottom of the sea proved that they were indeed killed!

It's just that the death was too direct and too terrifying, making the remaining dozen mages a little disbelief!

"Dripping water through the stone..."

At the moment when the dozen or so wizards were stunned, the cold voice of Dugu Yiren rang again, directly pulling their thoughts back!

When they looked up, they saw that there was already a silver-white giant sword hanging above their heads!

The sword power, sword intent, and killing intent contained in this giant sword made the remaining dozen or so wizards feel terrified!

Not long ago, the Electromagnetic Weird and the Gu King died under two giant swords, and there was no chance to escape at all!

Therefore, they know how terrifying the power of this sword is!


A mage immediately yelled, and took the lead to run away.

Other mages also ran away in succession, preparing to avoid this sword first!


Seeing that these mages wanted to escape, Dugu Yiren's face became cold and she screamed!

Hum! !

Because the sword intent contained in this huge sword was too strong, the body of the sword trembled at the moment it dived down!

Immediately, I saw the giant sword here like a silver-white dragon descending from the sky, rushing down wildly, and the sharp piercing sound shook the eardrums of all the wizards! !

"Do not!!--"

"Don't... don't!!"

At this time, there were three wizards running slower, and the giant sword had already fallen. They were so frightened that they were stunned. They were all weakened, and they all forgot to escape!

boom! ! ——

Next second.

This silver-white giant sword rushed down and directly pierced and shattered the bodies of these three wizards!

After extinguishing these three mages, the silver-white light emitted by this giant sword spreads towards the surroundings in a semi-arc shape!

It spreads not only the light, but also the violent sword intent and air waves!

The two wizards were a little confused, and they were shrouded by the silver light before running away!


I only heard a screaming scream in this light.

Immediately, I saw two whole bodies being pierced, and two mages like blood men fell from the sky, and fell into the sea with two "plops"!

After extinguishing these two mages, the light that spread to several hundred meters in a radius also disappeared!

However, just when these mages thought that they had escaped a catastrophe, the cold and ethereal voice of Dugu Yiren resounded again!

"It's hard to get over water!!"

Hum! !

The huge sword hanging in the air trembled fiercely!

Immediately, this huge sword instantly turned into a dozen smaller huge swords, and pursued the remaining dozen mages in all directions!

"Defense!!! Defense!!!"

A mage had been frightened mad, hissed and screamed.

All the mages knew that they couldn't run away, so they all stopped escaping, but quickly played their strongest defense to resist the attack!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A violent impact sounded in various places in the air, bursting out dazzling light, like fireworks!

At this moment, the dragon master and others on the battleship in the distance witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and swallowed their throats one by one, without knowing what language to use to describe their current mood.

Too strong!

It is too powerful!

One person fought against more than 20 mages, and he was not weak at all. In just a few minutes, he killed more than ten mages... These methods are simply unimaginable!

At this moment, Ye Fei, who stood still in the air, watched the scene with a calm expression.

After learning that these mages would not cause harm to Dugu Yiren at all, he let go of his heart.

In Ye Fei's view, it was only a matter of time before Dugu Yiren beheaded the remaining mages.

Therefore, his current task is to kill Fengshen.

Thought of this.

Ye Fei's figure flashed, like an instant transfer, disappeared from the place, and appeared in front of Fengshen in the next second.

Just this speed shocked Fengshen's heart, and he wrinkled unconsciously.

"Aeolus, now we should also do it to end..."

Ye Fei looked at Fengshen calmly, calmly.

At the beginning, when I faced Fengshen for the first time, there was still a trace of fear in my heart. I used all my best at that time but only severely wounded Fengshen and failed to kill him.

But now, seeing Fengshen again, Ye Fei no longer had any fear or shock in his heart.

He looked at Fengshen as if he looked at a dying person.

After reaching the Heaven and Human Realm, after seeing a real powerhouse like Medea again, Ye Fei looked back at Fengshen and felt that it was nothing more than that.

Fengshen stared at Ye Fei sullenly, and asked with a gloomy look: "How did your strength recover? Why can your strength break so much in such a short time?!"

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said: "Fengshen, speaking of it, I have to thank you..."

"What's the meaning?"

Fengshen frowned and asked.

"If you didn't abolish me in the first place, you wouldn't have improved my mood so quickly.

If you didn't severely wound me, I would not challenge my limits again and again and go against the sky! "

Ye Fei looked at Fengshen indifferently, and said in a shocking voice: "I practice day and night, practice qigong day and night, constantly surpass myself, break through myself, just to rebirth and become stronger!

Because, there has always been a thought in my heart, that is to kill you with my own hands, and completely end the grievances between you and me!

I want you to taste the taste of being stepped on! I also want you to taste the pain of the body's riddled with holes! I also want you to taste the torture of losing your strength! ! "

Ye Fei never felt that he was a good person!

He is the underground war **** who slaughters the common people!

He is the devil in the world who dances with evil!

He is the purgatory king who reigns over the world!

If there is grudge, it is his nature to sacrifice blood with blood!

Hearing Ye Fei's words and seeing Ye Fei's gloomy face, Fengshen couldn't help feeling a monstrous cold and desolate killing intent!

Fengshen faintly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, smiled coldly, and roared: "Purgatory King, do you think you can do it?

you can not! !

You are just a small human being who dare to dream of being an enemy of our Lord God!

I can abolish you once, I can abolish you a second time, and a million times! ! "

"Really? Huh..."

Ye Fei smiled desolately, and then his eyes throbbed with blazing golden flames, and the golden light on his body skyrocketed hundreds of times again, just like the light emitted by the golden sun!

A monstrous murderous aura was released from his body, and Ye Fei's face was so gloomy under the cover of the dark clouds above his head, really like a king returning from the bloody, corpse-built world of purgatory!

The breath and coercion on his body also instantly rose to the realm of heaven and human!

This coercion, this aura spread to a hundred miles, making everyone on the battleship in the distance terrified, and felt an unprecedented strong pressure!

Everyone even stopped the fight and looked over!

"This... is this his true strength..."

The dragon master swallowed, and some of his rickety body couldn't help shaking.

"It's terrible... it's really terrible... I even feel that there is a demon hidden in this kid's body... an ancient beast!!"

Liu Quanxiu swallowed straight, his face turned pale.

The other heads with weaker cultivation bases were shivering even more, and they were overwhelmed by the pressure, and their souls were trembling deep in their souls.

The shock that the Dugu Yiren brought to them was big enough, but now they knew that the real horror and shock had just begun...

"Come on! Come and destroy me! Come and kill me!!"

Ye Fei roared, did not use his sword intent, nor did he use a sword. Instead, his body turned into a ray of sword light, and he launched a violent rush towards Fengshen!

At the moment when he was approaching Fengshen, Ye Fei squeezed a fist violently, with golden flames burning on his fist, blasting towards Fengshen's chest!

At this moment, Fengshen was already frightened by Ye Fei's coercion and breath. Seeing Ye Fei's punch, he hurriedly played a wind magic, condensing a wind wall in front of him!

boom! ! !

Ye Fei's angry punch directly smashed the wind wall made by Fengshen!

This unreasonable domineering punch is really sharp and terrifying, domineering and powerful!

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