Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2615: , How can I let it go!

Thousand-handed Rentu, Xingyue Boss, and Raksha Guijun performed their strongest martial arts together, bombarding the barrier of this ball of light!

However, what shocked the three of them was that no matter how much energy they used, they couldn't break it apart from shaking the ball of light!

The infuriating power that hit the barriers one after another seemed to be swallowed or offset by some kind of power!

"What the **** is this, I can't break it no matter how you hit it?!"

Thousands of Hands Rentu kept giving out his palms, stunned that he was sweating on his forehead, but the barrier of the ball of light was unscathed.

"Sure enough, there are so many magical envoys in the West, and he has made such a thing in such a short time!"

The old monster Xingyue condensed his sword fingers, yelling while blasting towards the barrier of the ball of light.

"Okay, stop talking, save a bit of effort and figure out how to get out!"

Raksha Ghost Lord did his best to attack the barrier of the ball of light, but it still didn't work.

At this time, the Star God standing above the ball of light, overlooking the three of them, smiled and said: "With the strength of the three of you, it is impossible to break my starry sky realm!

You should wait obediently to die! ! "

As he said, the Star God chanted a few magic spells quickly, and then waved the magic scepter in his hand!

"Starry sky array! Aurora destruction!!"

I saw that a piece of magical energy hit the ball of light, and soon, on the barrier of the ball of light, countless small six-pointed star magic arrays appeared!

These six-pointed star formations cover every corner of the light ball barrier, shining with blue light, making this light ball look like a reduced version of the vast starry sky, gorgeous and dazzling!

Immediately afterwards, these six-pointed star formations were activated, and a series of white, only finger-thin starlight aurora shot out, and bombarded the three people with thousands of hands in the center of the ball of light!

Qianshou Rentu three people naturally felt the terrifying energy contained in these aurora rays, so the three people moved at high speed in this small ball of light, avoiding the attacks of these aurora rays!

However, what made Qianshou Rentu three people desperate was that the auroral rays became more and more dense, and there were auroral rays shooting up and down, front and back, and left and right!

For a time, the dense auroral rays seemed to interweave into a web of auroral death, forming an airtight killing array!

Thousand-handed Rentu trio also knew that hiding was definitely inevitable, they could only condense the power of zhenqi in the body to form a defense of zhenqi around the body!

Shoo! ! ...

These aurora rays continuously bombarded the three of them, bursting out dazzling rays of infuriating energy and magical energy!

The three people of Qianshou Rentu continuously output the power of zhenqi in the body to strengthen the defense of zhenqi around the body.

However, with the fierce attacks of these aurora, the three of them felt more and more strenuous, and the true energy in the body was consumed too much.

"Rentu, what should we do? If we continue to consume it like this, once our qi is exhausted, then the three of us may only have a dead end!" Old Monster Xingyue frowned.

"Oh shit!"

The ghost of Raksha gritted his teeth and said: "Old man, I played eagles all my life, but I was blinded by eagles! I was caught by this guy!!"

"Okay, stop arguing and think of a solution quickly!"

Thousands of hands screamed, frowning, and while resisting the aurora attack, he thought of a way.

The old monster Xingyue and the ghost of Raksha also knew that it was not time to chat, and they started to think of a way.

The star **** standing in the sky saw the three people in the starry sky field still resisting stubbornly, and his mouth showed a mocking smile, and said: "Old guys, you should give up, you won't be able to hold on for long! Hahaha... "

The trio of Thousand Hands Ren Tu only coldly scanned the Star God above his eyes, and did not respond to his words, but frowned and continued to think of a solution.

At this moment, the eight main gods in the distance saw this scene, and the corners of their mouths smiled.

"The starry sky field created by the Star God is indeed very powerful. Even if it is mine, it is very difficult to break through in a short time." Rain God smiled lightly.

"With the current cultivation base and strength of these three old guys, it is impossible to break through the starry sky realm."

Yun Shen joked and said, "They are dead."

The other main gods all nodded, seeming to anticipate the fate of the Qianshou Rentu trio.

"Long live the Star God!!"

"Master Star God is mighty!!"

As for the people in the Alliance of the Gods in the distance, they all raised their arms and shouted excitedly when they saw the trio of Qianshou Rentu struggling in the starry sky!

At this time, the evil emperor, who had been paying attention to the movements of the other gods, saw that the three people of Qianshou Rentu were trapped, and immediately cursed: "These three idiots!"

As he said, his figure flashed, turned into a purple light, and rushed towards the ball of light, ready to help the three people of Qianshouren Tu open the space field!

"Evil Emperor, you **** finally willing to help, hurry up, open up this **** space!"

Seeing the evil emperor looting, the Thousand Arms Man Tu shouted.

However, as soon as the Evil Emperor approached, a silver ray of light swept from a distance and directly blocked the Evil Emperor's front!

The evil emperor paused and looked up and saw that standing in front of him was a silver armor, holding a silver-white magic sword, tall and mighty, with golden curly hair. A handsome man.

This man is the **** of war, Istab, whose strength is above the **** of fire, **** of water, **** of hunting, **** of wind, **** of death, and star god. He is a strong general in the alliance of all gods. He practices combat magic and is good at combat.

"Evil Emperor, how about let's fight a game?"

The God of War smiled and looked at the evil emperor, his eyes gleaming with silvery white light, full of high spirits of war.

"Get out of here!!"

The evil emperor screamed and flashed, trying to bypass the God of War and save the Thousand Arms and slaughter them.

However, the speed of the God of War also drove to the extreme, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the evil emperor again.

"Evil Emperor, anyway, we are also old friends, you directly reject me, this is not very friendly!" God of War said with a smile.

The evil emperor's face sank, and he also knew that this guy was deliberately dragging time.

It seems that I can't fight anymore.

Thinking of this, the evil emperor turned his head and screamed at the old beggar below: "Old beggar, if you **** don't die, go and help!"

With that said, the evil emperor rushed towards the God of War!

At this moment, the old beggar standing below shook his head helplessly and said: "Old beggar, I'm all injured, can't let me rest for a while?"

Of course, after all, the old beggar still slammed his foot on the ground, his body like a dragon, soaring into the sky, and skimming towards the starry sky!

At the moment when he approached the starry sky realm, the old beggar suddenly lifted his palms and slapped two palms directly towards the starry sky realm!

"Drop the palm of the dragon! Shuanglong draws water!!"

With two palms out, two golden and red dragons, roaring, rushed directly towards the starry sky domain!

"Old stuff! When did I not exist?!"

The star **** standing in the sky got cold eyes, and directly waved the magic scepter in his hand at the old beggar!

"Particle Lightwave!!"

Two blue and white particle shock waves were shot out, greeted the two golden and red dragons!

Boom! ! ——

Two golden-red fire dragons and two light waves of particles converged in the air instantly, and two thunder and explosions erupted!

Under the collision of the two forces, the two golden-red dragons and the two light waves of particles seemed to be at the same time, and they all collapsed!

The old beggar didn't have the time to fight with the star gods, but flashed his figure and continued to rush towards the starry sky barrier not far away!

"Don't think about it!!"

Naturally, the Star God would not let the old beggar succeed, and he was a dodge and stood in front of the old beggar.

The old beggar's face sank, and he also knew that it might not be so easy to save the Thousand-Handed Man and the Three People.

It seems that one can only think of a way while fighting.

Thought of this.

The old beggar did not continue to approach the starry sky domain, but rushed directly towards the star god!

As for the Poison King who was at war with the death **** in the distance, he knew the situation here a long time ago.

Although he really wanted to save the Thousand-Handed Man and the Three People, he was entangled by Death and couldn't get out.

It seems that the only way to talk about it is to kill the **** of death first.

I hope that these three idiots can hold on for a while.

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