Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2668: , Who the **** is it?

She is still Laura... but she is no longer Laura either...

Ye Fei took a deep breath, keeping the tears in his eyes from falling, and asked hoarsely, "What is your name?"

"Laura Carmenpus."

Laura replied in a cool voice.


Ye Fei smiled desolately and said, "Fortunately, your name is real..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Laura frowned slightly and seemed a little impatient.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, stared closely at Laura's eyes, and asked with a hiss: "Then have you ever really thought of yourself as a temple?

Are your feelings for your brothers and sisters sincere, or are you... all this is just your disguise? "

"Is this important?"

Laura looked at Ye Fei quietly, and asked indifferently.

"Yes, very important!"

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and replied.

In the distance, Elena, Alston, and Barr all looked at Laura closely, wanting to know the answer.

Laura just faintly glanced at the Seven Elena in the distance, then looked at Ye Fei, her voice was calm and without a trace of emotion, she said, "I was the real me...I didn't pretend, at that time What I say and do are all from my heart...

However, those are just the past...the former me, it was me, the current me, it was also me..."

Hearing Laura's words, the tears in Ye Fei's eyes finally couldn't help but flowed down.

The seven of Elena and Alston in the distance finally couldn't control their feelings, tears couldn't stop flowing down, blurred their faces...

At least it proves that everything that happened in the past is true, not a dream...

Rex looked at Laura in the distance, the fat on her face trembling, as if crying and smiling, and said: "Once upon a time, this girl was a strange girl who liked to make fun of people.

I still remember that this girl pulled Arnold in and directed a group of wolves to chase me around the Lost Island for a dozen laps...a dozen laps, I was so tired that I couldn't get out of bed for days and nights... …"

"It's not that you are going to tease this girl first... You don't know that this girl has always been bullying others. It is difficult for others to bully her..."

A nostalgic smile appeared at the corner of Barr's mouth.

"Although this girl is a girl, she is very gentleman and very righteous..."

Shi Junze let out a deep breath, and slowly said: "I still remember that in a battle, I was alone and was chased by dozens of mercenaries, almost desperate...

Unexpectedly, Laura rushed over with someone, directly beheading the dozens of mercenaries and saving me...

At that time, I really admired this little girl, not only domineering, but also fierce, she just killed more than half of the mercenaries..."

"Have you found it?"

The corner of Elena's mouth rose slightly, and said slowly: "Once, no matter who of us had an accident, this girl was always the one who arrived the first time.

At the time, I thought this girl seemed to have the ability to be a prophet, but she kept laughing and saying it was a coincidence..."

"This girl's feelings for us are true..."

Algernon's eyes were red, and he said hoarsely: "From the gifts she prepared for us, we can see that she has used her heart..."

"But why does it become like this now..."

Elena burst into tears, clutching her chest in pain, "Why do we meet again in this way... why are we enemies... all this is why..."

Elena and others are silent in the past and present pain, unable to extricate themselves.

At this moment, Ye Fei was staring at Laura closely, and slowly asked: "Laura, you should always have the ability to hide yourself, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

Laura nodded.

"No wonder..."

Ye Fei smiled bitterly, eyes full of complexity and bleakness, "I think you were captured by the enemy in a battle, but within a few days, you miraculously escaped from the enemy's camp. ...

At that time, I thought it was very strange, how could the more than 5,000 enemies let you go, and that they evacuated...

Now I want to come... I'm afraid, those five thousand people should have been killed by you..."


Laura sneered and said disdainfully: "Those people are nothing more than ants to me. I killed them only with less than one ten thousandth of the magical energy...

Moreover, you were too weak at the beginning...If I weren't there...Purgatory King, you probably wouldn't know how many times you have died..."

"Heh... The Purgatory King... What a Purgatory King..."

Ye Fei smiled sadly, looking at the girl in front of him, a look of expectation flashed in his eyes, "Girl...can you still call me... Brother Ye Fei?"

Laura slowly clenched her hands, staring at Ye Fei coldly, and sternly said: "Purgatory King, since you still recognize my sister, then I repeatedly wooed you and wooed your temple to join my alliance of gods, but why are you Don't agree?!

I have given you countless opportunities to choose, even if you kill so many people in my Alliance of Gods, I can tolerate it, and I can't care!

But why, why must you choose to stand on the opposite side of me and be my enemy? !

Don't you really think you dare not kill you, do you really think I can't kill you? ! !

If I really wanted to kill you, I'm afraid you would have died a thousand times, ten thousand times! ! ! "

At the end, Laura almost roared, and the loud voice shook the whole world.

The complex and sad emotions in the voice also moved countless people.

Hearing Laura's words, Ye Fei suddenly felt like a thunder, staying in place, and finally recovered.

It's no wonder that I killed so many gods at the beginning, and even killed so many main gods, the king of the gods didn't do anything to himself.

I thought that the king of the gods was jealous of himself, so he didn't dare to do it.

Thinking about it now, it's really ridiculous.

With the strength of a girl, it is easy for her to kill herself...

Because the king of the gods is Laura, the girl still remembers her past feelings, so she tolerated herself again and again.

Turns out to be like this... Turns out to be like this...

But it was precisely because he knew the truth of everything that Ye Fei felt even more painful.

The girl I loved the most, but now she is going to be an enemy of herself. This kind of pain is beyond Ye Fei's tolerance...

Laura took a deep breath, staring at Ye Fei firmly, and said in a shock: "Purgatory King, I will give you one last chance!

You immediately take your people out of here now, don't participate in this war again! "

Ye Fei looked at Laura, and asked sadly: "Laura...Do you really have to destroy Huaxia Guwu? Do you have to kill all Huaxia Warriors?"


Laura responded with a shock, "This is the vengeance of the Ancient Alliance and our Alliance of Gods, and I have to avenge it!!"

Ye Fei met Laura's gaze, hissed and asked: "If I didn't take anyone away, what would you do?"

"Kill without mercy..."

Laura spit out three words indifferently, an invisible murderous intent swept the audience, making everyone present tremble.

Elena, Alston and others in the distance were stunned!

Unexpectedly, Laura would really kill all of them!

When the girl said these three words, she undoubtedly put a full stop to the past and tore the former friendship to pieces...

Elena and the others felt their hearts sink to the bottom, their whole body was cold, and it was cold to the depths of the bone marrow...

"What a killer without mercy..."

Ye Fei calmed down, and slowly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, a touch of decisiveness appeared in his eyes, and he vibrated: "Laura, if you want to kill them, then kill me first!

As long as I'm still there, I won't let you hurt my relatives and friends! ! "

"Do you have to be my enemy? Do you have to force me to kill you?!!!"

Laura hissed loudly, her silver-gray pupils gleaming with dazzling light, and two hexagram patterns could even be clearly seen in the pupils.

Boom! !

Rumble! !

At this moment, the whole world changed color, lightning flashed and thunder, the world shook, and the great rivers in the distance were tumbling for it!

An aura of destruction and coercion was released, covering the sky and the earth in a radius of thousands of miles, as if the world had fallen into the realm of death!

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