Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2673: , Won't fall down!

Ye Fei's body staggered forward, blood pouring down from the air, cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

This non-linked magic is too terrifying!

Ye Fei knows how strong his body's perception of danger is!

However, after taking two consecutive palms, I couldn't even feel it!

It's so weird!

It's incredible!

The people in the distance were also quite puzzled. It was just now that Ye Fei seemed to have the upper hand, but now, why did he suddenly vomit blood?

Therefore, not only Ye Fei, but no one else knows how Laura moved her hand, and how Ye Fei injured him!

Ye Fei took a sigh of relief and grasped the huge sword of innocent energy in his hand. When he was about to continue rushing towards Laura, but in all directions, one invisible giant palm came over!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

For a moment, Ye Fei's whole person seemed to have become a fleshy sandbag, and his body was under the bombardment of invisible giant palms!

Under this constant bombardment, Ye Fei had no power to fight back at all!

Although Ye Fei thought about avoiding during this period, but because he couldn't detect where the next attack would appear, he couldn't avoid it at all!

Ye Fei also thought about counterattack, but no matter how many swords he swung, it would not have any effect at all!

A mouthful of thick blood sprayed out of Ye Fei's mouth, shocking!

Ye Fei had recovered more than half of his body. At this moment, his whole body was stained red with blood again, and he suffered heavy injuries both inside and outside!

If it wasn't for a body with sword intent to resist, I am afraid that at this moment, I would have been photographed into fleshy meat!

The people in the distance looked at Ye Fei, who was unable to resist, and couldn't bear to look at it again. Some screamed, and others started crying!

If Gu Qingcheng, Dugu Yiren and other women hadn't been dragged, I'm afraid they would have rushed forward desperately at this moment...

"Laura! Stop! Stop! Please stop! If this goes on, the king will really die!!"

Elena whirled in tears, clutching her heart, pleading with Laura, and even fell to the ground.

"Elena, don't beg her, she is not Laura, she is a devil now!!"

Alston roared and helped Elena up.

"Sister Laura, don't beat Brother Ye Fei! Don't!"

Arnold couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed in the direction of Ye Fei.

However, before he ran far, an invisible giant palm directly photographed him back!


Arnold fell heavily to the ground, spouting blood from his mouth.


Elena, Alston and others were all frightened and ran over quickly.

Alston picked up Arnold, tears in his eyes, hissing roared: "Laura, are you crazy?! Even Arnold hits?!!!"

"Since you really want to step on our previous feelings, what use is there to keep the dagger you gave me!!"

With a roar, Algernon directly took out a dagger once given to him by Laura, clenched his hands, and slammed it off with a "click"!

And Algernon's hands were also cut by the blade, and the blood on his hands couldn't stop flowing down!

However, compared to the pain in his hand, his heart was even more painful, as if he was dripping blood!

"The pirate ship model you gave me, I will return it to you now!!"

With a roar, Allston took out a palm-sized exquisite pirate ship model from his arms, and threw it directly at Laura!

The moment this pirate ship model was thrown into the air, it was shot to pieces by an invisible giant palm!

When the pirate ship model shattered, Alston felt that he heard the sound of heartbreak, and a mouthful of blood poured out directly.


This iron man, the iron man who has always shed blood without tears, at this moment, he cried out, and tears couldn't stop flowing down Niu's big eyes.

"Laura...why...this is why..."

Shi Junze directly slumped on the ground, muttering to himself, lowering his head slightly, tears falling on the ground one by one, dampening the dust on the ground.

"You lunatic! You devil! From today onwards, we will be absolutely gracious!!"

Barr directly took out a pistol once given to him by Laura, then squeezed it with a big hand, enduring the grief in his heart, and squeezed it into a pile of scrap iron!

"Don't... don't scold Laura... sister... don't... scold her..."

Arnold, lying in Alston’s arms, said weakly, "Sister Laura...definitely...definitely not want to be like this...I used to...Sister Laura...will definitely come back..."

Hearing Arnold's words, Elena, Alston and the others felt pain in their hearts, their noses were sour, and the tears could not stop...

At this time, Laura, standing high in the sky, looked at Elena, Alston and others in the distance. Seeing what they had just done and a sentence, she couldn't help covering her heart, not knowing when, A pair of beautiful silver-gray eyes are already moist...

The scenes of herself and everyone living together flashed in her mind like playing a movie...

Those joyful, happy, sad, and sad pasts flooded into her mind like a tide...

However, I am the king of the gods in the Alliance of Gods, and I have promised my father to complete his revenge plan. How can I be caught by these feelings...

Can't... Can't!


Laura let out a mournful cry, and continued to strengthen the magical energy!

Countless invisible giant palms bombarded Ye Fei with even more swift power!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

The sword intent on Ye Fei's body could no longer withstand the continuous violent impact, and it broke directly!

Pong Pong Pong! ! ...

Without the resistance of the body of sword intent, the invisible giant palms directly bombarded Ye Fei's body, making dull sounds, and even bursts of bone cracking!

Ye Fei felt dizzy, and painful pain came from every part of his body!

However, even if the body hurts again, it can't compare to distressed!

He saw the scene where Laura beat Arnold to vomit blood...

He saw a scene where Elena, Alston and others begged Laura for mercy but received no response...

He saw the scene where Barr, Algernon, and Alston personally destroyed the gifts Laura gave them...

He also saw Dugu Yiren and Gu Qingcheng and other women, the warriors of the temple, the grief-stricken appearances of those warriors...

I can no longer continue to be passively beaten like this!

Must fight back!

Fight back! !


Ye Fei opened his arms, and raised his eyes to the sky and let out a scream that shook the sky and the earth!

For a while, the body of sword intent on his body reappeared, emitting this dazzling golden light, and even more intense golden flames burned in his pupils!

This is the undefeated flame!

This is the flame of anger!

This is an unwilling flame!

This is a roaring flame!

Ye Fei abruptly withstood the continued bombardment of those invisible giant palms, and then violently swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand and swung a sword towards the sky!

"Ancient Sword Dragon!!!"

Accompanied by a shaking voice!

Immediately afterwards, the sky resounded like the sounds of ancient dragons from ancient times!

Five hundred-meter-long golden stegosaurus directly soared down from the sky, and rushed towards Laura below with a domineering and unrequited power!

These five stegosaurus seemed to feel the resentment in Ye Fei's heart, and seemed to completely destroy Laura!

"Space imprisonment!!!"

Laura also felt the coercion of these five stegosaurus, which was more terrifying than before, so she played a stronger magical energy!

In an instant, the five stegosaurus were directly imprisoned in the sky, motionless!


Ye Fei let out a loud shout, once again strengthening the sword intent of the five stegosaurus!

Cang Dang! ! ——

Boom! !

These five stegosaurus directly broke through the invisible space and continued to crush Laura!

Seeing these five stegosaurus continue to rush towards her, Laura frowned, her eyes flashed with a touch of astonishment, it seemed that Ye Fei's sword intent could break away from her own space confinement!

Laura trembled in her heart, she didn't care any more, instead she opened her arms, and she made a sound of screaming sweet drink in her mouth!

"Forbidden magic! Space teleportation!!"

In an instant, a huge silver-gray six-pointed star circle appeared in the sky above the five stegosaurus, and the surrounding air produced violent fluctuations...

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