Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2687: , Ready to move!

Now, the weather has turned cooler, but the man just wore a thin shirt, but he didn't seem to feel any cold or discomfort.

Moreover, at the moment when he saw this man, Ye Fei was stunned!

Although I don't know this man, I have met him!

After that side, I firmly remembered this person's looks!

After all, he helped himself, and it helped a lot!

Why is he?

Moreover, how could he find himself?

Ye Fei stared at the man closely, and countless questions flashed in his heart.

Soon, the man walked over and sat down opposite Ye Fei with a grin.

Immediately, the man picked up a wine glass, poured himself a glass of wine, and then took a sip without a word.


The man breathed a sigh of alcohol, smashed his mouth, said: "Oh, the wine here is not very good, it is a bit impure, it seems to be mixed with some water."

"Senior, have we met?"

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and asked.

"Yes, I have seen it."

The man smiled and nodded.

"Star Island?"

Ye Fei asked again.

The man was shocked and said, "Oh, that island is called Xingchen Island, but it's a good name."

Hearing the man's answer, Ye Fei had already determined that this man was the man who had pointed his swordsmanship on the Star Island at that time.

And, somehow, Ye Fei felt that this man's voice was familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Ye Fei thought for a moment, and his pupils suddenly shrank, with a "boom", as if a thunder exploded in his mind!

Yes, definitely yes, absolutely can't be wrong!

More than a month ago, when he was dying by Laura in the ancient martial arts world, this man gave himself a voice transmission and instructed himself on his "Heavenly Good Fortune Art" and "Ancient Swordsmanship"!

Ye Fei held the hand of the wine glass, trembling lightly, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you... on earth?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you before, why do you still ask?"

The man curled his lips, picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Ye Fei, smiled proudly, and said: "Boy, my name is Ye Hetu, it's your old man!"

Therefore, this middle-aged man is exactly Ye Hetu!

Ye Fei trembled all over, as if he had been electrocuted.

He held the wine glass tightly, stared at Ye Hetu, and said, "You...really... my father?"

"Of course it is true, is this still false?"

Ye Hetu smiled and said, "Don't you think your eyebrows look like me? And you should feel that the aura on my body is very similar to you, right?"

In fact, Ye Fei has basically determined that this man should be his father.

However, Ye Fei was still a little unacceptable for a while.

After all, I have never seen my father since I was a child.

After so many years, I have been searching hard and finally recognized my mother, but there is still no whereabouts of my father.

Now, his father suddenly appeared, this kind of impact was great.

Ye Fei raised his head and drank a glass of wine, the liquor slid down his throat, making Ye Fei feel the burning sensation clearly.

This also proves that I am indeed not dreaming, and everything that is happening now is true.


Ye Fei suddenly slapped the wine glass on the table, his eyes were red, and his voice hoarse: "Since you are my father, where have you been in these years, why haven't you appeared?!

I grew up with no father and no mother, and I suffered from countless people's cold eyes and ridicule, do you know? !

Later, it was the master who took me out of the orphanage and taught me what I was capable of, so that I was able to live in this world with difficulty!

Until I have achieved a little bit, I have been looking for you and my mother, but there is still no clue!

Until last year, I finally found my mother and recognized her!

I thought I would hate her, but I can't hate it at all...because she has been alone for so many years, waiting for you, looking forward to your return!

As a man, a husband, and a father, why are you so cruel to leave me and my mother behind? Why? ! ! "

Ye Hetu frowned slightly, looked at Ye Fei deeply, and said, "Boy, do you think I don't want to be with you two?

Do you think I don't want to come back, don't I want to show up?

That's because I also have my difficulties! "


Ye Fei chuckled lightly and said, "What are your difficulties? You just have time today. You can tell me well..."

Ye Hetu sighed lightly and said: "We father and son have not seen each other for so many years. Now that we have met, we should sit down and have a good chat..."

With that, Ye Hetu stretched out his hand at Ye Fei.

"What are you doing?" Ye Fei said in an unhappy manner.

"Give me a cigarette." Ye Hetu said cheekily.

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched, and he said to his heart, this guy is not only cheap, but his face is not generally thick, which is quite similar to himself.


Ye Fei shot the smoke and lighter in front of Ye Hetu.

Ye Hetu drew out a cigarette, "Bata" inhaled, slowly spit out a cigarette, and asked with a smile: "Boy, what do you think of the power of the mages in the Alliance of Gods?"

"Very strong."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "At least I've tried this battle."

"Very strong? Haha..."

Ye Hetu snorted and said, "These mages are just like kids in my eyes, and I can't use strong words to describe them.

However, the strength of the king of the gods is pretty good, so he can barely be regarded as a strong one. "


Ye Fei blanked his eyes at Ye Hetu, and said, "It seems like you are very good!"

"I'm not good, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Ye Hetu smiled domineeringly, and said, "If it weren't for me to help secretly several times, do you think your kid can live to this day, sitting here drinking and chatting with me?"


When Ye Fei heard it, he was speechless. There was indeed nothing to refute.

In fact, Ye Fei knew that Ye Hetu must be very strong, but Ye Fei didn't know how strong he was.

Ye Fei only knew that every time he passed his guidance, he would have new gains, even breakthroughs.

Ye Hetu took a bunch of waists and took a bite, and then said: "Boy, I'll tell you the truth... The Alliance of Gods is nothing more than the puppets and chess pieces supported by those people on this plane.

The purpose of those guys supporting these chess pieces is to eliminate Huaxia Guwu, and then to carry out their next plan.

Once, the Alliance of Gods attacked the ancient martial world, but it failed... I didn't expect that in 200 years today, they would continue to make a comeback. Tsk tsk, they are really immortal..."

"Those people? Chess pieces? Puppets? Plans?"

After listening to Ye Hetu's words, Ye Fei was immediately confused, feeling very inexplicable.

Ye Hetu faintly said: "Boy, I know that now I will tell you the whole truth of the matter at once, and it will be difficult for you to accept it for a while.

But now it has reached the most critical period, so I have to tell you some things in advance so that you can be prepared.

In fact, those people in the Alliance of Gods are nothing more than a group of wizards who practiced magic. They dare to call themselves gods, which is simply funny.

In fact, the talents behind the Alliance of Gods are the real master gods. They possess divine power and are very powerful. They are not comparable to magic, so they can be regarded as true gods..."

Seeing Ye Hetu's serious and deep look, Ye Fei felt that Ye Hetu shouldn't be joking, so he asked, "Who are the people behind the League of Gods?"

Ye Hetu squinted his eyes and said, "Actually, there are still legends about those guys in the West, but they are not just legends, but real.

Among those people, there are eleven major gods, and the true king of the gods is Odin, but in fact they are the **** of love Frigga, the **** of Thor, the goddess Sif, the **** of light Frey, the **** of fire Loki, God of War Tyr, God of Desire, Freya, Patron God of Heimdall, God of Darkness, Hordell, God of Vengeance, Vader...

In addition, there are other gods, but because those gods are not as strong as these eleven people, they are not ranked..."

"I didn't expect these gods in the West to actually exist... I always thought it was just a legend..."

Ye Fei murmured, stunned that all three views were refreshed.

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