"Do not!!--"

Greedy Wolf uttered the last hysterical sound of panic, and then was completely annihilated by the golden light...

In an instant.

Nine stegosaurus hit the huge body of the wolf, like a comet hitting the earth! !

It's like Nine Dragons destroying the world!

boom! ! ! ——

An earth-shaking, magnificent explosion resounded! !

At this moment, the greedy wolf is no longer visible, only the semicircularly spreading golden light, illuminating the sky and the sea, just like day!

The light gradually spread, and golden shock waves rushed madly in all directions, tearing open the void, and punching the sea into deep pits, which were hard to heal for a long time!

Those tumbling water columns are shocking, as if they connect the sky and the sea!

The destructive power of this sword intent is enough to sink an island and destroy a city!

Ye Fei and Laura in the distance stared at this scene closely, a hanging heart still did not fall.

Because Greedy Wolf came from that place after all, it is still unknown whether the two can kill him if they work together.

After all, Ye Fei and Laura had never confronted a real god, and they didn't know where the limits of those guys were.

Time passed by every minute.

In that area, the light was still flashing, and the bombing sound still did not end.

Just a few minutes is as long as a century.


The light gradually dissipated, and the explosion stopped.

Ye Fei and Laura looked up and saw that there were no more greedy wolves in that area.

Only, there was only a large piece of black residue that floated from the sky into the sea.

"Damn...finally dead..."

Ye Fei said lightly, and a hanging heart also fell.

It seems that the guys from that place are not invincible, and they also have limits.

Of course, Ye Fei knew very well in his heart that it would be really difficult to kill the greedy wolf if he only relied on his own strength.

This is enough to prove that Greed Wolf's strength is far above him.


Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, and a firm color appeared in his eyes.

Today, his strength is still not enough, and he has to continue to improve.

At this moment, Laura saw that the greedy wolf was finally eliminated, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and then her eyes closed, and she fell directly from the sky.


Ye Fei exclaimed, his body dived down suddenly, and quickly hugged Laura.

After all, Laura needs a strong mental power to cast magic, especially when she has just been injured, she needs a stronger mental power to support her.

Although Laura used the last mental power and magical energy to bear the supernatural power of the wolf-greedy, but she was also hit hard, so she fainted.

"Laura, it's okay..."

Ye Fei looked at Laura distressedly, then turned into a ray of sword light, left the sea, and rushed towards the Maple Leaf Villa No.6.

At this time, Maple Leaf Villa No.6.

In the lobby on the first floor.

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, Zhang Baokun, and Tang Yu were all sitting in the living room, waiting anxiously.

"Sister, Fei will be fine this time?" Gu Xiaoran asked nervously.

"Nothing will happen."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, and said, "Laura helps again, they will definitely be fine..."

But that being said, Gu Qingcheng's eyes were also full of worry.

After all, they all saw the terrifying and destructive power of Greed Wolf. Although they trusted Ye Fei, they had no bottom.

"I believe that Brother Fei will definitely defeat that monster!"

Zhang Baokun said something.

"Yes, Fei will definitely win!"

Tang Yu grinned and nodded.

After all, they had encountered countless powerful enemies with Fei Ge, but Fei Ge was still able to turn the tide in the end.

Therefore, they have a paranoid trust in Ye Fei.

Soon, five or six minutes passed.

Gu Qingcheng glanced at the time, stood up directly, and said, "No, we can't wait any longer, we must find them!"

"Sister, I will accompany you to find!"

Gu Xiaoran also stood up.

"Let's go too!"

Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu also stood up.

"I will contact the Jagged Alliance Shadow Team now and let everyone find Brother Fei!"

Tang Yu said, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

But at this moment, only a "clang" was heard, and the door of the villa was knocked open.

Ye Fei, covered in blood, rushed in from outside holding the unconscious Laura.

"Ye Fei!!"

"Brother Fei!!"

Seeing that the person coming in was Ye Fei, Gu Qingcheng and the others couldn't help exclaiming, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Ye Fei, what's wrong with Laura?"

Gu Qingcheng saw Laura in Ye Fei's arms and asked anxiously.

"In the battle just now, Laura was injured, coupled with too much mental energy consumption, so she passed out in a coma.

I'll talk about the details later, let me treat Laura first. "

Ye Fei said, he hugged Laura directly, went into his room, and then gently put the **** the bed.

Gu Qingcheng and the others quickly followed in.

After Ye Fei put Laura on the bed, he pulsed for Laura.

"Is Laura okay?" Gu Qingcheng asked.

"She's just a little weak, and it's okay."

Ye Fei said, he directly took out the Bianque magic needle, and then applied the needle to Laura.

While Ye Fei was applying the needle, Gu Qingcheng and several people stood by the bed, silently waiting.

A few minutes passed.

At the end of the treatment, Ye Fei waved his right hand and retracted the Bianstone needle, and said: "Laura is all right, let her take a good rest."

"Ye Fei, you go out first. Xiao Ran and I will clean Laura and change clothes." Gu Qingcheng said.

Ye Fei stunned, smiled gently, and said, "Qingcheng, it's still as thoughtful as you think."

With that said, Ye Fei changed a shirt, and then left the room with Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu and went to the living room.

After Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran washed Laura's body and changed their clothes, they went to the living room.

"Ye Fei, tell us, where did you go just now, what happened, and did the saboteur wipe out?" Gu Qingcheng sat down and asked.

Ye Fei nodded and told Gu Qingcheng about what happened not long ago.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, the faces of Gu Qingcheng's several people sank, and their eyes were full of consternation.

"Is that guy really from that place?" Gu Qingcheng asked.

"It shouldn't be wrong."

Ye Fei nodded and replied.

"My goodness……"

Gu Xiaoran said in shock: "Just one person, you need Fei brother, you and Laura sister to join forces to eliminate, then if all those guys are killed, then how terrifying..."

Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu also frowned tightly, their faces full of solemn expressions.

After all, they knew how strong Ye Fei and Laura were.

It can be said that in today's world, I am afraid that only Ye Fei and Laura are the strongest existence.

However, the two powerhouses were barely able to kill the greedy wolf. One can imagine how big the disparity in strength is.

Ye Fei sighed lightly and said, "Sure enough, there are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky...

Through this battle, I also know how big the gap between my strength and theirs is...

Therefore, from now on, we all have to hurry up and practice, otherwise we can't stop the catastrophe in the future..."

Gu Qingcheng and the others also nodded vigorously.

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone go and rest."

Ye Fei said something, then got up and left the living room, back to his room.

After returning to the room.

Ye Fei moved a chair and sat on the side of the bed, quietly accompanying Laura.

However, the night was long, and Ye Fei didn't intend to sleep anyway, so he began to practice.

Waiting while cultivating will not waste time.


Around one o'clock in the morning.

Blue Night Bar.

The mixed air is filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol, and the music is turned on to the maximum, almost deaf ears. Both men and women are madly twisting their waists and hips on the dance floor, indulging in indulgence.

At this time, in a dimly lit corner.

A thin man with glasses and a white shirt was drinking sullen wine bit by bit.

However, his eyes were staring at a deck firmly.

On that deck, a group of people sat.

These people portray dragons and tigers on their bodies, and they look like lunatics.

One of the fat-headed, bald-headed man wearing a gold necklace is holding a revealingly dressed, gorgeous woman, drinking.

The bald man held a wine glass in one hand, and walked downstream behind the woman with the other hand.

Seeing this scene, the eye of the man with glasses in the corner was full of strong anger and bloodshot. He clenched his fist suddenly and slammed it on the table, "Damn..."

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