Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2735: , It's all messed up!

"Brother Fei, you can be regarded as coming back, you don't know that in the past few days you left, the whole Ninghai, and even other provinces and cities have been messed up!"

Gu Xiaoran screamed and said: "I don't know how it was done, there are suddenly more people with special powers in the society!

But when these people have the power, they are absolutely bad. They don't do good deeds, but only know to do evil! "

Ye Fei frowned and said: "I heard about this on the way back, and I also caught a few guys with special powers and asked.

Those guys said that they had gained power after drinking a potion, and everyone who drank these potions called themselves ‘believers of God’. "

"Believers of God?!"

Hearing what Ye Fei said, the three of Gu Qingcheng were a little dazed, and they didn't understand what this meant.

At this moment, Laura suddenly thought of something and said: "Brother Ye Fei, do you think these guys are doing this?"

"You are talking about the gods in the realm of nothingness, right?" Ye Fei asked.


Laura nodded.

"Actually, I thought about that too."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "It's just that, if it's really a ghost of those guys, what's their purpose?

The purpose of those guys is to destroy all humans, but they endow humans with divine power. How can this be explained? "

"Do they want humans to kill each other, wait until there are not many humans left, and then take advantage of the emptiness to launch an attack on humans?" Laura said.

"Laura, this idea of ​​yours is possible."

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "However, I always feel that things are not that simple."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the faces of Gu Qingcheng's trio were full of worries.

Everyone wanted to live a peaceful life, but you didn't know the storm after another.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit too depressing, Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well, everyone, don't be so pessimistic, at least now only China has such a person, so we can still control it..."

"Ye Fei... do you really think... only Huaxia has this kind of person?" Gu Qingcheng's voice trembled.

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Fei was a little confused.

Laura sighed lightly and said, "Brother Ye Fei, come over and read the news."

Ye Fei did not speak any more, but walked over and watched the TV.

At this time, news is being broadcast on TV. In addition to domestic news, there are also foreign news. The scenes are switched on the TV one by one.

Seeing the scenes on TV, Ye Fei's face suddenly sank, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

It turned out that it was not just that people with special powers appeared in China, but it turned out that such people also appeared in other countries, and there were still a lot of them.

These people with special powers completely released the beasts in their hearts, looting, killing, and sabotage everywhere, doing everything they want.

In every city in every country, there are fires and thick smoke everywhere, and there are people with despair on their faces, screaming and fleeing in terror.

Various countries have sent police, special forces, and special agents to suppress and arrest them.

However, those guys are extremely crazy, violently resisting the suppression and arrest of these police, special forces and agents.

The deaths and injuries on both sides were severe and shocking.

The governments of various countries are in a state of desperation, but they did not give up hope, but decided to fight these riotous thugs to the end...

Seeing these pictures on TV and seeing those desperate faces, Ye Fei felt a little unbearable.

Ye Fei picked up the remote control and turned off the TV directly.


Ye Fei exhaled deeply and wiped his face heavily.

Although these people didn't know him, seeing so many innocent people dying tragically, even if Ye Fei's heart was cold and indifferent, he couldn't be indifferent.

Comparing your heart to your heart, what will happen to yourself if the people who are suffering are relatives and friends around you?

I'm afraid I will really go crazy, and will kill all...

Although Ye Fei never felt that he was a good person, he never thought about being a savior.

But at this moment, Ye Fei felt that he still had to do something, even if he didn't become the savior, he still had to do something for the innocent people who died tragically...

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran and Laura on the side had red eyes, and they were very sad.

"Ye Fei, should we do something?"

At this time, Gu Qingcheng looked at Ye Fei with red eyes, and said something softly.

"It's time to do something..."

Ye Fei nodded, took out his phone, and first called Shi Junze.

The phone rang for a while and was connected.

"Boss?! I was thinking about calling you, but I didn't expect you to call!"

Shi Junze's voice came over and said, "Boss, now the whole world and various countries have riots, do you know it?"

"Yeah. I know."

Ye Fei replied.

"Boss, what are you talking about? Why do so many people with special abilities suddenly pop up?" Shi Junze asked.

"These people become like this after drinking a certain potion. As for who spread the potion, I don't have a clue at this time."

Ye Fei replied, and then said, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Now Huaxia's side is responsible for suppressing and arresting these guys.

These guys have special abilities, and ordinary police and special forces can't do anything about it. Therefore, you have to send out dragon souls, hidden dragons, and other elite warriors who have practiced ancient martial arts.

Also, you immediately contact the ancient martial arts faction in the secular world and let them participate in the suppression and arrest work together. "

"Boss, Hidden Dragon, Dragon Soul, and other elite troops I can command, but those ancient martial sects probably won't listen to me!" Shi Junze said.

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and he said, "If anyone doesn't listen, just tell him. Once this incident is over, I will visit Ye Fei one by one."

"Boss, with your words, I think those guys should cooperate obediently."

Shi Junze replied, and then helplessly said: "I am too miserable, I have just become the dragon master, and I have to deal with such a big stall..."

"You are not the only one busy now."

Ye Fei replied, and then hung up the phone.

Immediately, Ye Fei made another call and called Barr.

The call is connected.

"Boss, what's your order?"

Barr's low voice came over.

"Barr, you probably already know about the riots in various countries around the world, right?" Ye Fei asked.


Barr replied, and then asked: "Boss, shall we intervene in this matter?"

Ye Fei gave a "um" and shook his voice: "Barr, you immediately contact the governments of the Middle East countries and tell them that you are willing to join forces with them to suppress the riots. If anyone doesn't listen, just kill them!

Also, the power of the purgatory mercenary group alone is not enough, so you have to organize all the mercenary groups in the Middle East and work together!

If those mercenary groups are unwilling to participate in this matter, then there is no need for them to exist! "

"Yes, boss, promise to complete the task!"

Barr responded loudly.

Ye Fei hung up the phone, then made another call to Alston, Algernon, Rex, Arnold and others, and gave orders.

"The big sea monster, don't float on the sea, now, immediately, immediately, land with the'Sea Demon' and all affiliated pirate organizations to participate in suppressing the riots in various countries!"

"Algernon, put aside the work at hand for the time being, contact the governments of European countries, bring all the killers of the'fallen angels' and other killer organizations, and work with them to suppress and arrest those who have special abilities in European countries. !"

"Hei fat man, don't worry about playing now, you have spent so much money to raise so many mercenary groups and bodyguards, now is the time for them to come out and do something!

You and Arnold will join forces with the governments of South America and North America, and participate in the suppression and arrest of thugs with special abilities! "

"Arnold, take your beast army, it's time to come out and move!"


At this moment, Ye Fei was sitting in the living room, making one call after another, giving orders one by one, simple and straightforward, without any muddle, really like a king commanding thousands of troops and conquering cities!

"Brother Fei is so handsome..."

Gu Xiaoran on the side stared at the stars and said something softly.

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