Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2765: , Need to explain!

Seeing more than a dozen swords slashing towards him, Yang Nuolan was so frightened that he raised his throat!

She hurriedly flashed to the side, only then barely avoided these dozen swords!

Click! !

A series of light blades fell, and Yang Nuolan had just stood at the position where several deep holes were cut on the solid concrete floor!

As for the cars behind, they were directly split in half!

Seeing this scene, Yang Nuolan was startled in a cold sweat, and his face turned pale!

Although she had discussed with everyone on the Lost Island before, she had never experienced a real battle like this!

However, Yang Nuolan suppressed the fear in his heart and decided to let go!

If you want to not become a burden and drag on Ye Fei in the future, you must grow up!

Thought of this.

Yang Nuolan mobilized his true energy again, and made a more complicated handprint with both hands, then his hands became palms, and he slammed out at the dozen or so Paladins!

"Fu Moyin!!"

Accompanied by Yang Nuolan's soft drink, two huge black and gold handprints blasted out!

Moreover, at the moment it blasted out, these two black and gold handprints suddenly enlarged, and the pressure they carried was more than ten times stronger than the "diamond seal" just now!

The dozen or so paladins looked cold, and slammed their swords sharply, slashing towards the two huge black and gold handprints!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by bursts of sharp roar!

Although these two black and gold Fumo Seals were destroyed, the power of true energy contained in them spread out!


Accompanied by screams, the dozen or so paladins were directly blasted out by the force of true energy, and blood was vomited from their mouths!

Seeing this scene, Yang Nuolan was overjoyed, and it seemed that his cultivation was not in vain.


The paladin who took the lead saw this, he was shocked, and gritted his teeth: "Are you all rubbish? Can't even handle a woman?!"

With that said, the paladin who took the lead, holding a silver giant sword, personally shot, and launched a charge towards Yang Nuolan!

Huh! !

The speed of this paladin was very fast, approaching Yang Nuolan almost in the blink of an eye!


The Paladin screamed, holding a sword in both arms, and slammed down at Yang Nuolan!

Faced with this powerful sword, Yang Nuolan couldn't parry at all, but could only avoid it!

She flashed to the side suddenly, the sword almost fell against her arm!


Yang Nuolan snorted painfully, the clothes on his arms were cut open, and the white skin was cut open. The blood overflowed and the white shirt was dyed red.

This failed sword smashed heavily on a stone pillar, and this strong stone pillar made of reinforced concrete was directly split!

The paladin saw a sword pierce the air, raised a sword again, and slashed towards Yang Nuolan!

Huh! !

A silver-white blade of light swept out, not only powerful, but also as fast as lightning, tearing the air apart and making a harsh sonic boom!

Yang Nuolan endured the pain from his arm, and his soft body leaned back towards the rear, before he could avoid the sword!

"Wind and Fire!"

After avoiding this sword, Yang Nuolan didn't straighten up quickly, condensed his true energy, made another handprint with both hands, and then pushed toward the paladin!

Boom! !

I saw that two handprints burning with scarlet flames swept through two violent tornadoes and smashed toward the Paladin!

Compared with the "Diamond Seal" and the "Fu Moyin", the power of "Wind and Fire Seal" has skyrocketed more than ten times again!

Two crimson handprints rolled over, like a fire lotus, burning the cold air, emitting a wisp of white air!

"Holy Light Slash!!"

The paladin's complexion changed, he raised the sword in his hand, swung two swords in succession, brought out two broad blades, and smashed the two wind and fire marks!

Boom! !

The two swords fell, making a deafening sound, bursting into flames!

Although the two swords of this paladin were powerful, they did not destroy the wind and fire!

Seeing these two wind and fire imprints continue to hit him, the paladin suddenly set up the silver giant sword in his hand to resist!

laugh! !

Although it was blocked, these two wind and fire marks pushed the paladin back again and again, making two clear marks on the ground!


The paladin was forced back more than ten meters in a row. He held a sword in both hands, and his arms shook suddenly, and directly shook the two wind and fire marks away!

"Judgment cut!!"

Immediately, he slammed a sword, drew a gorgeous silver arc in the air, and slashed towards the two wind and fire seals!

With a "boom", these two seals of wind and fire after all failed to withstand the sword and were directly destroyed!

When Yang Nuolan saw this, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After all, "Wind and Fire" is the strongest move she can display today.

Although there are stronger moves on top of "Wind and Fire", she hasn't learned it at all now.

The Paladin sighed softly and sneered: "Why, don't you just have such a trick?"

Yang Nuolan bit her teeth, and once again played the "Diamond Seal", "Fumo Seal" and "Wind Fire Seal" in succession!

However, the paladin who took the lead swung several swords in a row, directly breaking these three types of seals!


The Paladin chuckled and said, "It seems that you can only use these tricks..."

The other paladins also showed joking smiles at this moment, and surrounded Yang Nuolan.

"You...Don't come here!!"

A look of horror and regret appeared on Yang Nuolan's face.

Knowing that there is today, I should work harder to cultivate and improve my strength.

"Beauty, who calls you the woman of the Purgatory King? Blame the Purgatory King..."

As he said, the paladin who took the lead raised his hand, preparing to order Yang Nuolan to be killed.

However, at the moment he was about to wave his hand...

A golden sword light rushed over, and with a "pouch", it fiercely inserted into his heart!

All the paladins turned their heads and looked around, and saw that a golden sword stabbed out of the heart of the paladin who took the lead, and then the solid golden sword slowly disappeared...

There was a blood hole in the heart of this paladin, and the blood could not stop pouring out!

The other Paladins were all stupid, and their faces were full of horror!

"Why come to find death?"

At this time, a cold and indifferent voice came from behind.

All the Paladins hurriedly turned and looked around, and saw a thin and tall figure approaching from a distance.

Although this figure seemed to be walking slowly, it appeared in front of the group of Paladins in the blink of an eye.

"Ye Fei!!"

Seeing this figure, Yang Nuolan shouted excitedly.

"The Purgatory King... he... he is the Purgatory King!!"

A paladin quickly recognized this figure.

When the other Paladins heard it, they trembled involuntarily.

Once, the name of the purgatory king resounded throughout the world, making countless people frightened.

Now, after the last great war, the purgatory king once again shakes the world and makes countless people admire, admire and awe.

Now that I saw the Purgatory King with my own eyes, these paladins felt that this Chinese man was very ordinary, but their souls trembled by the aura and coercion on his body.

If he is really ordinary, why didn't he notice when he approached?

If he is really ordinary, then why can he quietly kill their heads?

Seeing the arrival of the purgatory king, these paladins were dumbfounded and panicked, and stood there motionless.

Ye Fei just glanced at these paladins lightly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, just like seeing a group of dead people.

After looking at these paladins, Ye Fei ignored them. Instead, he picked up Yang Nuolan's woolen coat, high heels and bag from the ground, and then walked towards Yang Nuolan.

Seeing the woman's messy hair and the scars on her arms, Ye Fei touched the woman's face with distress, took Yang Nuolan's hand, and said, "Go, let's go home."

"Then they..."

Yang Nuolan pointed to the Paladins.


Ye Fei spit out a word softly, and then with a thought, he released a murderous sword intent!

In an instant, a golden sword was suspended in the air, and then with a desolate killing force, it shot out at the Paladins!

Next second.

When the golden sword disappeared, the throats of the forty-nine paladins were all slit, without even screaming, they fell to the ground with a crash, blood flowing out...

One sword, forty-nine lives!

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