Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2781: , The love in my heart!

"Wang, they are almost catching up, what should I do?" Elena said anxiously to the Chinese man.

"Since I can't run away, it's a big deal to fight with them!!" The Chinese man said with bloodshot eyes.

"Boss, this is absolutely impossible. If we try hard, then we will not be able to survive!" Shi Junze replied.

"Junze, are you scared?" The Chinese man said solemnly.

Shi Junze smiled desolately, and said: "Boss, my Shi Junze has never been afraid of anyone, and I am not afraid of death!

However, we can't just die in vain!

If we die like this, then who will avenge the dead brothers? ! "

Hearing Shi Junze's words, the Chinese man fell silent, his face full of pain.

Yes, if everyone is dead, who can avenge the dead brothers?

However, at this moment, Terrence and Nelson, who were already very weak, jumped directly from the backs of the Chinese man and Barr.

"Terrence, Nelson! What are you doing?!" The Chinese man said in a puzzled way.

Terrence directly drew two guns and said to the Chinese man: "Boss, it is an honor for Terrence to be able to join the temple and accompany my brothers to fight everywhere!

Now that Nelson and I have been seriously injured, it is impossible to escape... Rather than let us be a drag on everyone, let us finally make a little contribution to the temple!

Boss, we must take good care and live with everyone's hopes so that our temple will become the largest organization in the world! ! "

"Elena, Jayne, Barr, the boss will be handed over to you! In the next life, we will be brothers for the next life!!"

Nelson said something to the three of Elena, and then together with Terrence, with the remaining twenty temple warriors, rushed towards the warriors who were chasing them!

"The temple is eternal, and the strong are invincible!!"

"The strong are invincible! Hahaha!!!..."

Terrence and Nelson laughed wildly, and brought those two dozen warriors to fight directly with the enemies who were chasing them!

Screams, roars, roars, resounded!

"Elena, Baal, Junze, what are you doing in a daze, go, go and help!!"

The Chinese man roared, drew a gun, and rushed to help.

"Boss, I'm sorry..."

Barr's eyes were red and he said something, and then directly stunned the Chinese man.

Immediately, he lifted it up, and finally looked at Terrence and Nelson, unable to hide the grief in his heart, and yelled: "Elena, Jayne, go!!!"

Immediately, Barr carried the Chinese man on his back, fleeing into the distance with Elena and Shi Junze...

When the Barr four fled away, Terrence and Nelson smiled with relief at the corners of their mouths, and then fell heavily into a pool of blood...

"Terrence!!! Nelson!!!"

At the moment when Terrence and Nelson fell, Ye Fei screamed, stupefied that his heart was about to explode!

Ye Fei knelt down directly, his eyes were red, and tears couldn't stop flowing down. The grief from the depths of his soul struck, making Ye Fei difficult to extricate himself!

"'m sorry...I am incompetent...I can't protect you..."

Ye Fei knelt on the ground, sobbing and talking, tears flowing like springs.

This nightmare had passed for many years, and Ye Feichen was sealed in the depths of his memory, unwilling to think of it.

But now that the nightmare is awakened, this kind of pain is unimaginable, as if a sharp knife is piercing his heart fiercely.

After waking up, he had already returned to the base camp of the temple. He did not witness the deaths of Terrence and Nelson with his own eyes, but only later snatched the bodies of the two brothers back.

But now, from the perspective of a bystander, I have witnessed the deaths of Terrence and Nelson with my own eyes, but I can't do anything.

This is undoubtedly a kind of torture, a tragic torture.

If he could be stronger at the beginning, how could Terrence and Nelson die?

However, there is no if, Terrence and Nelson are dead, leaving themselves forever...

At this moment, Ye Fei felt short of breath, tearing pain in his heart, his hands clenched his fists, and his nails were deeply sunken in the flesh.

However, after a while, another picture appeared in front of him.

The ground was full of corpses, broken limbs, and blood flowing across the ground, like an ancient battlefield shrouded in horse leather, a mess.

A Chinese man with blood-stained body and messy hair was standing in a sea of ​​blood.

The man's eyes were cold to the bone, filled with endless killing intent.

Except for this Chinese man, there is no one alive anymore.

I don’t know how many corpses there are on the ground. There are thousands or tens of thousands of people.

Among the dead, there were warriors in camouflage costumes and many ordinary people.

At this moment, Ye Fei, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but shudder when he saw this scene in front of him.

This Chinese man standing in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, covered in blood, was exactly what he used to be.

And this place is just a small town in Colombia.

Once, in order to avenge the dead Terrence and Nelson, he killed more than five thousand prison blood clubs.

Moreover, because of anger and hatred at the time, I had completely lost my mind, turned into a demon, and without the slightest emotion, killed thousands of ordinary people living in this small town...

This incident is also a memory of myself, a memory that I never want to remember.

Later, whenever I think about it, I regret it.

In order to avenge and vent his anger, he actually slaughtered thousands of ordinary people...

He is not a human being at all, he is a devil, a devil through and through! !

Seeing this scene of the dead mountain and blood, Ye Fei swallowed his throat, his face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground.

Is the once self really human?

How many sins did he commit and how many families did he destroy?

Although I have been saving people later, trying to make up for this sin, but the sin has been committed, and no matter how many people I save, it will be difficult to get salvation.

This is the eternal nightmare in my heart, the nightmare that will never disappear.

Looking at these people falling in a pool of blood, Ye Fei felt that his soul was trembling, his breathing was uncomfortable, and the tears of repentance couldn't stop flowing down...

However, this picture did not stay for a while, and the picture before him switched to the picture of Terrence and Nelson's death again.

These two images have been switching back and forth in front of Ye Fei's eyes, repeating constantly, making Ye Fei suffer.

At this moment, Ye Fei felt as if countless sharp knives had been inserted into his heart, and his heart seemed to be dripping blood.


These two images did not know how many times they were repeated, Ye Fei finally couldn't help but screamed.

His face was pale, his pupils were congested, and he opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".


Ye Fei gasped and snarled desperately, trying to vent the grief in his heart.

However, these two constantly repeated scenes were staged in front of him time and time again, as if Ye Fei was put on heavy shackles and shackles, making it impossible for him to break free...

At this time, the space cracks outside.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Yiren and Laura were also completely sluggish.

Although they knew that entering the dream space would awaken the nightmare in their hearts and would keep repeating it, they didn't expect Ye Fei's nightmare to be so painful.

"Big Brother Ye Fei...Big Brother Ye Fei... Be strong... All these things have passed... All have passed..."

Laura's eyes were red and choked, unable to stop the flow.

The Dugu Yiren on the side also shed two lines of tears, very distressed.

Although she could not understand Ye Fei's pain, she could also feel the same after seeing these two repeated images.

How many times these two pictures were repeated, and the torture lasted for so many times, Ye Fei finally couldn't support his body and fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Fei was lying on the ground, his chest undulating slightly, looking at the endless darkness in the sky, his expression was numb, his eyes were hollow, like walking corpses...

At this moment, Ye Fei had no idea where he was or what he was doing here.

He just feels very tired at heart, so tired that he just wants to sleep forever...

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