Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2787: , Uncover the scars!

Ye Fei sighed and said, "Although the revenge has been avenged, this incident has also become an eternal pain in Yu'er's heart, a pain that cannot be erased.

Unexpectedly, in this dream space, not only did Yu'er recall the nightmare, but also the whole story of the nightmare was presented to Yu'er.

This kind of torture, endless torture..."

"Ma Shidong, you bastard! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!"

At this time, Xiao Lengyu saw the repeated scenes before him, and his whole body collapsed, as if he had fallen into madness, and rushed towards that scene.

However, this picture is just an image, which can't be touched or touched at all.

Xiao Lengyu has been trying to touch the screen, but he can't do it at all.

After trying a dozen times, Xiao Lengyu knelt directly on the ground, hissing bitterly.

Ye Fei knew that this could not be continued, so he rushed over, helped the woman from the ground, her eyes were red, and said loudly: "Yu'er! Are you awake?! That's just a nightmare, yes. What happened!!

No matter how heartache you are, no matter how you cry, you can't go back!

Did you forget? You killed Ma Shidong yourself and avenged your father!

So don't let the sadness of the past torture yourself anymore, cheer up! ! "

Xiao Lengyu raised his head, looked at Ye Fei with tears in his eyes, choked up and said, "But...I'm sad...My heartache...It's really heartache..."

With tears in his eyes, Ye Fei stared at Xiao Lengyu's eyes tightly, and said: "Yu'er, I know your heartache, why don't we feel heartache?

But what about heartache? The past is over. What we have to do is to look forward and live well, so as not to allow similar tragedies to happen again, right? "

Xiao Lengyu stared at Ye Fei in a daze, as if he had suddenly recovered his senses, his face was full of doubts and incomprehension, "Ye Fei..."

Seeing Xiao Lengyu recognize himself, Ye Fei was finally relieved.

The hanging hearts of Qin Menglan, Li Shiyun and Bai Ningbing also fell.

"I... am I dreaming?"

Xiao Lengyu looked around for a while and said with a confused expression: "Where is this? Ye Fei, Sister Lan, Shi Yun, Ningbing, why are you all here?"

"Yu'er, what can I say? I'll tell you on the road later, let's find Qingcheng, Xiao Ran, Yiyi, Luo Yan, Ke Xin and Nuo Lan first." Ye Fei said.

"it is good."

Although Xiao Lengyu didn't know what happened, he nodded and agreed.

At this time, outside of the dream space.

Dugu Yiren and Laura have seen the pictures in the dream space with their own eyes.

Although both of them felt sad and sad for the past of Qin Menglan, Li Shiyun and others, they were also very excited when they saw Ye Fei awaken everyone one by one.

"Great, as long as Brother Ye Fei can wake everyone up, then you can come out!" Laura said happily.


Dugu Yiren also nodded, a touch of joy appeared on his face.

However, when the dream **** on the side saw this scene, he gritted his teeth with anger.

He has never seen anyone who can get rid of his dreams in the dream space, or even break through.

This completely exceeded his expectations.

He clearly knew that if this continued, it was possible that Ye Fei would really wake up all the women and then bring them out.

If Ye Fei really did it, then his plan would have failed.

His plan was to either win over Ye Fei or kill Ye Fei.

If neither plan can be achieved, how should I explain to the king?

Thought of this.

Dream God knew that he couldn't wait any longer and had to quickly kill Laura of Space Magic.

As long as Laura was killed, even if Ye Fei awakened all the women, he could not come out again, and could only be trapped alive in the cracks in the space.

As a result, Dream God suddenly waved the scepter, and the image in the sky disappeared.

Laura and Dugu Yiren frowned and looked at Dream God.

"what are you doing?"

Laura asked coldly, raising her vigilance.

"What am I doing?"

Mengshen smiled coldly and said: "You are really naive...Do you really think I will let this kid achieve his goal and then come out? It's really ridiculous!

Laura, you traitor, as long as I kill you, I see how this kid and his women will come out! "

"Laura, stand back and I will deal with him!"

Dugu Yiren raised her right hand, and a silver-white long sword flew out of the room with a "shoo" sound, and fell into her hand.

"Sister Yiren, I can't see through his cultivation base. It is possible that his cultivation base has surpassed me and reached the reincarnation state above Nirvana!!" Laura said with a solemn expression.

"What?! Reincarnation?!"

When Dugu Yiren heard this, her face changed slightly, her eyebrows frowned.

Mengshen smiled triumphantly and said, "I tell you the truth, my cultivation has already reached the level of reincarnation!

And the two of you, one of Nirvana Realm Xiaocheng and the other Heavenly Dao Realm Great Realm, want to fight with me too? It's just overkill! "

"Sister Yiren, let's deal with him together, don't worry, I will protect myself!" Laura said.

"Okay, then we will join hands together!"

Dugu Yiren also knew that although he was strong in combat effectiveness, even though his cultivation base had broken through to the Heavenly Dao Realm during this period of time, it was still far worse than Dream God.

So, there is no other way but to join forces with Laura.


Dugu Yiren yelled, directly mobilized the power of the heavenly path, and then slammed a sword towards the dream god!

call out! !

A sword pierced out, like a bit of cold light, fast and swift, and the "dripping sword intent" condensed in one point, and then suddenly exploded!

With a "chick" sound, the air made a harsh sound, and in the blink of an eye, it was approaching Dream God!

Mengshen's face changed slightly, avoiding his sharp edge, turning into a phantom, and disappearing in the yard!

Dugu Yiren saw this sword stabbing into the air, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Dream God had been standing in the sky tens of meters above him, looking at her jokingly.


Dugu Yiren snorted coldly, and directly condensed a silver long sword with his sword intent, and stepped the sword to the sky!

Laura didn't hesitate either, using the air defense technique, rushing to the sky!

Mengshen looked at Dugu Yiren, squinted his eyes, and said: "Interesting, swordsmanship is good, but unfortunately, the difference between our strengths is too great, you are not my opponent..."

"Water droplets go through stone!!"

Dugu Yiren didn't listen to the nonsense of Dream God, and directly swung the sword in his hand!

Huh! !

A water-like sword intent poured out, and in the blink of an eye, a silver-white giant sword tens of meters long and several meters wide appeared in the sky!

This silver-white giant sword stood proudly in the sky, under the shining of the moonlight, exuding a sharp and cold killing intent!


Dugu Yiren gave a soft drink.

That silver-white giant sword seemed to have a sharp heart with Dugu Yiren, pierced directly from the sky, and aimed directly at the Dream God below!

cough! !

The huge sword pierced down like a huge tower with a bright silver-white brilliance, suppressing it down!

However, at the moment the sword was pierced, Mengshen's eyes fell cold, and a sharp sound came out from his mouth.

"The Phantom is invisible!!"

In an instant, Dream God's whole person directly transformed into hundreds of phantoms, scattered around Dugu Yiren and Laura, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and reality!

As for the silver-white giant sword, what it stabbed was just a phantom!

"Hahaha...little bitch, I said, you can't hurt me..."

These hundreds of phantoms made their voices at the same time, and their sharp voices echoed in the air, extremely harsh.

"Flowing water is falling!!"

Without any pause, Dugu Yiren waved the sword in his hand again!

In an instant, the silver-white giant sword that stood proudly in the sky directly turned into tens of thousands of silver-white swords, and then, like petals blooming, it rushed towards the phantoms of the hundreds of dream gods around!

Shoo! ! ...

Tens of thousands of swords shot out in anger at the same time, the air was torn, and the sound of "chichichi" was made, and the sound of swords screamed continuously!

However, the moment the tens of thousands of silver-white long swords pierced past, the phantoms of the hundreds of dream gods disappeared without a trace!

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