The Dragon King raised his arms, condensing the true power of his body between his hands, and then launched it!

"Crazy Dragon Ascends to Heaven!!"


Accompanied by a sharp dragon roar, a hundred-meter-long black flood dragon carrying the momentum of the wind and clouds, rushed towards Ye Fei!

"The bones become a mountain!!"

Garuda instantly mobilized his true power to the extreme, and then slammed his palms toward the sky!

Boom! !

Falling palms!

I only heard a sound of "baby babble", and saw that sharp bone spurs stood up from below and rushed into the sky, as if forming a huge mountain of bones, rolling towards Ye Fei!

"Sura Blood Sacrifice!!"

Asura bit his right finger and drew a scribbled and mysterious rune in the air!

In an instant, a huge blood-blue array was erected in front of him!

Immediately, Asura pointed at Ye Fei with one hand!

Shoo! ! ——

In this blood-blue large array, a blood-blue arrow was shot out, like a thousand arrows, swept towards Ye Fei!

However, just as Ye Fei was preparing to meet the attack of the Dragon King trio, suddenly, a burst of anger came from the sky!

"Six Gods of Reincarnation! Tathagata Breaks!!"

Ye Fei suddenly raised his head and saw that Brahma had appeared above him for some time, and he slapped a golden Buddha's palm directly at him, like a five-finger mountain pressed down!

Enemy on all sides, nowhere to hide!

Either defend or counterattack!

Faced with this situation, most people will definitely choose defense!

But how could Ye Fei be an ordinary person?

Ye Fei stood still in the sky, his expression indifferent, and his voice resembling a Hong Zhong sounded between the sky and the earth!

"I have a sword... to open mountains, break rivers, kill gods, and kill demons!!"

Before the sound fell, a blazing golden-red flame rushed into Ye Fei's body to skyrocket, connecting the sky and the earth, and illuminating the entire square!

Moreover, the sword intent contained in this soaring flame beam is even more surging and vast, covering the audience!

"Gosh...this...this kid's coercion and aura have become stronger again!!"

"No! It's not just coercion and aura! His sword intent has also become stronger, surpassing every moment before!!"

"It's terrifying... Is this the true power of the Sword God?!!!"

All the barbarians and soldiers present were shocked at this moment, they were convinced, and they could not wait to cast their bodies to the ground and worship!

Even the Babu congregation, the Four Wilderness Envoys, and Tuoba Ye were shocked by this scene.

"How is it possible?! This kid has hidden strength?!"

Jinnaluo in the Eight Departments looked into the distance with a stunned expression, trembling all over.

"No wonder this kid dared to come to my Wild Empire alone. It seems that he really has a lot of cards left..."

Gan Napo in Ba Buzhong also took the sentence with emotion on her face.

"Nine-Five Supreme! Strengthen! Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!!"

At this moment, Ye Fei in the sky again let out a thunderous shout!

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho! !"

Accompanied by this burst of shouts, a series of dragon chants that shook the world resounded!

When everyone looked around again, they saw nine behemoths appearing in the sky!


This is not an ordinary monster, but a dragon, a stegosaurus! !

In an instant, nine stegosaurus blazing flames hovered in the sky, surrounding Ye Fei!

Ye Fei at this moment is like a king watching the world! Like a **** descending from the sky! Like a dragon god! !


Ye Fei suddenly waved the giant sword in his hand!

At the moment when a sword was swung, the nine hundred-meter-long stegosaurus rushed towards all directions with an aura of killing and cutting, and with the coercive force of destruction!

The four of Brahma, Dragon King, Garuda, and Asura just saw these ferocious and domineering sword dragons rushing, their morale was greatly reduced, and their hearts trembled!

This terrifying oppressive force is really outrageous, and it is beyond their imagination!

Obviously there are only nine stegosaurus, but the four of them feel like they are facing nine real dragons! !

Moreover, these nine stegosaurus seemed huge and awkward, but their speed was incredibly fast, directly hitting the attack from the four!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by the four impacts that pierced the sky and the earth, the attacks of the four Brahma were instantly destroyed, and they could not stop the power of these nine stegosaurus!

After the nine stegosaurus destroyed the four attacks, although their power was weakened by half, they were still unstoppable, and they continued to shuttle and crush toward the Brahma!

"Quick! Run!"

Brahma first uttered a roar, and then he dared not stay in the sky, preparing to flee towards the distance!

However, Brahma couldn't run a hundred meters away at all, and two huge stegosaurus had already swallowed him, and there was no bones left!

The Dragon King, Garuda, and Asura were even more frightened. They dared not linger any more, and fled madly in the distance!

However, due to being too close to Ye Fei and being injured, Garuda was left behind when escaping, and was swallowed by two stegosaurus in an instant!

Therefore, in just a few seconds, Brahma and Garuda hadn't even screamed in time, and they had already been annihilated, with no bones left!

"Devil! He is the devil!!"

"Help! Help!!"

At this moment, the Dragon King and Asura no longer have any mastery demeanor. There is only one idea in their minds, that is to survive!

However, the Dragon King and Asura had just finished shouting, and they hadn't figured out how to dodge and defend. The Stegosaurus had already caught up with them!

Seeing the stegosaurus whose dragon head was several times larger than them, the Dragon King and Asura were completely frightened, let alone defending and counterattack, they even forgot to escape!

However, just at this very moment, the four wild four envoys who have been standing on both sides of Tuoba Ye made a move!

These wild four envoys are the Heavenly Wind Envoy, the Heavenly Thunder Envoy, the Heavenly Fire Envoy and the Heavenly Underworld Envoy!

They slammed their feet on the ground, turning into four rays of light, and instantly came to the front of the Dragon King and Asura!

"Don't be rampant!!"

The Envoy of the Heavenly Wind screamed, raised his hands, and the real power of Xiaocheng in the Great Desolate Realm was instantly mobilized!

"Tianfeng Jue! Wind Blade Tornado!!!"

The Envoy of the Heavenly Wind screamed and pushed out his hands impressively!

In an instant, the wind was violent, and thousands of tornadoes were swept away!

These thousands of tornadoes are unparalleled, and the wind inside has all turned into indestructible blades, directly rushing towards the nine stegosaurus rushing forward!

Click! ! ——

I saw that where these thousands of wind blade tornadoes swept, the earth was crushed out of deep ravines, and the rocks flying above were all crushed to pieces!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Under the ravages of these thousands of wind blade tornadoes, the three stegosaurus rushing in anger were destroyed!

However, although these three stegosaurus were destroyed, the thousands of wind blade tornadoes were also torn apart and disappeared between the heaven and the earth!

"What?! How could this happen?!"

The envoy of Tianfeng was shocked, and his face was full of shock.

He is a real-world powerhouse, how can it be possible that even an attack by a Maotou boy of the Divine Martial Realm can't be completely destroyed? !

Therefore, in his opinion, he is a strong man in the prehistoric Xiaocheng, it must be a wave of his hand to block Ye Fei's attack!

But the reality is not so at all!

Therefore, this is completely beyond his cognition!

"I come!"

The envoy of the sky thunder yelled, and stepped forward, the true power of his whole body burst out instantly, his arms were raised, and then he waved!

"Tian Lei Jue! Nine Heavens Profound Thunder!!"

Boom! !

Rumble! !

In an instant, a giant net of thunder and lightning appeared above the remaining six stegosaurus, and purple thunder slashed down wildly, falling on the bodies of the six stegosaurus below!

Boom! ! ——

Under the wrath of these violent thunders, another two days of stegosaurus were destroyed, but there were still four stegosaurus to carry them down, and continue to rush in angrily!

At this moment, the Dragon King and Asura at the rear have collapsed!

They thought that the Heavenly Wind Envoy alone would be able to carry the attacks of the nine stegosaurus, but how did they know that the Heavenly Wind Envoy and the Heavenly Thunder Envoy both shot backwards, and they still couldn't stop the Stegosaurus's impact!

This...Is this kid's cultivation really a great achievement in the Divine Martial Realm? !

Yes, Ye Fei relied on the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng, and the fighting power that erupted out of it has exceeded everyone's imagination!

"This kid is very tricky! Tian Ming, you and I are teaming up!"

The envoy of the sky fire frowned, and the envoy of the sky yelled!

"it is good!"

The envoy of the heavens originally didn't plan to make a move, but seeing this scene, he had to make a move!

"Sky Huo Jue! Hong Huang Hao Yan!!"

"Tian Ming Jue! Break the glacier!!"

The Heavenly Fire Messenger and the Heavenly Underworld Messenger both shouted at the same time, and after mobilizing their true power, they shot at the same time!

In an instant, dark red flames rushed out, like a billowing river, dyeing the entire sky red!

An icy-blue glacier also rushed out, together with the surging flame, like two giant dragons, one ice and one fire, rushing up wildly!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, the fire dragon and ice dragon roared away, and directly collided with the four stegosaurus that had been crushed!

A thunderous roar resounded and shook the sky and the earth. The entire square, the palace, and the ground within a radius of a few miles shook with it!

Although the four stegosauruses are as powerful as they are, they slowed down in the middle of the journey!

Kacha Kacha! ! ——

There was a dense freezing sound!

Ye Fei's eyes narrowed, unbelievable, two of the four wild ancient sword dragons were actually frozen? !

These two frozen ancient sword dragons struggled desperately, trying to break free, but they couldn't break free at all!

As for the other two stegosaurus, they were directly swallowed by that huge fire dragon!

Under the burning of the wild flames, two wild ancient sword dragons made whimpers!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of explosions like the sky and the earth cracking, two of them were directly shattered by the frozen ancient sword dragon!

The other two wild ancient sword dragons shrouded in wild flames also turned to ashes!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was also horrified!

As expected to be the Four Wild Envoys with the cultivation base of the Primordial Desolate Realm, this kind of strength is indeed extremely powerful!

If it were changed before the Suzaku Secret Realm, besides being mad, maybe he could not deal with these wild four envoys at all!

But now, after experiencing the tempering of the Vermillion Bird Mystery Realm, both his cultivation and combat effectiveness have made a leap!

Therefore, even in the face of the wild four envoys and don't let yourself go crazy, you are not afraid at all!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he decided to kill the Four Wild Envoys first!

With one arm, Ye Fei raised the true power, sword intent, and physical power in his body to the peak state, and changed the operation of every sword intent, true power and physical power in his body!

In an extreme operating mode, the sword intent, true power, and physical power began to condense and converge into a more delicate, sharp, and sharp state!

Suddenly, Ye Fei's whole body, inside and out, appeared dense and dense golden red sword intent streamer, circling quickly, like countless sword intent spirals, constantly shrinking toward the center! !

"Sword God Huanyu!!"

When the sword intent, true power, and physical power were running to the extreme, Ye Fei screamed, his figure flashed, and his whole person turned into a golden-red flame sword, heading towards the wild four envoys not far away. The envoy of Tianfeng shot over!

Therefore, if the Heavenly Wind Envoy stands in the forefront of the crowd, he will naturally become the target of his own killing!

As long as Tuoba Ye didn't make a move, he didn't think that the Four Wild Envoys, Dragon King, and Asura could stop his sword!

"court death!!"

"Stop him!!"

"kill him!!"

Seeing Ye Fei's attack again, the four wild envoys looked furious and shouted loudly!

The Dragon King and Asura, who had not recovered from the escape from the dead in the rear, were so frightened that their faces turned pale and almost collapsed!

They thought that Ye Fei's "Nine Nether Emperor Dragon" was already the strongest killer move, but they didn't expect this kid to have a hidden killer move? !

Moreover, you can feel the terrifying destructive power and destructive power contained in this killer move far away!

No wonder this kid was able to kill Yasha, Garuda, and Brahma in succession. This kind of strength is simply beyond the reach!

When they thought that they and others wanted to join forces to kill this kid, they felt frightened, and they felt as if they were pulling out their beards!

At this time, the Envoy of Heavenly Wind took the lead in mobilizing his true power, raised his hands, and then suddenly waved toward the front!

"Tianfeng Jue! Wind Blade Tornado!!!"

Huhuhu! !

I saw that a series of sharp tornado storms swept up, and all the stones on the earth were rolled into the sky, and then they were crushed towards Ye Fei!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

However, the hundreds of wind blade tornadoes could not stop Ye Fei at all, and the sharp wind blade as sharp as a blade could not hurt Ye Fei for half a minute, and was directly penetrated!

Hundreds of windblade tornadoes all collapsed and collapsed, leaving no one left!


The Envoy of the Heavenly Wind was shocked, with a look of horror, " is this possible?!"

"I come!!"

The envoy of the sky thunder screamed, and raised his arms, the real power of the prehistoric Xiaocheng instantly mobilized!

Thunder and lightning flashed on him, and his pupils were shining with purple thunder, as if a thunder was alive!

As for the rocks near him, they were all scorched and chopped to pieces!

"Tian Lei Jue! Vientiane attracts thunder!!"

Accompanied by a burst of shouts, I saw that a giant net of thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, and purple thunder and lightning bolts continued to smash downwards like a maniac!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

However, the dense thunder and lightning that struck each and every one of them could not affect Ye Fei at all!

Upon seeing this, the envoy of Tianlei frowned, his arms suddenly pressed down, and he screamed in his mouth!


In an instant, the giant thunder and lightning net in the sky directly whizzed down, trapping Ye Fei, who was coming from the impact, to the prisoner in the giant thunder and lightning net!

"Hahaha!! The Heavenly Thunder Envoy is mighty!!"

"As expected of the messenger of the sky thunder, this kid will be stunned as soon as he makes a move!!"

Upon seeing this, the Dragon King and Asura in the back yelled in surprise.

However, the Dragon King and Asura were not excited at all for a few seconds, they only heard a sound of "chill la la"!

I saw that this giant lightning net was directly torn apart by Ye Fei!

Seeing this, the Heavenly Thunder Envoy was immediately stunned. Didn't expect this to be unstoppable? !

At this time, the Heavenly Fire Envoy and the Heavenly Mind Envoy looked at each other, and they also mobilized their true powers, preparing to give Ye Fei the final blow, not only to stop Ye Fei, but also to destroy it!

They are confident, after all, they destroyed the remaining four stegosaurus just now!

"Tianhuo Jue! God Flame of the Buddha!!!"

"Tian Ming Jue! Cold Current Vortex!!"

The Heavenly Fire Envoy and the Heavenly Underworld Envoy made a killer move in just an instant!

A dark red raging flame spewed out, as if a gunpowder barrel was detonated, forming a flame shock wave, rushing towards Ye Fei!

Immediately afterwards, an ice-blue vortex also swept up towards Ye Fei. Wherever it swept, a thick layer of ice formed in the sky, which could not only hinder Ye Fei's actions, but also freeze it!

Originally, fire and water are incompatible, but the ultimate moves played by the envoy of the sky fire and the envoy of the sky can perfectly match, and they do not affect each other!

But the next second, what made them terrified was that Ye Fei directly penetrated the dark red flames, smashed the thick layers of ice, and directly rushed towards the envoy of the sky wind!

It can't be resisted at all, even with the power of four people, it can't be resisted!

At this moment, not only the Dragon King and Asura, but also the Four Wild Envoys collapsed!

The cultivation bases of the four of them are all in the Primordial Realm, so they can't even stop a kid in the Divine Martial Realm? !

However, because of the tossing just now, they have already missed the best opportunity to escape!

So, at this moment, Ye Fei was close to them!

"Tianfeng, get out of the way!!"

The eyes of the Envoy of Heavenly Thunder shrank sharply and shouted at the Envoy of Heavenly Wind!

However, the Heavenly Wind Envoy did not listen to the words of the Heavenly Thunder Envoy at all, but was furious!

What does this kid mean, do you think you are the best bully, so the first one to kill is yourself? !

"Smelly boy! Don't you want to kill me!!"

The Envoy of the Heavenly Wind was frightened and angry, and used all his energy to fight out wind shields, wind walls, and storms to resist Ye Fei's footsteps!

However, no matter what defense he played, it was completely useless and could not stop Ye Fei!

The envoy of the Heavenly Wind was about to split his eyes and couldn't accept what he saw before him!

His own magnificent Heavenly Wind Envoy, a super powerhouse whose cultivation base has already stepped into the prehistoric realm, Xiaocheng, can't even a junior junior? !

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