Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3359: , Too bad!

Nalan Hanyan pursed his lips and looked at Ye Fei with a soft look, and said, "Ye Fei, they respect you, admire you, and appreciate you. It should be because you saved all their lives. Also helped them avenge.

Therefore, if you want to be the lord of the Flying Fox Palace, I will give it to you without hesitation. "

"Come on, let's just be the palace lord or something, you can think about it as the palace lord mate." Ye Fei teased.

"Okay, then be the court master, I agree."

Nalan Hanyan nodded seriously.


Ye Fei was speechless, so he teased him, why is this woman taking it seriously?

Especially today, Ye Fei feels that Nalan Hanyan's eyes are extraordinarily gentle when looking at him, just like the eyes of his wife looking at her husband.

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly and changed the subject: "Uh...Hanyan, you can quickly arrange it. My friends and I were planning to go to Honghu City for a meal and rest.

However, I met He Ye and Bai Su on the way and learned that something was wrong with you, so we hurried over. Up to now, we haven't eaten dinner yet and are starving to death. "

"it is good."

Nalan Hanyan nodded, then looked at the disciples in the Flying Fox Palace and said loudly: "The injured, go to heal immediately!

No one is injured, stay and clean the scene!

Send someone tomorrow to subdue the remnants of the Yin Emperor Church! "

"Yes, Palace Master!!"

All the female disciples responded loudly, and then each became busy.

Around eight or nine in the evening.

The main hall of Feihu Palace.

Because Feihu Palace has a special cook to cook, it didn't take long to cook a large table of dishes.

Ye Fei and his party swept away the food and drink on the table like a starving ghost.

The disciples of Feihu Palace who were serving Ye Fei's party to eat at the side saw this scene, and they all snickered.

"Ye Fei, eat slowly, and no one will rob you."

Nalan Han let out a smoke, and then picked up the jug to pour the wine for Ye Fei.

However, Qin Linglong who was sitting on the side snatched the jug, smiled sweetly at Ye Fei, and said, "Husband, eat and drink, don't choke."

With that, Qin Linglong poured a glass of wine for Ye Fei and handed it over.

Ye Fei took the wine glass and glanced at the two women Qin Linglong and Nalan Hanyan.

I saw that the two women were staring at each other at the moment, with a cold light in their eyes, and the temperature in the hall seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

Qin Linglong secretly scolded Nalan Hanyan as a vixen, and even dared to hook up with her husband.

Nalan Hanyan secretly scolded Qin Linglong as a shameless little fairy in his heart, and even before she became Ye Fei's woman, she called her husband one by one.

Moreover, as the two men climbed up, the table trembled, and even the plates and utensils on the table trembled, as if an earthquake occurred.

"Huh? How do I feel the table is shaking?"

Zhang Baokun raised his head, his mouth filled with oil, and he said something in a huff.

"Eat yours, don't care!"

Tang Yu snorted and pressed Zhang Baokun's head down.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, and said to his heart, these two Nizis were already intolerable before they became their own women. Wouldn't it be a quarrel if they really became their own women?

The key is that these two women's cultivation base is not low, and their strength is not weak. Once they pinch them, it will be earth-shattering, okay?

Seeing that this situation was not right, Ye Fei was ready to let Li Xuankong and the others help out.

But when he looked up, he found that each of these guys' faces was almost buried on the table.

Ye Fei secretly pointed the **** at these guys, then drank the wine in the glass in one sip, looked at Nalan Hanyan with a smile, and said: "Hanyan, don't you treat me with what I experienced in the past few months? Are you interested?"

When Nalan Hanyan heard it, she really retracted her gaze, looked at Ye Fei, and said softly, "Isn't I waiting for you to tell me?"

Ye Fei was stunned, feeling that resolving the struggle between women was more tiring than fighting.

He took a deep breath and said: "Then I will tell you a good deal now..."

For the rest of the time, the atmosphere was fairly harmonious.

While Ye Fei was drinking wine, he recounted what happened to him in the past few months. Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others occasionally added.

After listening to Ye Fei's narration, Nalan Hanyan didn't recover for a long time.

Although what Ye Fei said was very relaxed and simple, Nalan Hanyan heard it, and felt that everything Ye Fei experienced was thrilling, as if he was on the scene.

Whether it's breaking into the secret realm, fighting against the eight major sects, fighting against Gongsun Mingjing, Ji Qingxuan, and Tuo Banye, all this is a life of nine deaths.

Nalan Hanyan took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Ye Fei, I finally understand why you have improved your cultivation and strength so much in just a few months.

No matter if it is for anyone to go through these things you have experienced, as long as you survive, I am afraid that your cultivation level and strength will increase rapidly. "

"I don't want to go through so many things, but it's a pity that people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves."

Ye Fei shrugged, then suddenly thought of something, wondering: "By the way, Han Yan, your talent is obviously not low, and I have cured your stubborn illness before.

But why hasn't your cultivation level improved in the past few months? Could it be said that it is so difficult to break through from Xiaocheng to Dacheng? "

Hearing that Ye Fei suddenly asked this question, Nalan Hanyan's pretty face climbed up with two blushes, and said: "Actually, it is not difficult for me to upgrade my cultivation base from the predecessor to the great. ……only……"

"Just what?"

Ye Fei's face was dumbfounded, and she blushed when she didn't understand what the woman said?

"I'll talk to you later."

Nalan Hanyan replied.

Ye Fei gave an "Oh" and didn't think much about it. He just thought there must be something wrong with a woman to say it in front of so many people, so he didn't ask any more.

Qin Linglong glanced at Nalan Hanyan suspiciously, but she didn't understand why Nalan Hanyan didn't say the reason, so she didn't think too much.

Under the secret rivalry between Qin Linglong and Nalan Hanyan, a dinner was finally over.

Nalan Hanyan asked Ye Fei and his party to arrange a guest room.

Nalan Hanyan and the four guardians sent Ye Fei and his group to an attic behind the main hall.

There are five floors in this loft, and each floor has five guest rooms. Ye Fei and his party lived here just right.

Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others were tired because they had rushed a road, so after saying hello, they entered the room.

Qin Linglong stared at Nalan Hanyan warily for a while before entering the room.

"Hanyan, you should rest early, I also want to rest."

Ye Fei said something to Nalan Hanyan, and then turned around to enter the house.

"and many more."

Nalan Hanyan stopped Ye Fei.


Ye Fei turned around, "Is there anything else?"

Nalan Hanyan waved his hands at the four guardians of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, and said, "You guys get out first."

"Yes, Palace Master!!"

The four of Meilan Zhuju looked at Ye Fei and Nalan Hanyan with ambiguous eyes, and then left the attic very interestingly.

When the four of them left, Nalan Hanyan stared at Ye Fei and said, "Ye Fei, don't you want to know why my cultivation base hasn't broken through for so long?"

"Yeah, what is going on?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"Go to my room, I'll tell you again." Nalan Hanyan raised her beautiful eyebrows and said.


Ye Fei's face became stiff, and he faltered, "Go... to your room? Now?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Nalan Hanyan's expression was natural and authentic.

Ye Fei scratched his head and said with a dry smile: "Cold Smoke, this night, it's a bit unwell that there are lone men and widows in the same room?"

Therefore, because of the shadow of the last treatment, Ye Fei was really afraid of being alone with this woman.

This woman is a vixen, and her smiles and poses are all too attractive.

Ye Fei was really afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so Nalan Hanyan immediately pounced on it.

"What's this?"

Nalan Hanyan rolled his eyes at Ye Fei, and said in an angry manner: "A few months ago, you were alone with me for so many days, why are you so reserved today?"

"Isn't that because I want to help you heal the disease, so..."

"Will you go or not? Don't forget it!"

Nalan Hanyan interrupted Ye Fei's words directly.

Ye Fei was heartbroken and said, "Go, go, who is afraid of whom!"

Nalan Hanyan "pushed" a laugh, and then took Ye Fei out of the attic and came to a three-story building far away.

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