Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3368: , Wanbing surrendered!

However, at the moment when these five lightning bolts struck down, Ye Fei waved his hand gently!

In an instant, a huge sword and shield directly blocked the crowd!

Boom boom boom! —

Five violent thunders smashed heavily on the sword and shield, making a muffled thunder-like bursting sound, spurring thunder and lightning and golden red sword intent!

The wind and sand swept across, and the powerful destructive power was shocking to shake the ground of the square into a hundred-meter-long crack!

However, what shocked Elder Tiandao was that his fierce punch couldn't penetrate the sword and shield at all? !

"This... how is this possible?!"

Elder Tiandao was shocked, his face was full of puzzled.

Even if I just broke into the wilderness, but it is a real wilderness!

But why can a kid of the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng be able to easily block his own attack? !

Elder Tiandao looked ashamed and annoyed, and raised his hands, once again condensing his true power continuously!

In an instant, I saw a blue-and-white lightning ball appeared between the hands of Elder Tiandao, and the electric current was beating wildly, containing a heart-palpitating coercion!

"Heavenly Thunder!"

After compressing this thunder and lightning ball to the extreme, the elder Tiandao burst out and pushed his hands out!

With a muffled "bang", this ball of lightning spread suddenly, turning into hundreds of violent thunders as thick as a tree trunk, and continued to slash down toward the sword and shield in the sky!

Boom boom boom! —

Accompanied by the thunder-like bombardment, these hundreds of violent thunders fell on the sword and shield, only to agitate a golden red flame halo, but still failed to break the sword and shield!

"No... how could this be? How could this be?!"

Elder Tiandao was almost crazy, and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him!

The other disciples of the Tiansha Sect were also dumbfounded, and it was impossible to imagine that the elder Tiandao, whose cultivation base was in the prehistoric realm, could not even beat a hairy boy? !


Ye Fei asked lightly.

"Smelly boy, you are less proud!"

Elder Tiandao was furious, his figure flashed, he once again mobilized his true power, ready to attack!

However, Ye Fei gently raised his hand, and saw that this sword and shield spread instantly, and then countless golden and red giant swords quickly condensed and reorganized, turning into a golden-red sword wave hundreds of meters long, and rushed up. It's Yunxiao!

Immediately, this sword wave suddenly surged in the air, from a higher position, swooping down to the elders of the heavens!

At the moment when this sword wave rushed down, the entire sky trembled, and the space seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, and it became fragmented, with bursts of sonic booms!

"This...what is this?!"

The elder Tiandao looked terrified, stopped when he was halfway through the charge, and then mobilized all his true powers to cast a defensive mask to resist!

boom! —

At the moment when the defensive mask was formed, this sword wave had already hit the mask heavily, as if the Jiutian Waterfall washed over a reef!

Sword intent and true power rushed out frantically, stunned to shatter the ground below every inch!

Those disciples of the Tiansha Clan who were closer were unable to withstand the impact, vomiting blood one by one, and the injuries were not light!

However, the defensive mask played by the elder Tiandao only lasted for a few seconds before it was directly smashed!

The remaining sword intent slammed into the elder Tiandao himself with a force of destruction!


Elder Tiandao screamed, and his skinny body fell directly from the sky and fell heavily to the ground!

The whole earth was shaken, and a huge human pit appeared!

"Guru Guru..."

The elder Tiandao lay in the pothole, vomiting blood, and his whole body became bloody.

Even if there was no death, he was seriously injured and completely lost his combat effectiveness.

When he looked at Ye Fei again, his eyes had changed dramatically!

Although this kid has only the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng in his cultivation, his combat power is really too strong, and with the king's sword intent, he can actually instantly increase his strength above the primordial realm!

He finally understood, it's no wonder that Elder Motian would be so afraid of this kid... It turns out that this kid is not human at all!

"Elder! I'll help you!"

At this moment, Guo Aoyu yelled and rose directly from the sky before rushing towards Ye Fei!


"Don't go there!"

Elder Mitian and Elder Tiandao both shouted at the same time.

However, when the two people reminded it, it was too late!

"The palm of the cloud chaser! The clouds are surging!"

Guo Aoyu shouted angrily, his hands formed into his palms, gathering his strong true power, from top to bottom, he slapped two palms directly at Ye Fei!

Boom! —

As soon as the two palms came out, the wind swept across, and all the stones on the earth were rolled into the sky, forming dozens of boulder storms, crushing towards Ye Fei!

Seeing this, Ye Fei just smiled disdainfully, but gently raised his hand!

In an instant, the sword wave in the sky spread again, and then quickly converged and reorganized into a huge stegosaurus!

The stegosaurus leaped in the sky fiercely, and then directly slammed into these dozens of boulder tornadoes!

boom! ! —

Accompanied by an earth-shaking impact, these dozens of tornadoes were all crushed and disappeared into the sky!

"No... how could this be?!"

Guo Aoyu roared in horror, then turned around and was about to run!

However, before he ran a few tens of meters away, this stegosaurus stuck out its claws and slapped it heavily on Guo Aoyu's back!


Guo Aoyu spouted blood, and fell from a high altitude in a posture of a dog gnawing shit, and fell to the ground with a loud "bang"!

In the blink of an eye, Elder Tiandao and Guo Aoyu were beaten to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness!

At this moment, all the disciples of the Tiansha Clan stayed in place, looking at Ye Fei as if they were looking at a god-man, and they couldn't think of any resistance anymore!

Nalan Hanyan's beautiful eyes gleamed, looking at the man standing against the wind, looking at his leisurely back, a soft smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This is the man of his own choice, powerful, domineering, and unparalleled in the world!


Elder Mitian knelt directly on the ground, and no longer cared about what was on the ground, he knelt directly on the ground and cried out, "Your Lord of Sword God... Our Tiansha Gate is willing to return to the Flying Fox Palace!"

"Your Excellency Sword God, spare your life! We are willing to return to Feihu Palace!"

"We are willing to submit! We are willing to submit!"

For a while, all the Tianshamen disciples present knelt on the ground, expressing their opinions one after another.

Ye Fei glanced at Elder Motian and the others, and shook his voice: "I didn't kill these two guys. It doesn't mean that I can't kill them. It's just because I want to give you a chance.

Since you are willing to return to the Flying Fox Palace, you must be loyal to the Flying Fox Palace from now on.

If you have different intentions, even if I am not present, Palace Master Nalan of Flying Fox Palace can still kill you easily.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing...Just last night, Palace Master Nalan's cultivation base had broken through to the Great Desolate Realm..."

As soon as this remark came out.

Elder Mitian and the people at the Tiansha Gate looked at Nalan Hanyan in amazement, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling!

As for the blood-stained elder Tiandao and Guo Aoyu, who had already risen from the ground, after hearing this, their legs softened and they knelt on the ground, and could no longer think of any resistance!

"Han Yan, you can say something too." Ye Fei said to Nalan Han Yan.

Nalan Hanyan nodded, then stepped forward, glanced at all the people in the Heavenly Devil Gate, and said loudly: "From now on, there will be no Heavenly Devil Gate in the Phoenix Empire, only the Flying Fox Palace Tian Devil Branch. Have objections"

"no disagreement!"

Elder Motian, Elder Tiandao and others hurriedly responded, how can they dare to object?

"That would be the best!"

Nalan Hanyan's face was cold and domineering: "As long as you are loyal to the Flying Fox Palace, I will treat you equally!

Of course, if you let me know that you have two hearts with the Flying Fox Palace, no matter who it is, it doesn't matter who you are! "

As soon as the voice fell, Nalan Hanyan directly released the coercion of the great realm, covering the entire square!

All the Tianshamen disciples froze as if they were crushed by the mighty force of a mountain, their whole bodies trembled, and their hearts were terrified!

"Yes! Palace Lord!"

All the people from the Tiansha Gate crawled to the ground and completely surrendered.

Not only surrendered to Ye Fei, but also surrendered to Nalan Hanyan!

At this point, the Tianshamen, Yinhuangjiao, and the two martial arts all belong to the Feihu Palace!

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