Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3374: , Killing people?

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, tens of thousands of fire dragons collided with tens of thousands of golden and red flame giant swords!

The two forces, seemingly incompatible with water and fire, violently collided in mid-air, making bursts of roar!

The colliding sword intent and spear intent directly blasted the mountains below to shatter!

However, Ye Fei's strength is still weaker than Ji Chu after all!

Therefore, under this impact, the tens of thousands of golden and red flame giant swords that Ye Fei played were all shattered and turned into dots of flames, floating in the air!

As for the blazing mad dragon that Ji Chu brought out with a single shot, although it was smashed in half, half stood proudly in the sky, and the spreading pressure made Lu Qinghong and others not far away fearful!


Upon seeing this, Ji Chu laughed wildly, and said proudly: "Boy, don't you really have trouble catching a single move, right?"

With that said, Ji Chu suddenly waved the dragon-patterned spear in his hand!

In an instant, the remaining thousands of dark red flame mad dragons rushed towards Ye Fei with a crushing force!

"Senior Ji, don't be shameless, this is already the second trick!

Husband, come on, as long as you perform eight more moves, you will win! "

At this time, Qin Linglong who was not far away shouted.

Ji Chu just chuckled and said, "Little girl, you don't need to talk too much, do I have to sneer on this hairy boy?"

At this moment, seeing these thousands of flame mad dragons rushing towards him, Ye Fei's heart was shocked!

These thousands of blazing mad dragons not only contain the energy of the fire, but also contain the spear of the king!

Before, I have also fought against many strong guns, but those strong are not worth mentioning compared to Ji Chu!

Therefore, Ye Fei didn't dare to hold it big, and when he raised his left hand, a sword-inspired flame suddenly compressed and condensed, and then pushed out the thousands of flame mad dragons rushing forward!

Wow! !

The flames of sword intent spread out, like a sea of ​​fire, directly enclosing the thousands of blazing dragons that rushed in!

I only heard the explosion of "Rumble", and saw that those crazy dragons wrapped in the flame of sword intent were torn to pieces by sword intent, and burned to ashes by the golden red sacred flame!


Upon seeing this, Ji Chu's eyes flashed with surprise, "Sword intent turns into fire, it's kind of interesting..."

With that said, Ji Chu continued to mobilize his true power and spear intent by 10%, and then slammed a shot out, and the dark red flame containing the spear intent of the king rolled out!

"Tyrannos spear method! Dragon swallows the world!!"

In an instant, the dark red flame that rolled out directly turned into a giant flame dragon that was six to seven hundred meters long and sixty to seventy meters wide!

The flame dragon directly opened the mouth of the blood basin and swallowed the sword-inspired flame that was blazing in the sky!

Moreover, just after swallowing the flame of sword intent, the body of this blazing mad dragon expanded again, expanding to a length of one thousand meters and a width of one hundred meters!

Immediately, this kilometer-long flame dragon tumbling violently in the air, rushed directly towards Ye Fei!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei frowned, his heart moved!

In an instant, dozens of huge prismatic swords and shields appeared in front of Ye Fei!

However, as soon as these dozens of swords and shields appeared, the flame dragon had already hit it!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

No matter how strong the defensive power of this sword and shield is, and how many in number, it can't stand the collision of this flame dragon at all!

In just a few tenths of a second, these dozens of swords and shields were all shattered!

Ye Fei was shocked, and before he came back to his senses, the flame dragon had already hit him!

Ye Fei's sword was blocked, and the golden and red sword intent lingered around the sword!

Bang! ! ——

Hearing a scream, Ye Fei's sword intent was smashed directly!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei even carried a sword and was directly shaken out for hundreds of meters, and then fell from a height of 1,000 meters toward the cliff below, and disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye!


"Brother Fei!!"

When Qin Linglong and others saw this, they shouted, with a worried expression on their faces.

Mo Beiqin curled his lips and said, "I thought this kid could really handle Laoji's ten moves. I didn't expect that he would lose after only three moves. Hey, it's boring. Isn't this a waste of my time? "

Bai Yu smiled and said, "However, this kid can force Lao Ji to use 60% of his strength by virtue of his cultivation in the Divine Martial Realm.

Tang Yin glanced at Tang Yu and the others, and said, "Don't worry, Lao Ji has saved his hands. That kid is not dead yet. Go look for it under the cliff. It's estimated that he was seriously injured."


Qin Linglong wiped her tears, and took Li Xuankong and others to find someone under the cliff...

But at this moment!

"Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!"

A loud shout came from below the cliff!

Immediately after that, one after another huge stegosaurus burning with golden and red flames, roaring and making dragon roars, rushed up from below the cliff!

A total of nine stegosaurus hovered in the sky, exuding a domineering sword intent and dragon power!

Then, a figure was like a golden red electric light, swept up from below the cliff, stood under the nine stegosaurus, overlooking everyone!

Although Ye Fei suffered some injuries from the impact just now, and his body was stained with blood, it was not a major problem. Not only did the pressure and breath not weaken, but they became stronger!

Seeing that Ye Fei was okay, Qin Linglong and the others were relieved!

"Is this kid's body beaten with iron? Under such a fierce attack, he has only suffered a little skin trauma?"

Mo Beiqin glanced at Ye Fei, his eyes filled with surprise.

Yu Zixi squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Ye Fei in the sky, and said: "This kid is really not easy. Not only has he tempered his sword intent so well, he has also forged his body so strong.

There are only a handful of people in the entire True Martial Realm who can temper both the sword intent and the body to this level at the same time..."

"I've only been in retreat for ten years. I didn't expect such a genius warrior to appear in the real martial arts world..."

Bai Yu smiled faintly, and then his expression stunned. He suddenly thought of something, and said: "Could this kid be the sword **** that has been raging in the True Martial Realm recently, right?"

"Sword God?!"

Mo Bei Qin froze for a moment, and said: "Impossible, this kid is so young, he is only in his twenties, okay?"


Tang Yu coughed lightly and said, "Seniors, let you down, Brother Fei is indeed the sword **** who is famous for real martial arts..."


"He is the Sword God?!"

"My God, it's incredible, isn't it?!"

Mo Beiqin's people suddenly felt shocked, their expressions changed drastically, and when they looked at Ye Fei in the distance again, their eyes changed, and the previous contempt was gone.

"Old Ji, listen well, this kid is the sword **** who has been in the limelight recently! Don't despise this kid too much, take it seriously! Haha!"

Mo Beiqin laughed and shouted at Ji Chu.

At this time, the sky is far away.

Ji Chu was also taken aback when he heard Mo Beiqin's words, and said weirdly: "Boy, are you the sword god?"

Ye Fei faintly replied: "If there is no second sword **** in True Martial Realm, then it should be me..."

"Not bad, if that's the case, then I have to be a little more serious, otherwise the ten tricks are definitely not enough!"

As he said, Ji Chu waved the spear in his hand directly, and saw that the flame dragon in the sky directly roared and rushed towards Ye Fei angrily!

Ye Fei didn't shrink back, but waved his big hand and let out a loud shout in his mouth!

"Crush it!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The nine stegosaurus uttered a roar that shook the valley, and rushed toward the flame dragon!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Nine stegosaurus collided at the same time, bursting into thunderous bursts!

The mountains below were directly shattered by the sword intent and spear intent and razed to the ground!

Moreover, under the impact of these nine stegosaurus, this flame dragon was directly smashed into pieces!

"Interesting! Come again!!"

Ji Chu shouted excitedly, jumped up, and stepped onto the seven or eight hundred meters!

In mid-air, he once again raised Zhenli and Spear Intent to a higher level, and the raging flames wrapped his whole body, especially mighty and domineering!

At the same time, he was holding a dragon-patterned spear, and after stretching his body, he stabbed the spear in his right hand downward!

"Sorrow of the Tyrannosaurus!!"

A burst of shouts resounded all over the air!

Accompanied by this loud shout!

I saw that Ji Chu pierced out with a single shot, and the dark red flames in the sky instantly condensed into nine dragon-patterned spears!

Nine dragon-patterned spears, each with a length of five to six hundred meters and a diameter of forty to fifty meters, are almost the same as nine Optimus pillars!

Immediately, this sturdy dragon-patterned spear, with a destructive potential, smashed directly toward the nine stegosaurus below at lightning speed!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

These nine sturdy spears have not yet come close to the bottom, and the spreading pressure is incredible. The huge mountains hundreds of meters, even thousands of meters, have been crushed into piles of rubble!

Moreover, under the pressure of these nine pillars, these nine stegosaurus could not move at all, as if they were imprisoned!

boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

Next second.

These nine sturdy dragon-patterned spears directly penetrated the bodies of the nine stegosaurus, and then accompanied by the sound of nine "booms", the nine dragon-patterned spears directly pierced into the earth!

Accompanied by waves of mournful wailing dragons, the nine pierced stegosaurus directly shattered and turned into a golden-red flame, disappearing into the sky!

Standing still in the sky above Ye Fei, seeing this scene, clenched his fists, his face sank!

Although he was able to fight against the powerhouses in the prehistoric realm, and even kill the powerhouses in the prehistoric realm, Ye Fei still felt powerless in the face of the powerhouse beyond the prehistoric realm!

After smashing the nine stegosaurus, Ji Chu suddenly waved the dragon-patterned spear in his hand, and let out a shock!

"Long Teng nine days!!"

In an instant, I saw that the nine sturdy dragon-patterned spears that plunged into the earth suddenly turned into nine giant flame dragons of 700 to 800 meters long, tumbling in the air, and rushing towards Ye Fei angrily!

Although Ye Fei felt the gap between him and Ji Chu, he did not give in!

Seeing these nine flame dragons rushing towards him, Ye Fei clenched his fists, raising the steady stream of sword intent, and uttered a loud roar against the sky!

"The Emperor's Sword Formation!!"

The sound hasn't fallen...

I saw, in the sky, underground, and in all directions, a golden-red flame giant sword sprang out wildly, hovering and dancing in the sky!

The night sky within a radius of a few miles was dyed a dazzling golden red!

Soon, this golden-red flame giant sword directly formed a huge sword formation, instantly besieging the nine giant flame dragons and Ji Chu not far away!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The nine flaming dragons hit the sword array, making a sound like a meteorite impact. However, the nine flaming dragons were quickly shattered by the dense sword rain and stegosaurus flying in the sword array, and disappeared. In the sword formation!

At this moment, Mo Beiqin and the four of them in the distance have gone from their previous disdain and contempt, and at this moment they have looked a little bit astonished!

"How is it possible?! He... he is only a cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm, how can he have such a powerful combat power?!"

"Although I have seen many sword repairmen display sword formations, I have never seen anyone display such a perfect sword formation. It is simply the art of kendo!"

"This kid is too unbelievable, how exactly does he cultivate?!"

The eyes of Mo Beiqin and Yu Zixi were surprised, puzzled, and puzzled.

They didn't understand why Ye Fei could break out of the strength of the Primordial Realm by virtue of the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm.

After all, in their cognition, cultivation is the basis for judging the strength of martial artists.

Of course, even if there are some guards who can leapfrog the challenge, there are very few such guards.

But I didn't expect to see such a master against the sky today, and he was still such a young junior!

A thought came to them in their hearts for a while, if they waited for this kid to break through to the cultivation base of the Primordial Realm, I am afraid that even if they waited for someone to defeat him, it would be even more difficult.

However, what Mo Beiqin and others did not know was that the reason why Ye Fei was able to challenge the current leapfrog... is the training of perverted intensity, the experience accumulated in battles, and the insights from life and death. ...

Ye Fei only wanted to survive, to protect himself, and to protect the people around him, so he continued to forcefully break through boldly, thinking about using various methods to pursue the limit of combat effectiveness. The practice method is also a "suicidal" practice in the eyes of ordinary people...

There are no so-called real geniuses in this world, all geniuses are the result of hard work and hard work acquired!

Of course, Ye Fei wouldn't tell others about these things. He only values ​​the results for some things!

For example, now, only if they have survived Ji Chu's ten tricks and convinced these seniors, will they agree to instruct Tang Yu and the others to cultivate!

at this time.

In the sword formation.

Seeing that the nine flame dragons were all destroyed, Ji Chu's expression of Gu Bo's calmness became serious!

"Three Thousand Dragon Prisons!!——"

He roared to the sky, his whole body muscles knotted, and his body seemed to swell with a punch. The pressure suddenly increased again, covering the world in a radius of several miles!

"What?! Old Ji turned out to be true?!"

"Isn't it? This kid is really powerful, yes, but he doesn't need to be true?!"

"Lao Ji is not a fool. He naturally knows that ordinary attacks will definitely not be able to escape from the sword formation, so he chose to use the'Three Thousand Dragon Prison'!"

Mo Beiqin couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, they no longer regarded Ye Fei as an ordinary young junior, and even a touch of respect appeared in their eyes.

Just when several people from Mo Bei Qin were discussing.

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The roars of the horrifying dragons resounded!

In an instant, countless giant fire dragons and sturdy dragon-pattern spears, centered on Ji Chu, rushed towards all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Under the impact of these countless flame dragons and flame dragon pattern spears, the sword formation only lasted for half a minute, before cracks appeared, and then collapsed and scattered in the air!

As for Ji Chu, although he escaped from the sword formation, he left a few **** sword marks on his body!

Although this little injury is nothing to Ji Chu, he is not uninjured, but it is the first time that he has been injured by such a young junior, which is enough to shock him.

When Ye Fei saw that even the "Emperor Sword Formation" hadn't trapped Ji Chu, he sighed in his heart and decided to attack again and perform the new skills he had learned not long ago!

He knew that he could not defeat Ji Chu, but what he wanted was to prove himself, ten ways to hold Ji Chu!

that's enough!

However, when Ye Fei was about to continue the attack, Ji Chu dissipated the coercion, raised his right hand, and said loudly: "Boy, enough!"

Ye Fei stopped suddenly and looked at Ji Chu with a puzzled look, not understanding what it meant.

Ji Chu looked at Ye Fei, smiled faintly, and continued: "I thought you were just an arrogant and ignorant boy, so I thought of teaching you a lesson.

However, after the battle just now, I also saw your potential, you can fully survive my ten moves.

So, I promised your request and pointed your friends. "

"Thank you Senior Ji!"

Ye Fei heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it, and thanked him.

"Boy, let's go!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Chu took Ye Fei back to the top of the mountain a few hundred meters away.

"Huh? Old Ji, why did you come back before you finished playing?" Mo Beiqin said curiously.

"Could it be that I felt that I would lose, so I gave up and continued to fight?" Yu Zixi laughed.


Old Ji Chu blushed, coughed slightly, and then smiled and said: "We have been competing for so many years, it's meaningless.

So, I think we should do something meaningful, or give some advice to these young people tonight.

In the unlikely event that a few peerless masters appear among these little dolls, we can also pat our chests and tell others that we are their masters, right? "

"Give them to practice, I have no objection, anyway, I am idle." Mo Beiqin said.

"I have no objection. These little dolls seem to be sincere, so please give them some advice."

Yu Zixi also replied.

Tang Yin and Bai Yu both nodded and agreed.

When Tang Yu and the others heard it, they became excited!

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