Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3405: , The true feelings are revealed!

So Ye Fei glanced at these people and said, "Since you don't believe me, please take us to see Zhen Zhang!"

With that said, Ye Fei and his group walked towards the hall not far away!

Seeing that Ye Fei and his party dared to rush into the lead disciple, he was furious!

"Stop them!!"

Give an order.

Thirty-six disciples instantly surrounded Ye Fei and his group!

The atmosphere is tense and full of gunpowder!

Ye Fei was speechless and said, "We really have no intentions. What are you doing?"

"Yes, what to stop us, we won't demolish your gate!"

Tang Yu also had a bad temper, and said something uncomfortably.

"What?! You still want to demolish our mountain gate?!"

When the leading disciple heard this, he was suddenly furious!

For so many years, they have never heard of a mountain gate that dared to demolish their Wudang!

Is this person from the Akabane Gate guilty to wrap up the sky? !

"Yes, that's right, if you stop us again, we will demolish your mountain gate, why?"

Tang Yu was also **** off by this muscular teasing, and took the sentence casually.

"So courageous! I want to see how you demolish our Wudang mountain gate!!"

The leading disciple yelled, his figure flashed, and he swiftly rushed towards Ye Fei!

He could also see that among the dozen or so people, this young man in a white gown should be the leader!

Therefore, as long as you subdue this guy who takes the lead, you can subdue these dozen people!

call out! !

At the moment when he was close to Ye Fei, the leading disciple of Xiaocheng's cultivation base in the Imperial God Realm made a direct sword and stabbed Ye Fei!

A white Tai Chi true power lingers around the long sword, and the strong and soft sword will directly cut the surrounding vegetation, and even the rocks on the ground have been cut with sword marks!

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well, it is indeed the Tai Chi sword technique created by Zhang Zhenren, really powerful.

It's a pity that your cultivation base is too low, and when the Tai Chi sword technique reaches your hands, it barely exerts two levels of power. "

"Yeah, I understand! Even if I can only use the two powers of Tai Chi swordsmanship, it will be enough to deal with you!"

However, the voice of the leading disciple had not yet finished, only a clear sound of "Qiang" was heard!

I saw that Ye Fei stretched out a finger very casually, and easily blocked the sword!

"This... how is this possible?!"

The leading disciple was dumbfounded, suddenly dumbfounded!

The other thirty-five disciples also looked at Ye Fei with incredible expressions!

"Why... how could this happen? This kid doesn't seem to use his cultivation base at all!!"

"What?! Did he block Senior Brother Zhang's sword with only his body?!"

"No, when is there such a master at the Akabane Gate? Why have we never heard of it?!"

A group of disciples began to discuss one after another, and their gazes at Ye Fei were full of horror.

When the leading disciple heard the discussion, he felt very shameless!

"Pretending to be!"

He shouted angrily, mobilizing his real power, and the sword-holding arm continued to exert force!

However, the sword in his hand was already bent, but Ye Fei was like a rock, motionless, not even his fingers trembling!

It's incredible!

Qin Linglong and others couldn't help laughing, feeling that this guy was not only stubborn, but also a little stupid.

There are sixteen of them, but this guy has chosen the most powerful one. Isn't this looking for death?

Ye Fei flicked his finger!

Only heard a clear sound of "Dang Cang", a fierce physical force swept out, and directly shook the leading disciple with a sword and a man back more than 20 meters away!

The leading disciple slammed in the back, and then barely managed to gain a foothold!

However, when he looked at Ye Fei again, there was a touch of solemnity in his eyes!

Ye Fei sighed and said, "I respect Zhang Zhenren and don't want to do anything to you, so please stop embarrassing us and take us to see Zhang Zhenren!"

"Boy, don't be arrogant here! If you want to see our head, pass our level first!"

The leading disciple screamed and said: "All disciples follow the order, Tai Chi sword formation! Arrange the formation!!"

Give an order!

Headed by the leading disciples, a total of 36 disciples directly surrounded Ye Fei!

Twelve disciples stood on the ground, twelve disciples stood at an altitude of ten meters, and twelve disciples stood at an altitude of twenty to thirty meters!

There are three layers in the top, middle and bottom, like an iron bucket, trapping Ye Fei in it!

Moreover, these thirty-six disciples continued to slowly move around Ye Fei in the sky, as if forming an airtight wall of people!

In addition to forcibly breaking, there is no way to get out!

Standing still on the ground, Ye Fei couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said to his heart, this "Tai Chi Sword Formation" really has some ways, and it seems that it should be the formation created by Zhang Zhenren.

Just don't know how powerful this sword formation is.

If the power is good, then you can also learn from the experience and apply it to your own "Emperor Sword Formation".

"start up!"

The leading disciple standing on the middle floor screamed and gave the order again!

In an instant, these thirty-six disciples had enough Tai Chi true power, and the white true power flowed from bottom to top!

Along with the circulation of true power, a storm also blew around, and all the dead branches, grass, leaves and sand on the ground were rolled into the sky!

"The junior brothers listened to the order, this kid has very strong physical fitness. We must attack him if we want to defeat him!"

The leading disciple reminded loudly.


The disciples responded in unison.

Immediately, the twelve disciples at the bottom held swords one after another, besieging Ye Fei!

Shoo! ! ——

The long sword of cold light lingers around the true power of Tai Chi, making the speed and power of the sword even more terrifying!

For a time, the sword went against the wind, the sword intent flowed, and he took all the vital parts of Ye Fei's body!

Ye Fei originally wanted to use sword intent, but once thought, if you accidentally killed these guys, it would be bad.

At that time, even if Zhenren Zhang has a good temper, he will turn his face when he learns that his disciple has been killed, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn't use his sword intent and true power, and he planned to forcefully break the sword formation by relying on his physical strength!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei shocked all over, mobilizing his physical strength alone to a state of quadruple explosion!

For Ye Fei, the quadruple explosive physical power should be enough to deal with these guys!

At the moment when the physical power was mobilized, Ye Fei volleyed into the air and grabbed the three first swords in his hands. He was not afraid of the ravages of sword intent at all!

Immediately, Ye Fei used a little bit of force, only to hear the sound of "Bah Bah Bah Bah", and the three swords that had been pierced were all broken!

The three disciples held the broken sword with a dumbfounded look, and they looked at Ye Fei as if they had seen a ghost!

"excuse me!"

Ye Fei gave a soft drink, his figure flashed, and he shot three palms in a row!


The three disciples screamed and flew out directly!

However, just as the three disciples flew upside down, ten swords immediately pierced him!

"Good job!"

Ye Fei grinned at the corner of his mouth, his body slammed short, and then his right leg swept out, like a fine steel rod, and swept toward the bottom plate of these ten disciples!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

Accompanied by a crashing sound, the ten disciples screamed in pain, and then all fell to the ground, holding their legs and screaming!

After knocking down the twelve people in the lower layer, Ye Fei slammed on the ground with one foot, his body was like a mad dragon, and he rose directly into the air!

The twelve disciples on the second floor saw Ye Fei Yukong coming up, their expressions changed, and they came forward with their swords and stabbed towards Ye Fei!

Moreover, just as the disciples on the second floor attacked, the twelve disciples on the third floor all swooped down, stabs their swords towards Ye Fei!

Suddenly, the whole sky was murderous, the sword intent shuttled, the sword light flickered, and all the retreats of Ye Fei were directly blocked!

However, Ye Fei didn't even think about avoiding it. Instead, he shook his whole body, suddenly stretched out his body, and let out a loud shout in his mouth!


The explosion did not stop, only a muffled thunder sounded!

A powerful wave of air rushed out of Ye Fei's body!

These twenty-four disciples were not able to get close to Ye Fei's body at all, they were directly shocked by the air wave, and then all the "boom boom boom" with their swords fell to the ground!

"It's finished!"

Ye Fei grinned at the corner of his mouth, landed steadily on the ground, and clapped his hands.

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