Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3407: , No peace of mind!

After hearing the dialogue between Qin Linglong and Senior Brother Feng, the young disciples in Wudang were all dumbfounded.

"It's over, I didn't expect Senior Brother Feng to really know these people!"

"So they are not from the Akabane Gate?!"

"Hey, we are all to blame for being so impulsive, we almost got into a catastrophe!"

A group of Wudang disciples started talking, very regretful.

Senior Brother Feng asked curiously: "By the way, Linglong, why didn't your father come?"

Qin Linglong replied: "My father has been busy with his affairs all day, so I don't have time to come.

I brought my friends here today to visit Grandpa Zhang. "

With that said, Qin Linglong briefly introduced Ye Fei and his party to Senior Brother Feng.

After listening to the introduction, Senior Brother Feng arched his hands and said with a smile: "I am Wudang Feng Yunuo, I am lucky to meet you!"

Qin Linglong hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Ye Fei over, and said, "Husband, Uncle Feng is one of the Wudang Seven Heroes!"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and said to his heart, are there really Wudang Seven Heroes?


Ye Fei arched his hands and said, "Four Heroes, how offended you were just now!"

Feng Yunuo smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Boy, your martial arts is good, you can easily defeat my Wudang's'Tai Chi sword formation', and can also defeat my'Tai Chi sword technique' with one stroke, no wonder Linglong is this The girl will choose you to be his husband."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Four Heroes of Wind are absurdly praised. Wudang's'Tai Chi Sword Array' and'Tai Chi Sword Technique' are extensive and profound, and mystery is endless. I just rely on brute force to win."

"Brute force?"

Feng Yunuo gave a weird smile and said: "Your kid is too modest. It is impossible to defeat the'Tai Chi Sword Array' and'Tai Chi Sword Technique' by brute force."


Ye Fei smiled awkwardly. He wanted to keep a low profile, but the Four Heroes of the Wind didn't let himself keep a low profile.

Feng Yunuo smiled and asked, "What the **** is going on, why are you fighting?"

Qin Linglong curled her lips and said, "Uncle Feng, I don't know. We just said we would visit Grandpa Zhang, but they had a very bad attitude towards us, and they treated us like some of the Chiyumen and wanted to drive us down the mountain. !"

Feng Yunuo turned his head and glanced at the disciples, and said coldly: "What's the matter with you, the guests are visiting, why don't you notify us first and make claims?"

The leading disciple hurriedly stepped forward with a grieved expression: "Brother Feng, we saw them sneaky and suspicious, directly on Yukong Mountain, so we regarded them as people from the Chiyumen..."

"Huh! If you dare to be reckless next time, you will be punished and not forgiving!" Feng Yunuo said.


All the disciples responded respectfully.

"Uncle Feng, what kind of school is this Chiyu Clan, why are they coming to Wudang to make trouble?" Qin Linglong asked curiously.

Ye Fei, Lu Qinghong and others also looked towards Feng Yunuo, their eyes filled with doubts.

"This matter is a long story. Go, I will take you to see Master first, and I will talk to you slowly on the way."

With that said, Feng Yunuo led Ye Fei and his group into the mountain gate.

After entering the gate, there is a square with an area the size of three or four football fields.

A huge gossip pattern is depicted in the center of the square. On both sides of the square, some disciples in black and white gowns are practicing.

When the disciples saw Ye Fei's party come in, they looked very curiously.

Senior Brother Feng said as he walked, "This is how things are. This Chiyu Gate has been grieving against us in Wudang for a long time.

Because our Wudang is the No. 1 Daquan of the Azure Dragon Empire, Chiyumen has always been dissatisfied, always declaring war on our Wudang, saying that we must compete to see who is the real No. 1 Daquan of the Qinglong Empire.

However, Master and his elders couldn't bear to see the two big sects killing each other, and their lives were overwhelmed, so they avoided fighting.

Because of this, the Akabane Gate became more aggressive and more arrogant, always sending people to make trouble twice.

That's why those disciples will treat you as the people of the Akabane Gate..."

Ye Fei frowned and said, "Four Heroes of the Wind, since this Aka Yumen is so ignorant to promote, then we should teach them a lesson and let them retreat.

After all, such blind avoidance is not a solution. "

Ye Fei also felt accustomed to the sect struggle in the Zhenwu world.

After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are struggles.

The eight major sects besieged Fengming Temple before, and Yinhuangjiao attacked Feihu Palace, which is the best example.

"Who said no."

Feng Yunuo sighed and said: "My fellow brothers and I have been persuading Master to challenge, but Master just refused to agree.

Moreover, not long ago, Master also had a negotiation with Wei Qianheng, the head of the Chiyu Clan, and Master said that he was willing to cede the position of the first school of the Azure Dragon Empire to Wei Qianheng. "

"Since Chiyumen has always wanted to become the No. 1 martial art of the Azure Dragon Empire, and Zhang Zhenren has agreed, then they shouldn't make trouble again, right?"

Li Xuankong took the sentence.

"If Akabane Gate really doesn't come to make trouble, that's all."

Feng Yunuo sighed and continued: "But the point is that Wei Qianheng has quit. He feels that it is an insult to them that Master gave them the position of the first school in vain.

Therefore, Wei Qianheng challenged the master. He said that as long as whoever wins in the end, the position of the first martial sect of the Azure Dragon Empire belongs to whom.

Moreover, Wei Qianheng was afraid that our Wudang would go back, and said that at that time, he would invite the other six heads of the Qinglong Empire to watch the battle.

Master was riding a tiger with difficulty, and in the end he could only agree to Wei Qianheng's proposal. "

Ye Fei said in a puzzled way: "Four Heroes of the Wind, Zhenren Zhang is one of the Ten Sages of Zhenwu. How can this Wei Qianheng have the courage to challenge Zhenren Zhang, is he too confident in his own strength?"

Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others were also puzzled.

After all, they had never heard of anyone daring to challenge the Ten Saints in these years.

Feng Yunuo's face sank, and said, "I'll tell you, Wei Qianheng's strength is still quite strong.

Now, his cultivation base has broken through to the great achievement of the prehistoric realm, and he has also awakened the Bi Fang bloodline, so his strength has already reached a higher level. "

"Bi Fang?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and said, "Is it Bifang, the divine bird in ancient mythology?"


Feng Yunuo nodded.

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei suddenly realized.

No wonder this Wei Qianheng dared to challenge Zhenren Zhang, but he did not expect that he would awaken the blood of the **** bird Bi Fang.

Although it is rumored in ancient myths that the divine bird Bifang is inferior to such divine beasts as Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Phoenix, since it can be classified as a divine beast, its bloodline power is probably not weaker, at least than that of Nalan’s Hanyan Qingqiu Nine Tails. The blood must be strong.

Moreover, according to legend, Bifang, a divine bird, is one of the branches of the divine bird Phoenix. Although it is also a fire, it still cannot be compared with the Phoenix.

After coming to Zhenwu Realm, Ye Fei felt that his Three Views had been refreshed many times, and his horizons had also broadened a lot.

If he were on Earth before, Ye Fei would definitely not believe that there was such a magical thing about blood inheritance.

But after coming to Zhenwu Realm, Ye Fei also believed it after seeing a lot.

Because Ye Fei found that he had also accepted some bloodline inheritance, but he didn't know what bloodline he would awaken later.

"Is that real man confident about this battle?" Ye Fei asked.

"Seven percent sure," Feng Yunuo replied.

"Is it only 70%?"


Feng Yunuo nodded and said, "After all, the battle between the strong is unpredictable, and the victory or defeat is within a single thought. Master and his elders never underestimate every opponent."

"so it is."

Ye Fei nodded suddenly.

While chatting, Feng Yunuo had already brought Ye Fei and his party up the steps and came to the entrance of a majestic hall.

Hanging above the main hall is a red-bottomed and gold-rimmed wooden sign with three iron paintings and silver hooks carved on it, with vigorous and powerful characters-Zhenwu Hall!

At this moment, a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu came out from the hall!

"Yu Nuo, who was making the noise outside just now?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Fei and his party raised their eyes one after another.

I saw an old man wearing a gray gossip totem gown with a misty figure, three thousand white hair, running down his shoulders, long white beard pouring down, and holding a white whisk, an old man walked out of the hall.

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