Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3409: , One move to repel!

"What's the matter, why is it so noisy outside?"

Zhang Sanfeng turned around and frowned.

"Master, I'll go out and have a look!"

Guan Tianyi stood up, ready to go out.

But at this time, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Guan Tianyi quickly opened the door and saw a Wudang disciple standing at the door with a panic on his face.

"What happened?" Guan Tianyi asked loudly.

The Wudang disciple took a deep breath and said, "Brother Guan, the big thing is not good! Chiyumen sent the other six sects!

Wei Qianheng, the head of the Akabane Clan, also said that he would compete with the clan tonight! "

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng, Ye Fei and others also came over.

"Where are they now?" Han Feimo asked hurriedly.

"They are already on the practice field!" the disciple replied.

Guan Tianyi frowned and said, "Master, I didn't expect this Wei Qianheng to really come!

The key is that Wei Qianheng also brought the other six major sects here, I am afraid they are not well-intentioned! "

"Yes, Master, otherwise we will meet them and let them go down the mountain!" Jiang Muhan said.

"Wei Qianheng came prepared this time, do you think you can let them go down the mountain?"

Zhang Sanfeng sighed lightly, and said in a shocking voice: "Finally, since Wei Qianheng wants to compete with me, then I have to fight!

Although Wudang does not cause trouble, I am not afraid of trouble! "

When he said this, Zhang Sanfeng's breath and coercion suddenly changed, and the majestic coercion enveloped the entire room, shocking Lu Qinghong and the others!

"Go, we will meet them."

Zhang Sanfeng said lightly, then turned his head and said to Qin Linglong and the others: "Linglong, you stay here, and don't go out no matter what happens outside."

"Zhang Zhenren, let us go with you. If there is anything later, we may be able to help." Ye Fei said.

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a moment, and said, "You can go, but this is my grudge between Wudang and Chiyumen. It's none of your business. Don't intervene to avoid unnecessary trouble."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng and Ye Fei and the others left the room in the backyard and walked out of the hall.

Before I walked out of the hall, I heard shouts from outside.

"Hurry up and ask Zhang Sanfeng to come out! My head is going to compare with him today!!"

"Yes, if Zhang Sanfeng doesn't come out again, we will rush in!!"

"This Mitutoyo is also a great master, ten sages of Zhenwu, shouldn't you be a tortoise?"

"What kind of grandmaster, the ten sages of Zhenwu, I think he is a tortoise with a shrunken head, otherwise, why would he repeatedly let my house be the head of the house, and also give up the position of the Azure Dragon Empire's first main sect?!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter outside the hall.

"Deceiving people too much, I will kill them!!"

"Are these guys really bullying us in Wudang?!"

Hearing these words, the Wudang Seven Heroes suddenly became angry.

However, Zhang Sanfeng had a calm and complacent expression, and was not affected by these curses at all.

However, just as Zhang Sanfeng and Ye Fei and his party walked out of the hall, the practice field in front of the hall suddenly became quiet.

When Zhang Sanfeng didn't show up, these guys shouted very vigorously.

However, when they really met Zhang Sanfeng, they were still a little bit shocked.

After all, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Zhang Sanfeng is one of the ten sages no matter what.

Therefore, the people who called very happily just now hid behind.

Looking around, I saw that there were many people standing on the practice field, at least three or four hundred people.

These people are divided into seven camps, each of which wears uniform clothes and under the banner of their respective sects. Standing in the forefront is the head of each sect.

Standing in the middle is a group of men wearing cyan flame gowns and holding various weapons.

Standing at the forefront of the group of men was an old man wearing a blue and purple robe, tall and tall, with thin cheeks, long and narrow eyes, a shawl with long gray hair, and blue flames between his eyebrows.

Ye Fei felt it for a while, and found that among the seven heads, except for the old man standing in the middle, the cultivation bases of the other six were all in the Primordial Realm.

Undoubtedly, this gray-white old man with long hair should be the head of the Akabane Gate, Wei Qianheng.

Ye Fei curled his lips and asked, "Linglong, besides the Chiyu Clan, what are the other six sects, and what is the name of their head?"

Qin Linglong glanced, and then replied: "From the left, they are the Living Killmen, the Profound Fire School, the Blood Rain Palace, the Nine Sun Valley, the Promise Fort, and the Fumo Sect.

The heads of these six sects are He Yiming, Yang Jinlong, Ouyang Cheng, Murongqing, Chu Banyun, and Dongfang Yu. "

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Not bad, I know quite a lot."

"That is!"

Qin Linglong smiled proudly, then glanced at He Yiming and the others, and whispered: "Husband, aren't these guys here to watch the battle? Why are you bringing so many people? I think something is wrong."

"Well, I also think something is wrong."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "However, Zhang Zhenren also said, let's just look at it, there is no need to mix in, so as not to get into any trouble again.

And, maybe we think too much, they really came to watch the battle. "

"Oh, that's right."

Qin Linglong nodded.

While Ye Fei was chatting with Qin Linglong, Wei Qianheng looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a smile, and said, "Zhang Sanfeng, I thought you wouldn't dare to fight!"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled faintly and said: "Wei Qianheng, I Zhang Sanfeng has been a true martial artist for so many years, and I have never been afraid of anyone.

Today, if you want to fight, I will fight with you. I only hope that after today's war, you won't come to my Wudang to make trouble. "

"Zhang Sanfeng, don't worry!"

Wei Qianheng said loudly: "Six leaders are here to witness today, and Wei's words count. After today's war, no matter if I win or lose, I will never come to Wudang to make trouble again!"

"Yes, we also want to see whether it is Zhenren Zhang, your treasured sword is not old, or the head of Wei is better!"

"Hahaha! Presumably the contest tonight must be very exciting!"

Several heads responded with a smile.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Wei Qianheng and said indifferently, "Is this true?"


Wei Qianheng patted his chest, and said: "Wei spit on a nail in a certain mouth, absolutely not regretting it!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, then handed the whisk to Guan Tianyi, then lightly stepped on the ground with one foot, swept out several tens of meters, and landed steadily on the practice field!

The ground is silent, and the dust is not rising, this is the ultimate performance of the Imperial Sky Technique!

Afterwards, the others scattered one after another, leaving a large space!

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Wei Qianheng with a calm expression on his face, and said indifferently, "Wei chief, let's do it!"

When Wei Qianheng saw Zhang Sanfeng's calm face, his heart was suddenly upset!

He was shocked, and instantly mobilized the power of true power and bloodline!

In an instant, a group of red, blue, red, and cyan intertwined flames burned on his body, and a powerful and domineering coercion spread directly, covering almost the entire practice field!

Some disciples with a lower cultivation base suddenly felt blood boil, their heartbeats quickened, and their breathing became hurried!

"Stay away!"

"Hurry up and resist!"

Several heads reminded one after another.

These disciples didn't dare to hesitate either, and while retreating, they exercised power to resist this coercion.

Moreover, at the moment when Wei Qianheng mobilized the true power and the power of blood, a huge firebird phantom appeared above him!

This firebird is made up of four kinds of flames, red, blue, red, and blue. The flame wings spread out and are gorgeous and dazzling. It really resembles a phoenix!

But, strangely, this firebird fantasizes about only one foot!

"It's really the sacred bird Bifang!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei couldn't help exclaiming.

"Shan Hai Jing" says: "There is a bird yan, its shape is like a crane, one foot, red inscription, green quality and white beak, the name is Bifang, and it sounds and calls itself, but when you see it, there is a false fire in its town."

"whispering sound……"

Qin Linglong rolled her eyes in disdain, and said, "What is the divine bird Bifang? The blood of my Phoenix clan is enough to kill it in seconds!"

"What about the Suzaku clan?" Ye Fei laughed.


Qin Linglong stomped with anger, swiping a pink fist, and hit Ye Fei with old wounds.

Li Xuankong and others on the side pretended not to look, looking at the practice field in the distance.

They don't eat this bitch.

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