Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3564: , Half-step wise! (two

At this moment, not only the warriors, warriors, **** soldiers, and gods who were fighting fiercely on the distant islands and on the battleships were shocked, but even the other main gods, quasi gods and archangel in the sky were also shocked!

Moreover, under the impact of these two fists, the dark clouds shrouded in the sky were directly shaken away, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon poured down again!

"It turns out that this is the power above the good fortune realm, it is really terrifying..."

Sif, the **** of all things, murmured, and his beautiful face was full of shock.

"It seems that Sol has really made a lot of hard work over the years for this revenge!"

Guardian God Heimdall slowly said: "I think in the past, in our kingdom of the gods, only the **** king could fight Yehetu, and the others were not his opponents at all!

But I didn't expect that now, Sol would be able to compete head-on with Ye Hetu!

It seems that this time our plan for the kingdom of the gods is sure to succeed! "

Frigga, Frey and others also nodded, their faces full of arrogance.

After all, as far as they know, no one is their opponent on Earth now except Ye Hetu.

Therefore, as long as Ye Hetu can be suppressed, their plan will naturally succeed.

Just then!

Under the collision of this punch, Ye Hetu was bounced two to three hundred meters away, and Sol was bounced more than four hundred meters away before he stopped!

Although Saul fell under the wind with this punch, he was not injured!

However, Saul felt a bit tingling in his right arm, and he also felt a slight tingling sensation!

This also horrified him!

After all, he is quite confident of his physical strength!

In the entire kingdom of the gods, only the **** king can suppress himself!

Unexpectedly, Ye Hetu can also suppress himself with physical strength!

It seems that the strength of this guy has indeed improved a lot!

However, although Saul was shocked in his heart, he did not show it on his face. Instead, he said with a grinning smile: "Ye Hetu, it seems that your strength is nothing more than this!"

"Is it really just that?"

Ye Hetu smiled indifferently, and asked rhetorically.

Saul's expression froze, and he said angrily: "Ye Hetu, even if you can get the upper hand for a while, so what?

Your strength may be very strong, you can fight against 13 of us at the same time!

But, in a while, our reinforcements are coming!

At that time, what kind of waves can you make? "

Hearing Saul's words, Ye Hetu's heart sank slightly!

Although he can fight against the six main gods, three quasi-gods, and four archangels at the same time, once all the other main forces of the kingdom of the gods are on the scene, I am afraid that it will be really difficult to compete with them!

Even if Ye Hetu is confident in his own strength, he can't guarantee that he can fight against all the main forces of the kingdom of gods at the same time!

More importantly, until now Odin hasn't appeared yet, this is the biggest hidden danger, and he is most worried about it!

Thinking of this, Ye Hetu couldn't help feeling a headache!

What the **** is that kid Ye Fei doing, why hasn't he come back?

Didn't that guy Xuanyuan tell him the news here?

I really can’t deal with this mess on my own!

At this time, Saul saw Ye Hetu silently, and suddenly laughed wildly, "Hahaha! ... Ye Hetu, are you scared?

Aren’t you crazy just now, aren’t you hard-tempered?

Now, are you talking? "

Ye Hetu looked at Saul indifferently, and said, "I'm just thinking about **** you..."

"Really? Then try it!"

Thor yelled, then waved his hand, "Do it!"

With that said, Saul took the lead in flying high in the sky, directly mobilizing the power of Thor, and the hammer of Thor continued to smash down towards Yehetu below!

Klang Klang! —

One hammer after another, it seemed to shatter the sky, like a drum of heaven!

Rumble! —

In an instant, lightning and thunder were flashing across the sky!

A hundred thousand kuang thunders, carrying the potential to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, rushed towards Ye Hetu angrily!

Seeing these 100,000 violent thunders slamming down, Ye Hetu's figure flashed, and his right hand lifted, a blue-gray light flashed!

"Eight Buddha Seals! Gourmet Dao Seals!—"

I saw that a big seal with blue-gray light on one side was condensed and formed in his hand, and the big seal was portrayed with a gluttonous pattern!

Immediately, Ye Hetu placed the seal on his right hand and pushed it up suddenly!

In an instant, this Fang Dayin flew into the sky and directly expanded, covering an area of ​​one kilometer!

Boom boom boom! ! —

These 100,000 violent thunders slammed down and bombarded the "Gourmet Road Seal", sending out bursts of muffled thunder!

However, in the next second, what shocked Saul was that the "Gourmet Road Seal" played by Ye Hetu not only had no cracks, but a whirlpool appeared on the big seal, which directly swallowed all the thunder and lightning!

This is exactly the swallowing ability of the gluttonous clan, and its big seal also contains this ability!

Moreover, after this Fang Dayin swallowed the thunder and lightning, it expanded several times again, covering up to several thousand meters in the sky!

"How is this going?!"

When Saul saw this, he was stunned. It was the first time he saw this.

"If you explain it to you, you won't understand."

Ye Hetu smiled faintly, and suddenly waved his right hand!

"Back to you!"

cough! —

This large seal, covering several thousand meters, rolled directly towards Sol!

Thor also felt the terrifying power contained in this great seal!

Therefore, he quickly lifted Thor's Hammer and slammed out toward this big seal!

Rumble! —

With a single hammer, tens of thousands of violent thunders swept up and fell on this big seal madly!

Next second!

Boom! ! —

This Fang Dayin is like a supernova, exploding directly in the sky!

The blue-gray Huaguang is intertwined with the power of terrifying thunder and lightning, spreading out, illuminating the entire sky!

The power that it rushed out was even more magnificent, and he froze Sol directly!

At this moment, Sif, the **** of all things, saw that Thor's ultimate move hadn't played a big role, and instantly mobilized his divine power to the extreme, then lifted one hand and let out a soft drink!

"The power of the atmosphere!"

In an instant!

The power of the atmosphere was mobilized by Sif!

Wow! —

The sound of rolling waves resounded in the sky!

I saw that several small islands and hundreds of steel battleships that had sunk into the sea broke through the sea and were lifted up into the sky by a strong air pressure!

After these broken islands and hundreds of steel battleships skimmed high in the sky, Sifu put his hands together!

"Atmospheric compression! Fusion!—"

In an instant, I only heard the cracking sound of "Kacha Kacha", and saw that those small islands and hundreds of steel battleships were all shattered by atmospheric pressure!

Then, millions of tons of rocks, soil, steel bars and other materials were fused together, and it seemed to form a mountain of thousands of meters, which was directly suppressed toward Yehetu!

Guardian God Heimdall also took advantage of this time to lift one hand and quickly mobilize his divine power!

"Guardian Arrow!—"

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of arrows glowing with white light condensed and formed in the sky!

Immediately, Heimdall waved his right hand!

Whoosh whoosh! —

In an instant, one hundred thousand arrows burst out, like a violent storm, sweeping towards Yehetu!

Seeing the mountains and hundreds of thousands of arrows condensed from various substances rushing towards him, Ye Hetu raised his right hand and quickly condensed the sword intent, and his right index finger gently waved toward the sky!

"Dragon Flame Sword Intent! Instant eternity!—"

Huh! —

A golden-red rainbow light, like a changhong shining through the sun, and like a shooting star across the sky!

Everyone only saw the dazzling light in front of him draw a straight line that was so graceful that there were no extras!

After waving a finger, Ye Hetu didn't pay attention to the mountain that was crushed by many materials, but stomped on the air, and his body soared into the sky like a mad dragon!

At the moment Yehetu rushed into the sky!

I only heard a loud bang. This mountain made of rocks, soil, steel and other materials broke directly from the middle and fell into the sea, bursting out two bangs!

At this time, Ye Hetu had also jumped to the high altitude, and then his right hand became a palm, and he slapped it straight forward!

"Ten Thousand Buddha Dragon Palm!—"

In an instant, a golden-red Buddha palm covering an area of ​​one thousand meters was wrapped around a golden-red fire dragon, and rushed toward the 100,000 arrows bursting from the front!

This technique was created when Ye Hetu was talking about Buddhism with Zen Master Du'e when he merged the blood of his dragon with the profound meaning of Buddhism!

There is no doubt that if this sect is passed to Zhenwu Realm, it will be enough to cause an uproar!

The palm of the Buddha smashed up, and the mad dragon roared out!

Accompanied by the explosion of "Rumble", the 100,000 arrows from the explosion were crushed to pieces!

However, just when the attacks of Sif and Heimdall were destroyed!

The graceful, charming-looking Eros Frigga has one arm, and chants the protoss mantra in her mouth!

"Soul curse! Mental shackles!—"

I saw that invisible sound waves spread out, covering a few miles in a radius!

Rumble! —

Under the impact of this sound wave, the sky and the earth shook, and the sea below seemed to be affected by some kind of force, and huge waves rose into the sky!


As for the small island in the distance, whether it was a member of the "Huaxia Guardian Alliance" or a sage soldier, they stopped fighting at this moment, covering their ears and screamed!

Some fighters, martial artists, and magical soldiers who had no cultivation base, or even lower cultivation bases, were stunned by the bleeding from Qiqiao, and fell directly to the ground!

"Quick luck to resist!"

"Hurry up and use your defenses to resist mental attacks!"

At this time, all the masters and leaders shouted loudly!

For a time, all the warriors mobilized their true powers, and shot a defensive mask to withstand the impact of this sound wave!

As for those gods and soldiers, they have their own way of resisting this spiritual shock because they have practiced the magic arts!

However, the main target of the mental attack performed by Eros Frigga is to point to Yehetu!

Although Ye Hetu's mental power is extremely strong, but under the impact of this mental power, his spirit is also in a trance!

However, Ye Hetu adjusted his state soon, and his true power and bloodline power were mobilized at the same time!

In an instant, I saw a five-clawed golden dragon burning with golden red flames rushed out of Ye Hetu's body, lifelike, like a real dragon descending into the world!

"Shenlong roars!—"

Accompanied by Ye Hetu's burst of shouts!


The dragon rushed out loudly and let out a vicissitudes of ancient barbaric dragon roar!

A wave of golden and red sound waves spread out, and they fought fiercely with the sound waves emitted by Friga!

Bang bang bang! —

The sound of muffled thunder blasted in the sky!

Although Friga's mental power is very strong, she can't bear the roar of the dragon!


Frigga screamed in pain, clutching her forehead, staggering back a few steps!

When Ye Hetu saw this, his eyes were cold, and he was ready to take advantage of this gap and directly kill Friega!

Therefore, Ye Hetu knew very well that he must rush to kill the main force of the kingdom of the gods as much as possible before the arrival of the reinforcements on his side, so as to reduce the pressure on his side!

So Ye Hetu waved his arm and released a magnificent and domineering dragon flame sword intent, and he let out a shocking cry in his mouth!

"Long Yan Jianyi! Dominate the world!"

In an instant, the entire sky above the sea was dyed a golden red, and the sky turned into a golden-red sea of ​​fire, illuminating the sky and the sea!

Everyone looked up and saw that in the sky, there seemed to be countless huge swords burning with golden red flames hovering and flying in the clouds, making the sound of dragons!

Especially the people on the island who are in the fierce battle, all staring at this scene in a daze, they have been completely shocked!

The sky and the earth are shaking, and the sky is panicked, and it is impossible!

Immediately, Ye Hetu waved his right hand, and a burst of shouts rang out!


In an instant, hundreds of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords hovering in the sky and the sea of ​​flames directly rushed down in anger, and the target pointed directly at Friega in the distance!

Therefore, Ye Hetu knew that if he wanted to kill the Lord God, he had to use a killer move, and ordinary moves would not work!

At this time, seeing the hundreds of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords bursting down, Friejia was shocked, and she did not care about the trauma she suffered, but quickly mobilized her divine power with one arm!

"Heavenly Fortune!"

In an instant, a group of pale golden radiance spread over Friejia's body, and the whole person seemed to be dyed with a layer of brilliance, extremely holy!

As for the huge sword that was shot down by hundreds of thousands of handles, it was not able to get close to Friejia's body at all, it was directly crushed by this pale golden Huaguang!

Boom boom boom! —

A burst of explosions blew up in the sky, spreading out rounds of golden red flames, just like fireworks blooming in the sky!

However, there are too many giant swords. Although the first few strokes, tens of thousands of giant swords were shattered by the pale golden huaguang, the giant sword at the back had an indomitable momentum and broke the light curtain abruptly. , Approaching Friga!

"The law of reincarnation! Space is distorted!—"

At this time, the **** of reincarnation waved with one hand, and an invisible divine power spread out, covering the sky above Friega!

I saw that the space above Friega suddenly appeared distorted, and any giant sword that entered this space was directly broken and shattered by the distorted space!

Upon seeing this, Ye Hetu frowned!

It seems that relying on long-range attacks alone can hardly kill these main gods!

After all, other main gods will always interfere from the side!

Therefore, Ye Hetu volleyed his feet in the air, and his body was like a streamer, swiftly rushing towards Friega in the distance, preparing to narrow the distance and kill him!

"Don't think about it!"

At this time, Frey, the **** of light in the distance, mobilized his divine power and waved lightly with one hand!

"Wall of Divine Light!—"

In an instant, a light blue light curtain appeared in front of Ye Hetu, blocking his way!


Ye Hetu's eyes were cold, his right fist was twisted, and he bombarded directly toward this light curtain!

With a loud noise, the entire light curtain was shaken!

Immediately, I only heard the sound of "Kacha Kacha", and I saw that there were cracks in this light curtain, as if it would break at any time!

"Guardian blessing!—"

However, before this light curtain shattered, the guardian **** Heimdall in the distance waved his scepter!

In an instant, a gray-white light shone, covering this light curtain!

After this light curtain was integrated with the power of protection, the damaged place was instantly repaired, and it became stronger!

Moreover, when Heimdall started, Thor, the four archangels, and the three quasi gods all stood in various positions and attacked Ye Hetu!

"Thunder of Slaughter!—"

Sol stood still in the sky, clenched the heavy hammer in his hands with both hands, and slammed down the brutal ground below!

Boom! ! —

A sturdy and violent thunder with a diameter of several hundred meters struck down, as if a purple beam of light broke through the sky, blasted down, and enveloped Ye Hetu's whole person!

"Holy Light Wave!—"

At this time, in the four directions around Yehetu, the four archangels mobilized their supernatural powers at the same time and sent four beam shock waves toward Yehetu!

"Essential Spirit Storm!—"

"Hunting Spear!—"

"Death Lava!—"

Standing behind the main **** and the archangel, Ymir, goddess of hills, Skadi, **** of disaster, Gonglu, also attacked!

In an instant, a cyan beam shock wave, tens of thousands of dark gray spears, and a crimson liquid lava were intertwined and swept towards Yehetu!

Facing the attacks that swept from all directions, Ye Hetu's face sank, and he could only give up continuing to attack Fulijia. Instead, he opened his arms, and the sword intent of Long Yan suddenly mobilized!

"Shenlong Sword Domain!—"

Accompanied by Ye Hetu's scream!

In an instant, centered on the map of Yehe, one hundred thousand golden red flame giant swords and one hundred thousand golden red mad dragons rushed out in anger, shrouded the sky within a few kilometers, and turned into a dragon and dragon. A field of great swords intertwined!

The golden red flames are shining in the sky, like a scorching sun, dazzling!

However, it was this "Sword Domain of the Dragon" that blocked the ultimate move of Thor, the Four Angels, and the Three Major Gods!


Sif, the **** of all things, snorted coldly and said: "Ye Hetu, I want to see how long you can hold on!"

With that said, Sifu directly mobilized his divine power madly, and then launched an attack towards Ye Hetu!

"The power of the ocean! The power of freezing! The sacred sea monster!—"

The sound has not fallen!

Wow! —

The sea below was pulled by Sif's supernatural power, and it rolled up!

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