Super Master System

Chapter 409: Suddenly died

"Hey! Your kid is kind of rebellious! Don't come back if you leave!"

Gu Zhong said the classic quotations of Chinese parents, and he did not expect that he would say such words to a little dragon beast in another world.

But having said that, Gu Zhong became angry, but in case this little guy is really angry and ran up to Lingfeng, he is still so small and weak... just in case there is something wrong.

Wasn't my previous effort a hundred flowers...

Of course, if Little Heels knew that his owner only had his money in his heart, and he didn't really worry about its comfort, he probably wouldn't come back.

But in other words, do you really think the small heel is weak?


At this moment, Li Yidao rushed in from the outside with an excited expression on his face. He didn't know if he was happy or sad, and said, "The little heel was frozen by the uncle!"


Gu Zhong hurried out of the hall.

Only seeing Zhou Ruoxiao's face on the martial arts arena, the cold in his hands had not completely subsided, and the surrounding air was extremely cold.

Although many disciples were standing outside, because the temperature dropped too low, they all shivered with their hands.

There is also a small ice sculpture on the martial arts field, the small heel is sealed in it, and the limbs are running away.

"What's the situation?" Gu Zhong said.

Li Yidao explained: Uncle Shi led us to practice the sword in the martial arts field, and the small heel rushed out and hit the Uncle Shi, and tried to breathe fire. "

Gu Zhong said speechlessly: "You are dying!"

You dare to show off fire breathing in front of the cold goddess, what are you doing?


After a while, the seal was lifted, the ice layer fell off one by one, and his little heel fell to the ground, making his whole body convulsive with cold.

The two small eyes slowly blurred, and finally closed together.

Head Gu was startled, and shouted in his heart: "Hold on your heels, you can't die!"

Fortunately, there is no reminder to terminate the contract, indicating that the heel is still alive.

Gu Zhong quickly ran towards the alchemy pavilion holding his heels.

"The cold breath enters the body, you can use Phoenix Fire to drive him away, the master." Xue Wanqing said.

"it is good!"

The phoenix fire seed was quickly transported, and the flame sprayed from his palm swept across the body of the little heel.

The cold air seen with the naked eye came out, and in a short while, the little guy came back to life.

"Grandma's, shock me."

"Master, this is the cold-expelling pill, please take it down."

Xue Wanqing handed a pill, Gu Zhong took it and fed it to the little heel.

Little heels did not resist, and with a small mouth, he took the pill into his belly.

Then, the small heels, which had been fainted, suddenly jumped up and down again, stirring up the table with medicinal materials and elixirs everywhere.

When he saw the pill, he put it in the most, and Gu Zhong, who had just slowed down, immediately grabbed it back in a panic.

Angrily said: "What did you eat! Spit it out quickly!"


The little thing looked aggrieved and cast a look at Xue Wanqing for help.

Sure enough, Little Mengmei was also bewitched by this stuff, and pleaded for him: "Headmaster, those are all medicinal pills for no harm, they are not harmful, they were originally intended to be sent to the outer disciples."

"I will refine some more."

"It's over!"

After listening to Xue Wanqing's words, Gu Zhong's heart was cold. Before this little thing was just eating some meat, now it is the attention of the pill!

As Gu Zhong expected, after a visit to the alchemy pavilion, Little Heels stopped robbing his disciples for meat, but became a frequent visitor to the alchemy pavilion.

Body-shaping pills, speed-increasing pills, and the most precious pill for washing marrow have all become its "snacks."

Gu Zhong could only practice desperately in the virtual alchemy pavilion, replenishing the pill for this little thing to give to his disciples, so he spent a lot of contribution and experience points.


One day, the little guy lay on his master's shoulder and suddenly sneezed.

"Why, food poisoning?"

Gu Zhong wondered. After taking so many elixirs for physical fitness, this kid became more energetic. He jumped up and down in the martial arts all day, how could he suddenly sneeze?

Looking up, it turned out that Zhou Ruoxiao came from the opposite side.

So, Gu Zhong knowingly said: "Little things, in the martial arts, don't mess with her."

"Otherwise, I can't save you."


The little heel screamed disagreeably.

Hey, sing the opposite?

"call out!"

The next second, the little guy got into his clothes in horror.

It turned out that Zhou Ruoxi had already walked up to them. It turns out that your kid also has a time to admit counseling!


Zhou Ruoxi said lightly: "You are a contract beast, it consumes too much, so going on like this is no way."

"This seat is also considering this issue."

Said: "Wait later, order someone to go to Heishan City and Sky Profound City and collect some pills from the pill shop for him to eat."

The sects refining are all first-class pills, and if you give it to such a white-eyed dragon, it will not have any effect. The disciples will inevitably be chilled, and this seat can't just think about your contract beast.

Still have to focus on martial arts disciples. All the disciples were overjoyed when they heard the news.

All of them are scrambling to do things for Gu Zhong.

Of course, in addition to the pill, Gu Zhong also asked them to purchase some medicinal materials, because he discovered that Little Heel had discovered the existence of the medicine garden at some point...

And showed a certain interest, if it extended its magic claws to the medicine garden, then the consequences would be disastrous, so Gu Zhong had to take precautions.

After the disciples came back from the purchase, although they spent a lot of gold coins, Gu Zhong was finally relieved. The things he bought back were enough for this little thing to toss for a while.

However, what is surprising is that the next day, the appetite of the small heel dropped a lot, and I didn't take a few pills, and I didn't eat any more meat. Looks listless.

This is really weird, is it sick?

Another day passed, and the little thing slept directly in the incubation pavilion built for it by the ancient clock, and didn't get up and jump.

Gu Zhong was even more worried, and the disciples were secretly refreshed, but still calmly said, "This little guy should enter hibernation."

"What the hell! This is summer, hibernating a ghost!"

"The energy of the spirit beast needs to be transformed. After eating so many resources, it should have reached the stage of evolution."

Zhou Ruoxi analyzed.

"Isn't it sick?"


"Okay, as long as you are not sick."

For this gadget, the old father, the head of Gu, really broke his heart.

He doesn't expect to evolve, he just hopes that this little guy can live safely, don't come to sudden death, Gu Zhong is afraid it will be difficult to accept.

Sleeping little heel, if you hear the head of the head think it will die suddenly, it is estimated that you have to stand up and spray ten meters of flame.

Tell your master, "I'm fine."

"Huh~ It's finally over for a while~"

Stretching, the head of Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

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