Super Master System

Chapter 446: Kill the door


Everyone suddenly opened their eyes and looked at it. In that wide area, there were at least five or six hundred Black Heart Sect disciples' corpses. Except for the rancid corpse, the whole area was full of deathly silence.

If it weren't for them to break in, the anger in this area would be swallowed by this gloomy breath.

What's happening here?

A thought arose in the minds of many warriors at the same time, that the Black Heart Sect was destroyed!


Someone squinted his eyes and looked at a martial artist who was kneeling in the central area. His voice trembled and said, "Blackheart Sect Master Xie Laohuang!"

Although the distance is a bit far away, from the kneeling posture, it is obviously cold!

And many high-levels with a high level of cultivation died on the martial arts field, which means that these seven demons have since been removed from the arena!

It has always been a demon school that is strong and weak, and destroys whoever can't understand it.

The door was completely destroyed in less than an hour, which is definitely enough to shock the minds of the warriors present!

Did the group of warriors riding wolf beasts do it?

What kind of deep hatred is there between them, will they achieve this kind of extinction?

Everyone boldly walked over.

The Black Heart Sect Hall Master not only knelt on the ground, but also had a deep sword mark on his chest!

Obviously, this is a fatal injury!

A Demon Cultivator at the pinnacle of the True Pill Realm was killed just like that, and everyone was deeply shocked again!

Of course, while shocked, I still felt a little refreshed. Some of them were bullied by the Black Heart Sect. Now that they saw the Black Heart Sect end up like this, there was a feeling of revenge in my heart.

I even felt grateful for the group of warriors who came suddenly.

The Black Heart Sect is a evil demon sect. Now it has been destroyed in one dynasty. For the people in the Northwest District, that is a great event worth celebrating with drums and gongs!

If those people left their names, they might still be grateful.


Soon, the news of the destruction of the Black Heart Sect spread throughout the northwestern district. For a while, the sects of the two great righteous demons were all speculating about who killed the Black Heart Sect?

The Black Heart Sect had just taken refuge in the Black Fiend Palace not long ago. Doesn’t the extermination of the Black Heart Sect mean hitting the Black Fiend Palace in the face?

Is the place stronger than the Black Fiend Palace? For a while, the warriors had all kinds of speculations in their hearts, but they couldn't think that it was a small city in the southern region that destroyed the Black Heart Sect.


Everyone didn't know that the Black Heart Sect was only the beginning.

At this moment, Gu Zhong, with more than one hundred disciples and Xuantian Thunder Wolf, had already left the forest and galloped towards the second goal.

"What if your disciples have been killed?"

Mu Yuefeng said. Her eyes were always fixed on Gu Zhong. When she first saw Gu Zhong, she only thought that he was a pretty long white face. Although his cultivation level was not low, he appeared at that point in time and was likely to be a malicious gangster.

She even connected Gu Zhong with several other disciples who had been opposed to them. Later, after Xue Wanqing's medicinal pill treatment, her injuries had already recovered for most of the time.

She could completely leave with Lingyun Pill, but gradually discovered that this ancient clock and his sect did not seem to be simple, possessing a large array of guardians that could not be broken by the peak power of the extinction realm.

The disciples above the real pill realm were several times more than the ordinary Qiliu sect, as well as the fiery red spirit beast and the nine-day flame electric tiger.

That's why she became more determined to stay in the Cangshan faction. Fortunately, Gu Zhong said that he didn't like him, but he didn't drive her away.

What surprised her even more was that she found that she couldn't see through Gu Zhong, saying that he was cruel, he could offend the Black Evil Sect for her stranger, and personally kill him for the disciple who was in danger. Black Heart Sect.

Say he is kind. In the Black Heart Sect, Mu Yuefeng couldn't forget the look in the eyes of Xie Laohuang with a sword just now.

How did he use his crushing advantage to cut Xie Laohuang's throat with a sword, and then fiercely inserted the sword into Xie Laohuang's chest.

That ruthlessness and killing intent even surpassed many demons. In the end, in just a few tens of minutes, a demonic faction with a solid foundation was destroyed.

Originally did not find the disciple of the Temple of Wind and Rain, the atmosphere along the way seemed very quiet. Mu Yuefeng's words were undoubtedly which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted. When the disciples thought of this most likely situation, their expressions changed. .

"This seat will make them regret coming to this world!"

This is by no means a joke. The disciple is his bottom line. At the same time, the crisis also made Gu Zhong realize that he still has not enough cards. Once he encounters the oppression of the Wuliu Sect, he can only passively defend.

Moreover, his current sphere of influence is limited to the small area of ​​Heishan City. Leaving Heishan City, he can't even take care of the safety of his disciples.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhong urged in his heart: "Sister Tiger, speed up!"

Not only Gu Zhong, Lin Xiao, Lin Chen, Han Yun and others thought the same way, the reason why they were able to destroy the entire school with one-tenth the number of each other in a long time.

It depends not only on strength, but also on hatred! It is hatred, allowing them to display their strength unreservedly, and every move is directly directed at the other side's vitals.

"I want to let you know today that my Cangshan faction is not easy to mess with!"

To make others afraid, you must have the strength to deter the enemy. Otherwise, no matter how much it is said, it is empty talk.

"What are you worried about, I see the wolf brothers behind you are tired."

Indeed, after rushing for several hours in a row and experiencing a fight of hundreds of people, even if the disciples of the Cangshan School were not tired, the spirit beasts would be tired.

At this time, Han Yun learned through the secret method passed by the disciples of the Temple of Wind and Rain, that Li Yan, the deacon of the Blood Demon Palace, took all the 800 disciples of the Blood Demon Palace to another Six Demon Sect in the northwest. .

It seems to be trying to reach some kind of agreement. It just so happened that they had not yet left the Northwest District.

As soon as he got the news, Han Yun told Gu Zhong immediately.

Gu Zhong's eyes were cold, "Go! Go to evil spirits!"

It's because there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you rush into it. Originally, the ancient clock was still thinking about whether to fix it in place for a while before setting off to the northern region.

Now it seems that this is no longer necessary. At the speed of Xuantian Thunder Wolf, as long as it is in the northwest area, it can reach anywhere in an hour.

Evil sect, cave.

Thousands of disciples gathered together, staring at the court intently, two demon martial artists fighting fiercely.

On the stone bench.

Li Yan, the deacon of the Blood Demon Palace, sat with a slightly ugly face.

Beside him, a skinny old man stroked his beard, with a sinister smile on his face.


For a while, the demon martial artist with a higher cultivation base on the stage relied on the ghosts he turned out to fly his opponent out.


Li Yan arched his hands and said, "The head of Nangong is worthy of being a high-ranking sect in the northwestern region. It really is not comparable to my Blood Demon Palace."

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