Super Master System

Chapter 459: Playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong

Through the perspective symbol, it can be clearly seen that under the rough skin of Wanmen Master, the blood-colored aura madly converges toward Neiguan, Ximen, and Tanzhong.

But the position two inches below the elbows has become the weakest part of the whole body defense. Because Wanmen Master puts all his attention on his body and ignores this point, the acupuncture points can even be said to be defenseless.

The location where the ancient bell hits is exactly one of the weaknesses of the Ten Thousand Sect Master.

Suddenly, the entire arm of the Lord Wanmen was paralyzed, the blood qi in the air disappeared without a trace, and the whole body was in a mess, making Wanmen Lord's body temporarily stagnant.

But at this moment, Gu Zhong bullied himself up, slamming his elbow on his chest.


The ribs of the master of Wanmen shattered directly, and the whole person flew out like leaves in the wind, spitting a **** arrow in the inverted flight, and then fell to the ground like a sandbag, convulsed twice, and could no longer stand up.

"Yes, it's better than the last one." Gu Zhong praised with a posture of the strong looking at the weak.

"Boy..." Master Wanmen stretched out his finger to Gu Zhong, his whole body trembled, but he couldn't say anything. Then he rolled his eyes, his head tilted, and he passed out. I don't know if he was knocked out by Gu Zhong, or he was fainted by Gu Zhongqi.

"Master of Ten Thousand Sects!"

The disciples of Wan Sect Master were all shocked, thinking, our Sect Master, like the previous elder, was beaten to death by Gu Zhong, right?

He didn't even dare to step forward to check. After a few minutes after the Master Wanmen was aired on the court, a disciple came up with hindsight and lifted him up. After feeding two pills, he took him off.

The surname Wan is also a warrior of the five levels of the Destiny Realm. Gu Zhong is not unable to kill him, it must take a little effort, and Gu Zhong's intention is not to kill him, but to build momentum.

The first punch to kill the elder had a very good momentum effect. If another sect master was killed, it would be counterproductive.

If it is not as easy to defeat him like this, the demonic disciples will be even more jealous.

Sure enough, the voices of those demonic disciples were getting smaller and smaller, and even if they were dissatisfied with Gu Zhong's frenzy, no one dared to step up.

"Smelly boy, are you forcing this hall master to take action?!"

Ao Sen gritted his teeth and said. Two successive demon elites were defeated by Gu Zhong, which made him feel very shameless.

"Hahahaha..." Gu Zhong didn't answer, but laughed loudly, "Hall Master, you and I have already agreed, you can play at any time, and I will accompany you at any time."

"Huh, I don't know what the sky and the earth are thick." Ao Sen said coldly, but did not play. He always felt that there was no need to let him take action against Gu Zhong himself, or that he always felt that Gu Zhong's population was so rampant. People want to tear him to pieces.

In the midst of madness, there was a bit of self-confidence, not a bit, it was the kind of absolute self-confidence, as if he had hidden some chassis that made him invincible, but it did not show it.

It was in this entangled mood that Ao Sen did not personally challenge.

"Why? If you don't come anymore, please fulfill your promise and leave Cangshan faction."

For a long time, facing the demon school of the same level, the disciple of the decent disciple can avoid it. Try not to conflict with them. Even if they are harassed by the demons, the decent disciples can only endure it, and they don't want to conflict with any of the demons.

Not to mention such a blatant provocation, and the provocation is the Five Streams of Demons!

As a twenty-year-old young man, Gu Zhong is younger than most of them. As the head of the Seven Streams sect, he does not show weakness to the demon faction, or even provoke openly. Speechless.

Cool! So cool! ...

Looking at the demon faction's allied team, the upper and lower groups have ugly faces like eating shit, and the decent disciple does not say "comfortable!" in his heart at this time.

In this matter, although Gu Zhong’s provocation was indeed too rampant and arrogant, the fact is that the head of Gu won two games, the demon leader died and the other injured, and they are the winners. Why can't they be rampant?

"Heh, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." Hu Qing stood aside and said in a low voice, eyes full of jealousy and sullenness.

Gu Zhong's move will definitely win a lot of people's hearts. If Gu Zhong was not killed by the demons this time, they would lose most of their supporters in Jinyangmen in the south.

The expressions of the elders of Jueyin Valley changed for a while. Gu Zhong defeated two demon disciples one after another, this move was indeed a sigh of relief for the decent disciples, and made all the decent disciples feel very happy.

But it was also completely against the Demon School. Even if Ao Sen didn't make a move now, how could Gu Zhong defeat the other four warriors who were also cultivated above the fifth level of the Dharma Realm?

In a competition, the state of the warrior can affect the outcome of the battle. Could the head of the ancient master succeed in winning six high-level demons in the magical realm, and then win the Ao Sen of the Yuanling realm in a state of complete victory?

They don't believe it. Who will believe it?

At this time, a mocking voice sounded from the demon school disciple's side, and a figure jumped high and landed in front of Gu Zhong. A yellow face looked at him with disdain.

As soon as he appeared, many people on the Demon faction called out his name.

"It's the Sect Master Mingyan of the Jifuzong! The cultivation base is in the sixth layer of the Destroying Realm, and his ghost ghost fire can ignite the spirit of the warrior."

Ming Yan raised his palm, and with a "poof" in his palm, a cluster of dark green flames more than half a foot high rose.

"Boy, don't think that if you win the two wastes just now, you can run wild in front of this uncle!

"My uncle will teach you the rules of playing in the rivers and lakes." Ming Yan said in a hoarse voice.

"Oh, isn't it?" When facing Ming Yan, who showed the magic power of fire attribute, Gu Zhong had no fear, and sneered: "I'm afraid that you will be the one being taught in the end."

At the same time amusingly chanting in my heart: Playing with fire in front of me? Doesn’t it mean playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

"It seems that you will only take advantage of your tongue. Concentrate on using your body skills to escape, because as long as you get a little underworld, the aura you release will explode in your body."

"Boom!" Ming Yan made an explosive gesture and smiled strangely at Gu Zhong.

"Come on, hug your head in front of this uncle! Let everyone appreciate your running away in embarrassment, hahahaha..."

"Chain of Hellfire!"

In the wild laughter, Ming Yan's hands shook suddenly, and in a moment, two dark green flame auras with the thickness of arms burst out from his palms, like two hideous chains in the underworld, spanning a distance of more than ten meters. , Wrap to Gu Zhong's body.

A scorching wave of air spread...

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