Super Military Scientist

Chapter 172: Invincible equipment (11)

Although Ma Daha became the head of the regiment, his lack of trouble has not changed. This will not be a problem again in the course of this exercise.

He only wanted to let his troops keep up with the big troops of the whole division, and did not consider whether there would be problems with the final cooking wagon.

It wasn't until the division commander Sun Guowei counted the number that he knew that he had lost the two cooking wagons, along with more than a dozen cooking soldiers and a signal soldier. I don't know where to go now.

"Ma Daha! Ma Daha, this time you really made the most of your mistakes! You can lose two military vehicles and a dozen soldiers! Don’t go back and find them for me. , I will limit you to half an hour to find me the personnel and vehicles. Otherwise, I will give you a punishment first."

Sun Guowei looked at Ma Daha. It was because he didn't fight out. Thinking about it, he might still win Yan Mingcheng. However, a Ma Daha made him not only won't win this round, but he might also lose!

"Yes! Master, I will go back to find someone right away." Ma Daha didn't dare to neglect, and immediately led the soldiers from the repair shop back along the same route.

Although Ma Daha is a silly person, he is also an experienced soldier.

Now their regiment had two cooking wagons missing, and there were more than a dozen cooking wagons. When he thought about it, he knew that the two cooking wagons must have had an accident, and the dozens of cooking wagons could not contact him. , Can only stand by in place.

Ma Daha soon led a few soldiers from the repair shop, riding a jeep and returning on the same route.

After driving more than ten kilometers, he finally saw the two cooking wagons of his regiment. "Hey, I finally saw them!" As soon as Ma Daha saw two military vehicles in front of him in the car, he knew that he had pulled them down.

Ma Daha, asked the driver to park the car aside, and he quickly greeted the soldiers from the repair shop to get off.

Besides, when the staff of the cooking class saw that the head of the group had returned, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Head, you finally came back to look for us! Both of our cars broke down! Why can't you catch fire! You can only stop here and wait for you!"

When a squad leader of the cooking class saw that the leader was back, he quickly explained to Ma Daha what they had encountered.

"What's the matter, didn't you assign a signal soldier! Why didn't you contact us earlier!" Ma Daha looked at the fat cooking squad leader angrily.

"Leader, of course I let the signal soldier contact him, but he said that there is a mountain blocking it, and there is no signal at all. It's useless to contact you! It just can't communicate!" Quickly explained it again.

Ma Daha looked at a mountain that was not far away, and he believed what the squad leader said. "You are right! Our communication station is too backward! As long as there is a high mountain, it will be blocked!"

"Isn't it! Leader, how could we stay here forever if we were able to communicate with the world before!" Seeing that the leader of the cooking squad understood what he said, he said in agreement.

"Okay, no need to be wordy, let the soldiers in the repair shop start repairing your cars!" Ma Daha didn't have time to talk too much with the squad leader of the cooking squad. The problem they just encountered just wanted to let the comrades in the repair shop. , Repair these two cars quickly!

"Thank you, head, let them fix it!" The squad leader of the cooking class immediately agreed to the head.

Ma Daha quickly ordered several soldiers in the repair shop to start overhauling the two cooking wagons.

Fortunately, the problem is not very big, that is, the problem of the oil circuit. Soon a few soldiers from the repair shop repaired the two cooking wagons.

"Captain, it's okay, they can drive away." A soldier from the repair shop, after repairing the car, reported to the captain.

"Okay, let's set off right away, everyone is waiting for you!" Ma Daha hurriedly asked a few soldiers from the repair shop to sit on the cooking wagon. Then, he asked the driver to drive the car, with the dozen or so cooking soldiers, and all the cooking utensils, and he quickly caught up with the big group.

At this moment, Sun Guowei was still waiting for Ma Daha while watching his watch on the side of the road!

He was very anxious, so he wanted Martha and the others to come back soon! But it's no use worrying, Ma Daha and the others are ten kilometers away from him! You can't come back in a few minutes.

Finally, after Sun Guowei waited for nearly half an hour, two military vehicles finally appeared on the road not far away.

Soon, the cooking car and the jeep riding in Ma Daha stopped by Sun Guowei. "Okay, get in the car! Go ahead at full speed, we might lose!"

When Sun Guowei saw that Ma Daha and the two cooking wagons were back again, he was relieved that he wanted Ma Daha and the others to set off with the army!

Besides, Yan Mingcheng’s marching training went much smoother, and there were almost no problems. Although there were also a few trucks that broke down during the march, there were advanced communication radio stations, and the signals were very good all the way. There is no failure to contact.

Even though there were some problems with two military vehicles, the soldiers at the repair shop were contacted in time and the two military vehicles were repaired quickly.

In the end, Yan Mingcheng arrived at the exercise area first, nearly an hour faster than Sun Guowei.

The two troops have finally arrived in a relatively flat valley at the exercise site. There are a few temporary green tents here, which can be regarded as the command post of this communication exercise.

Chief of Staff Yang of the army and Director Liu of the Equipment Department are the top commanders of this communications exercise. In this communications exercise, the two of them are mainly responsible, and of course there are some staff officers around them to serve as their assistants.

After the two participating troops arrived at the designated area, Yan Mingcheng and Sun Guowei met each other.

It should be said that Yan Mingcheng and Sun Guowei had never met before. The two almost didn't know anyone.

But this communication exercise brought the two of them together.

Before the exercise, the two of them had already inquired about each other's situation. It can be said that they know a lot about the other party, but no one has seen anyone.

Now their two units are assembled side by side in the open space in front of the command post. Yan Mingcheng and Sun Guowei were standing on the grass less than five meters apart.

The two of them didn't speak either, they just looked at each other with their eyesight. After all, no one has seen anyone. First, let's look at each other's "respect".

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