Super Military Scientist

Chapter 314: Tomahawk Cruise (6)

If the leader of country M said so, he would be avenging country F! The leader of country F will naturally not say anything.

In this way, the leader of country F had to return to his country in a desperate manner.

But after he went back, he felt very shameless. And the breath of letting Huaguo defeat it has not yet come out!

So he found some senior leaders of the F country's military and asked them if there was any way to save their face in country F!

These high-ranking military officials said, what can be done. Since country M is unwilling to help us, then we can only solve it ourselves!

The leader of country F asked how to solve it! These senior military leaders said that we can purchase some advanced weapons from country M! For example, their newly developed surface-to-surface missile.

Then, we can use these missiles to deal with China! At that time, what can China do with us! Their country’s warships are very old, and in the last battle, we sank three ships! As long as we import some advanced missiles from country M, we will surely defeat the Chinese army! There is no problem in sinking all of their broken warships.

Now we use missiles to attack them, they have no way! In this way, we can defeat China, and we can naturally avenge ourselves!

The leader of country F heard it and felt very reasonable. So he agreed to this senior military leader's word that he would be solely responsible for handling this matter, and he would also allocate some special military expenses for the procurement of weapons.

In this way, the senior military leader of country F came to country M with some important military personnel.

If they want to purchase weapons, they have to contact some military industry experts.

The most famous military industry expert in Country M is of course that Jonis.

The head of the military of country F found Jonis and told him that his country wanted to purchase some advanced missile weapons. I wonder if their country M has developed advanced missile weapons!

After hearing this, Jonis laughed: "You are here at the right time! I have just developed a surface-to-surface medium-range missile. If you need it, I can naturally sign a contract with you. You can pay the deposit first, and then Even if it is ordered."

The person in charge of the military of country F heard this and said happily: "That's great. We just need such a weapon! Can we sign a contract right away!"

Jonis listened and explained: "You can sign a contract. It's just that the missile I developed has a very short range. If you use it, you can only launch it from warships, and you can only attack other countries. The coastal target! I don’t know if you want it or not!"

The person in charge of the F country’s military heard this and immediately laughed again: “That’s it. What we are going to attack is the coastal target of China! The missile you developed is very suitable for us to use! "

"Well, if that's the case, then we will sign a contract! You can come and receive the goods in a month." Jonis looked at the military officer of Country F and said.

"Okay, we'll sign a contract right away!" The head of the military of country F is naturally very happy.

In this way, country F ordered dozens of medium-range surface-to-surface missiles from country M. One month later, they paid the money and received the goods.

When the person in charge of the military of country F shipped these missiles back to China, they could not wait to attack China!

And China has now produced dozens of atomic missiles! Everything is ready, just wait for country F to cast the net!

After Zhao Zhongyao produced these atomic missiles, he reported to Director Liu and wanted him to check it!

Director Liu said to Zhao Zhongyao: "There is no need to check, you quickly ask Yan Mingcheng to transport all the missiles to their armored division. And they must be assigned to the missile battalion. Their missile battalion must be prepared for battle. The enemy may launch surface-to-surface missiles at our Jianghai City at any time!"

"Yes! Then I'll go and call Yan Mingcheng directly." Zhao Zhongyao saw that Director Liu said that the situation was urgent, so he didn't need to worry about anything.

Zhao Zhongyao put down the phone and immediately drove to Yan Mingcheng's army in person.

When he came to Yan Mingcheng's office. Seeing Yan Mingcheng still reading the newspaper boredly!

"Yo! It's Director Zhao, Expert Zhao! That gust of wind has brought you here! We haven't seen you any time! Hey, last time, I asked you to see Director Liu to help you ask about our meritorious service, you Did you ask! Why is there no news for so long! Still let me wait for you here!"

As soon as Yan Mingcheng saw Zhao Zhongyao, he started to talk again.

"It's an urgent wind of war! Old Yan! I can tell you now that the reason why the superiors did not give us merit is because the last battle on Mushroom Island has not ended!

You say that a war is not over yet, so how can you serve you? You don’t have to wait until the war is over to give you merit! "

Zhao Zhongyao saw that Yan Mingcheng was at this time, and he also said about meritorious service. He did not humbly tell Yan Mingcheng what he had heard from Director Liu before.

"Damn! So, I'm going to fight again!"

When Yan Mingcheng heard what Zhao Zhongyao said, he immediately got up from his office chair.

"That is, from now on, the battle may start at any time!" Zhao Zhongyao said, looking at Yan Mingcheng seriously.

"Then what to do, what weapons do we use against the enemy! People have to use missiles against us again! Could it be that we still use rockets against them! This is on land! How can these rockets fire so many at once? If that is the case, we will not blow up the houses on our own land!"

Yan Mingcheng heard Zhao Zhongyao say that it is possible to start a war with Country F soon! He was at a loss! Because, he is in his own station now, he doesn't know how to fight the enemy!

"We have already developed weapons. Hurry up and send a few ordinary military trucks to the military factory of Jianggong University of Technology, and transport the weapons we have produced against country F to your missile battalion!"

Zhao Zhongyao didn't want to say anything to Yan Mingcheng, so he had to dispatch a car with him to bring back all the atomic missiles!

"Okay, I'll send a car now." Yan Mingcheng listened to Zhao Zhongyao's words, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately walked out of the office and walked to the missile camp!

At this time, Zhao Zhongyao was already driving and headed to the military factory of Jianggong University.

About half an hour later, Yan Mingcheng brought three military trucks to the military factory of Jianggong University.

Under Zhao Zhongyao's arrangement, he asked the soldiers to load all the 36 atomic missiles on military trucks, and then drove back to his armored division.

After returning to the armored division, Zhao Zhongyao asked Yan Mingcheng to place all these missiles in the missile battalion.

Because these weapons are weapons that can be used at any time! He told Yan Mingcheng that from now on, the missile battalion must be in a state of first-level combat readiness, ready to counter the enemy's aggressive behavior.

Naturally, Yan Mingcheng quickly agreed, and soon gathered all the soldiers from the missile battalion and ordered them to enter the first-level combat readiness state.

And Zhao Zhongyao and Yan Mingcheng entered the radar monitoring room together. They must be ready to issue combat orders to the soldiers of the missile battalion at any time!

But a few days passed, and nothing happened.

Yan Mingcheng was a little unbearable. He looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, "Zhongyao, will the higher-level leaders make a fuss! Does the enemy dare not invade us anymore? Are we a little too nervous now!"

Zhao Zhongyao said: "Old Yan, don't worry! The enemy will definitely attack us, but they are not ready yet. When they are ready, they will naturally launch missiles at us."

Zhao Zhongyao also knew that the enemy had not conducted a missile war before. It's just an ordinary artillery war. Now they are going to engage in high-tech missile warfare, and of course they have to study it carefully.

Zhao Zhongyao thought well. The reason why country F has not moved for so long is because they still don't know how to attack China!

First of all, this kind of missile is a new weapon, and they have hardly been used in actual combat before. That is, in the last military exercise on Mushroom Island, they deliberately fired a shot into Shark Island. After that, they never carried out such missile combat again!

Now that they want revenge, they must directly penetrate the missiles into the mainland of China! In doing so, they must study it carefully. ‘

Because the cost of each missile is very expensive. The value of each missile they import from country M is more than one million yuan!

Although country F is considered a rich country, they are after all a small country. No matter how rich they are, their GDP will be so much. It can't be compared with a developed superpower at all!

Country F has imported dozens of surface-to-surface missiles from country M, which cost tens of millions of M yuan! For country F’s military expenditure, this is already a huge expenditure. If they can't effectively hit important military targets, they will naturally not fire lightly.

Although country M has the technology and personnel in this area, they will not help country F! All depends on country F to study and use this advanced weapon!

In fact, there is no close relationship between country M and these younger countries. Country M is just using these small countries.

He is taking advantage of these small countries, eager to expand his territory and want to grow into a big country, so he helps these small countries economically and militarily.

Then the leaders of these small countries will swell their desire for power, thinking that there is a'big boss' covering them, and they can invade other countries at will, especially those economically underdeveloped, but the territory is very developed 'Developing countries.

Since China and F are close neighbors and are relatively backward economically and militarily, F will regard China as the best place for them to expand their territory.

The leaders of country F think very well, but the actual situation is not what they imagined. In fact, country M is a big arms country, and their economy depends on their own arms business.

But how can we sell some of the advanced weapons developed by ourselves, then there must be a market that needs these weapons!

But the world situation is now dominated by peace. There are not so many wars. And country M wants to sell some of the relatively advanced weapons they have developed, so they have to create some incidents so that a war can happen, so that their weapons will have a market!

And some small countries, especially some relatively, slightly developed small countries, the biggest wish is to expand their territory!

And country M took advantage of these small countries’ eagerness to expand their territory, deliberately instructing them to invade some developing countries, so that some conflicts could arise between these small countries and some developing countries, or even some wars. The weapons of their country M will naturally have a market!

This time, the attitude of country M on the issue of war between country F and China has clearly exposed the criminal psychology of country M!

And even if country F knows the evil psychology of country M, he can't do anything about it because they are much stronger than them. These small countries are all united, and I am afraid that they are not the opponents of people M!

Therefore, when country F cannot get the technical support of country M, it can only spend money to buy other people's weapons. In this regard, country M has always been very generous to their younger brother countries. It has always been ‘will respond to requests’!

In this way, country F spent a lot of money to purchase dozens of M-600 mid-range surface-to-surface missiles from country M.

The longest range of this missile is more than 300 kilometers. If launching from the mainland of country F and attacking the coastal areas of China, I am afraid that it will be too far away!

Because the mainland of Country F is far from the eastern coastal area of ​​China, the straight-line distance is also over 600 kilometers!

If they want to use this batch of missiles to invade China, they can only install these missiles on their warships, that is, the dozen warships that participated in the Mushroom Island naval battle last time!

But the missile produced by country M is only a surface-to-surface missile. It's not a ship-to-surface missile! It was launched on the missile launch vehicle of the ground forces.

Country F is now going to attack China. If they launch from the mainland, they will naturally be beyond their reach. But if they are launched from a warship, then these surface-to-surface missiles must be installed on the warship!

However, there is no facility designed to install surface-to-surface missiles on the warship. If they want to do this in country F, they have to ask some military experts from country M to help!

Originally, country F wanted to install these missiles on its warships! But their military experts are really not so good. Several shipborne missile launchers have been developed, but after installation, they cannot be used at all.

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