Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1045: Ask for directions

"This method is good."

"Rather than blindly searching for a long time, it's better to catch a few strange animals and ask."

When Lin Ran was said by Zihuang Zulong, his eyes lit up and he immediately looked aside.

In the direction that Lin Ran was gazing at, there was a small bush with a strange beast inside. After Lin Ran's malicious eyes saw it, he was frightened on the spot and began to flee frantically.

But how could Lin Ran let it run away? The Dragon Soul Thunder Sword immediately appeared in his hand and slashed it vigorously.

However, Lin Ran didn't kill it, nor hit it. He just hit a big tree in front of it and blocked its escape route.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also rushed to it immediately and appeared in front of this strange beast.

"Don't move, dare to move, be careful I swallow you."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon pretended to have a fierce and evil face, and pointed at the strange beast in front of him with his teeth and claws, and said.

And that alien beast looked like a wolf clan alien beast, but its body was light green and transparent, like a wolf-shaped ghost.

Seeing the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon with such a powerful aura, suddenly appeared in front of it, scared that its whole body was trembling constantly, did not dare to move at all, I was afraid that it would be swallowed by the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"It turns out to be a little wolf spirit demon, it looks pretty cute."

After Lin Ran saw the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon subduing the Wolf Soul Demon, he also hurried over.

"I have to say that the demon monsters living in this ghost mountain are indeed good, just grab them casually, it's a Tier 8 blood wolf spirit demon."

"Although I'm still underage, it's enough to prove that this ghost mountain is indeed a paradise for demon monsters."

Lin Ran squatted down, smiling at the spirit wolf demon in front of him.

However, the wolf spirit demon didn't think that Lin Ran was smiling. In its eyes, Lin Ran's smile was very terrifying, and it was even more scared when he thought of the previous threat of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"Okay, okay, don't scare it, after all, it's just a minor wolf spirit demon, if you don't scare you to death, it won't be great."

Lin Ran patted the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, letting it converge.

Then he looked at the spirit wolf demon gently and said, "Don't be afraid of the spirit wolf, we'll ask for a way. As long as you answer well, I'll keep you okay."

"And if the answer is good, I will give you extra rewards, how about?"

After the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon condensed his breath, he lay on Lin Ran's shoulder, and the wolf spirit demon couldn't feel the powerful pressure, and he was deeply relieved.

But it still didn't dare to escape, because Lin Ran's Dragon Soul Thunder Sword was still in front of him. As long as he ran, he would be beheaded by him, so the wolf spirit demon nodded very obediently.

"That's right."

Lin Ran reached out his hand and touched its head, smiled and said, "This question is very simple. Tell me where is the secret realm on Ghost Mountain!"

Hearing the words, the wolf soul demon frowned immediately, completely unaware of what the secret realm was, shook his head blankly, and roared a few times.

"It doesn't know what secret realm there is, but only knows that there are a few ordinary time and space cracks." Zihuang Zulong translated.

"Huh? Know the cracks in time and space but don't know the secret realm?"

Lin Ran continued to look at the wolf soul demon, the star ring flickered slightly, and a Tier 8 demon type alien beast crystal appeared, and said to the wolf soul: "Time and space cracks are not the answer I want."

"Since you don't know where the secret realm is, then I want you to tell me where the ghost mountain is in the most special place. As long as you don't deceive me and obediently take me over, then this Tier 8 alien beast crystallization is yours."

Seeing the Tier 8 demon monster crystals emerging from Lin Ran’s hands, the wolf spirit demon's eyes immediately lit up. If it weren’t for Lin Ran’s hands, I’m afraid the wolf spirit demon would immediately pounce on it and swallow it. Swallowed.

But at this moment, even if it wanted it, it didn't dare to move randomly, the little head Guazi kept thinking about it.


The wolf soul demon didn't know what he had thought of, and immediately became excited, and shouted at Lin Ran and Zihuang Ancestral Dragon.

"Oh? You said you don't know where the secret realm is, nor the most peculiar location of Ghost Mountain, but you know where a group of humans gather?"

After hearing the words of the wolf soul demon, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon immediately showed a puzzled expression.

Lin Ran frowned slightly when he heard it, and began to think.

"Would you like to catch a few more? After all, it doesn't survive for a long time. You can catch some Tier 9 strange beasts that have been alive for a long time and ask."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon didn't believe the wolf soul demon's words, and whispered to Lin Ran.

"No, no, I think the spot where the group of humans gathered is very suspicious."

"Think about it, this is Ghost Mountain. It's very dangerous. Who will come here specially if it's okay?"

"I think it must have a purpose. Maybe it is the same as our purpose, but also to find the secret realm, and this wolf spirit demon is completely attracted by the crystal of the eighth-order alien beast, so he shouldn't lie."

"I think I can go with it and have a look. Maybe there are unexpected surprises. If it really doesn't, then it's too late to catch other strange beasts and inquire."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ran said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"Um... what you said makes sense, so let's go with it first." Upon hearing the words, Zihuang Ancestral Dragon nodded slightly.

"Ahem, little wolf spirit demon, I'll give you a chance to lead the way."

Lin Ran stood up and said to the spirit wolf demon.

The wolf spirit demon nodded in excitement, and finally glanced at the eighth-order alien beast crystal, then swallowed, and ran forward quickly.

Lin Ran and Zihuang Zulong also chased up immediately.


Although this wolf spirit demon is not very old and has not grown up yet, it has been in the Ghost Shadow Mountain for a long time, so he is very familiar with the environment here.

In addition to the powerful auras on the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon and Lin Ran, the other demon monsters around them also did not dare to move at will.

After the wolf spirit demon seemed to have discovered this, he no longer flinched, and ran past some extremely threatening alien beasts openly, without worrying about being eaten by them.

If this were to be changed to the past, the wolf spirit demon would definitely not dare to come over, and would directly choose to take a detour, but this time it was different.

Soon, the Wolf Soul Demon took Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon to a place with extremely dense fog. It was like a sunken valley, a vast expanse of whiteness, which was completely satisfied to see clearly.

After the wolf soul demon ran here, he excitedly pointed to the valley below, and yelled at Lin Ran "Woo~".


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