Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 1076: Scared one

Under the gazes of the three of them looking forward to, Lin Ran holding the purple gold swallowing armor in his hand, step by step along the ice road towards the stone monument.

Along the way, the eyes of the three people couldn't do without this star spirit vine demon, and they were all watching whether it would change.


The Star Spirit Vine Demon who was still enjoying the purple gold swallowing the dragon ball on the armor, for some reason, suddenly trembled all over, as if being struck by lightning, unexpectedly bounced all of a sudden.

The goal is very clear, which is to jump towards the stone monument.

Fortunately, the purple phoenix ancestor's longan was quick in his hand, and immediately grabbed the Star Spirit Vine Demon with his little dragon claws, and then the breath of the dragon **** radiated from his whole body, and he held it firmly in his hand.

The Star Spirit Vine Demon in the dragon's claws kept struggling, and his whole body exuded a pale green light, spitting mucus at the Zijin Ancestral Dragon bit by bit, but it was a pity that the Zihuang Ancestral Dragon was smart this time and had already expected it. It will spit mucus.

Therefore, he kept evasive, and the Star Spirit Vine Demon didn't even hit the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon. The angry Star Spirit Vine Demon kept making strange noises, probably cursing the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"Good fellow, I didn't expect this Star Spirit Vine Demon to react so much."

"Now it seems that this guy is really cunning. Maybe at the moment he came here, he felt the power of the stele, deliberately pretending to be indifferent, just waiting to get close to the stele, so that it can be absorbed directly. Come here and it's successful."

"But unfortunately, we still saw through it."

After Lin Ran saw that the Star Spirit Vine Demon had left the Zijin Devouring Armor, he silently uttered a few words, and then put the Zijin Devouring Armor on his body again.

"This Star Spirit Vine Demon is really a peculiar species. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I'm afraid it would be really hard to imagine."

After seeing the scene just now, Yuntian's expression was also very surprised, and he even prepared to reach out to touch it, but when he saw it spit wildly, he didn't get started, so as not to be affected.

"Since this stele is very attractive to it, it's easy to handle."

"Little guy, let's continue talking?"

Lin Ran looked at the Xingling Vine Demon with a look of harmless humans and animals, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said.

"I don't listen, I don't listen!"


"I'm going! Why are you talking, startling me!"

Lin Ran, Yun Tian, ​​and the Purple Phoenix Zulong, the three of them were all startled on the spot when they heard the Star Spirit Vine Demon spit out words. Among them, Lin Ran had the greatest reaction, and he immediately jumped two steps afterwards. Thought hell.

After all, this Protoss Vine Demon has never seen it speak from beginning to end. According to the memory of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, there has never been a Protoss Vine Demon who can speak, although he knows that this guy understands human language, but Speaking rashly, Lin Ran and the others were still taken aback.

"Let go of me!"

The Star Spirit Vine Demon shouted at Lin Ran and the others with a very tender, girlish voice.

"Good fellow, you can really talk, it seems that you have been deliberately ignoring me before?"

Lin Ran frowned slightly, looked at the Star Spirit Vine Demon, and said.

"Huh! I've just stayed with you for a long time, and I've been in a subtle chemistry meeting. Isn't it just a trivial human language? I think it's easy to learn."

The Star Spirit Vine Demon spoke very proudly, and while talking, he continued to spit at Lin Ran and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, without affecting them at all.

"Since you can talk, it's much simpler. This stone tablet is very attractive to you. As long as you promise us one thing, I will let you out."

"Otherwise you can see, my power is very powerful, even if I can't kill you, but I can still suppress you firmly."

"If you want to regain your freedom, behave, lest you suffer!"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon was completely taken aback before, but now it has slowed down, and said in a threatening tone.

"I don't! I know what you want to do, let me restore that old man's cultivation skills."

"If it's someone else, I can agree, but this guy is not as simple as an ordinary human. I helped him recover. It is very likely that I myself will be extremely injured."

"I don't want it! Don't!"

The Star Spirit Vine Demon actually knew what they wanted to do from just now, and at this moment he directly spoke out.

After hearing this, Yuntian smiled awkwardly. The occurrence of this scene really made him unexpected and felt very surprised.

"Can't use the power of this stele?"

"Little guy, you are not lazy, deliberately don't want to do it."

Lin Ran frowned slightly, looked at the Xingling Vine Demon, and questioned.

After all, this guy is indeed very cunning. There is no way that Lin Ran can fully believe what he said now, and the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon on the side was the same, and he didn't fully believe it.


After hearing this, the Star Spirit Vine Demon was silent for two seconds, his peculiar little eyes rolled around, and then hurriedly said: "I'm not kidding, it's true."

"I don't believe it, the look in your eyes just betrayed you, you just didn't want to do it on purpose."

Lin Ran saw the expression of the Star Spirit Vine Demon just now, and immediately understood it, as expected, this guy deliberately.

"Little guy, this is the last time you have been asked to help. As long as you restore this senior's supreme cultivation base, you will be free in the future and you can live in the Holy Spirit Lake to your heart's content."

"This is within the Yun Clan's sphere of influence. You don't have to worry about any danger at all. Is it not good to have a happy life?"

Lin Ran knew that this guy might not eat hard, his tone eased, and said gently to the Star Spirit Vine Demon.

"You didn't lie to me, is it really the last time?"

When the Star Spirit Vine Demon heard Lin Ran say the last time, his eyes suddenly lit up and said.

"I can swear to God, it is definitely the last time. After you do it successfully, you can live happily here. If you feel lonely, I think the Yun Clan will arrange some strange beasts to accompany you."

After hearing that the Star Spirit Vine Demon seemed to be about to compromise, Lin Ran was also excited, and hurriedly added.


"Okay, then I promised."

"But what I said earlier is that it is really difficult to completely restore this old man's cultivation base. It will take a long time. If it weren't for the stone monument, I would definitely not make a move. That would hollow out all my own strength and cause I died immediately."

"But now for the sake of having a stone tablet, I reluctantly agreed to take the shot, but you must remember your own promise, otherwise I will hate you for the rest of my life and I will scold you in my heart every day!"

The Star Spirit Vine Demon calmed down at this time, and stopped spitting, silently looking at the stone monument behind him.

"Don't worry, I can promise you here, as long as you restore the old man's cultivation base, you will be the sacred artifact of the Yun Clan in the future, and no one will dare to bother you!"

Yun Tian naturally heard their conversation just now, so he said firmly.

"Okay, let's start!"

"Remember not to play tricks!"

As soon as the purple phoenix ancestor dragon's voice fell, he slowly released the dragon's claws, but in order to prevent the star spirit vine demon from cheating, he did not dare to loosen it too quickly.

"Humph! If you agree, you agree, so I won't cheat."

The moment the Star Spirit Vine Demon let go, he flew directly into the arms of the supreme Yun Clan.


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