Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 165: Lucky break

Lin Ran saw that he was mistaken for a nine-star beast trainer by them, and he really didn’t want to explain for a while. This feeling was really great, so he responded lightly, “It’s just a fluke. It’s just a special one. The technique broke through. By the way, are you here to cultivate alien beasts?"

Lin Ran didn't give too much explanation. After a few words at random, he shifted the topic to cultivating alien beasts.

But the students were obviously shocked by what Lin Ran said, and they didn't even hear what kind of strange beasts were mentioned later. They looked at Lin Ran in dismay.

"A chance to break through?" Chen Xuan said with a look of astonishment: "Ms. Lin just entered the nine-star beast trainer?"

"That's it!"

"Teacher Lin, you said that it took a little special technique to break through. Can you teach us that this method can definitely improve our own strength quickly? We also want to improve our strength, so that we can definitely play in the Beast Trainer League competition. Brilliant!"

"Yes, yes, the teacher will teach us too, right?"

Lin Ran was a little embarrassed in the face of many students talking babbledly.

teach? What to teach?

Do you teach them spiritual thoughts?

How is that possible!

So Lin Ran said speechlessly: "You can't learn this technique, and I only care about cultivating alien beasts. If you want to cultivate any alien beasts, please hurry up."

"Teacher Lin, are you kidding? Can we learn?"

"Impossible, our talents are all okay, if you don't teach it, how can you know that we can't learn..."

Chen Xuan and others were still shocked.

Seeing the other party, Lin Ran kept asking questions, so he started to be hard, and said solemnly: "If I want to teach, I will teach you later, but now it’s the time when I open a store to take orders. If you still ask Keep going, just leave now!"

As soon as they heard Lin Ran's words, Chen Xuan and the others immediately calmed down, standing straight one by one, forming a line in an instant.

Seeing them line up so quickly, Lin Ran couldn't help but sneered. Sure enough, he had to be tough. They were all guys who eat hard but not soft!

Soon Lin Ran took out the small books again, and came over in an orderly manner, lining up to register the information.

"Teacher Lin, you see that I have been here so many times, so I don't have to register repeatedly." Chen Xuan smiled at Lin Ran as he wrote, trying to please Lin Ran.

Lin Ran glanced at him and said coldly, "What if I miss your strange beast? Don't come to me again then."

"Um..." Chen Xuan was speechless, and quickly wrote down his various information, and then handed it over to Lin Ran respectfully, then summoned the alien beast, and transferred 100,000 to Lin. Burn.

When transferring money, I glanced at my account balance, and I couldn’t help but feel a little pain. This is because I have been saving for so many years and saving little pocket money. Now it is about to bottom out so soon, I am afraid that at most Nurturing one or two will be gone.

As for asking for his family, Chen Xuan is absolutely shameless. After all, he is about to graduate and he is an adult. It would be too ugly to ask for money from his family, so he should find a treasure hunting team to join as soon as possible. , Anyway, what I use is an auxiliary monster, usually behind his teammates, usually there is no danger.

The summoned forest giant deer immediately stood up after seeing Lin Ran, but when he saw Lin Ran’s extremely fierce eyes, he suddenly withered, bowed his head listlessly and walked to the side hut, turning his head to look towards Lin Ran seems to be saying, come on, I'm ready...

With a wave of Lin Ran's hand, the door opened, and it continued to walk in with its head down. Seeing that it behaved so well, Lin Ran didn't say much, and continued to register the information of the students behind.

Behind Chen Xuan was Chen Fei. When it was his turn to register, he was extremely happy. At the same time, he looked at Lin Ran and smiled: "Mr. Lin, will you talk about other monsters with other attributes besides Demon monsters in the future? ? My alien beast is of the ghost type, and it is similar to the demon type, would you also talk about your experience?"

Lin Ran glanced at him and said faintly: "It should be, it mainly depends on my mood."

After hearing Lin Ran’s answer, Chen Fei’s eyes lit up. He didn’t refuse, so he could talk. That’s great. Anyway, he’s only in the first grade. Some of them have time to take Lin Ran’s class, so he jumped happily. He jumped, summoned a strange beast, and at the same time transferred it to Lin Ran one hundred thousand.

After registering Chen Fei, Lin Ran also successively registered the information of other students behind him. After all the registrations were over, Lin Ran took them all to the hut on the side.

When he returned to the main hall again, many people had left silently, but there were still many people left. They seemed to want to chat with Lin Ran and start a conversation. After all, they were using what Lin Ran just said. A special method, breakthrough to Jiuxing, is very interesting.

But before they asked, another wave of students came.

"It's really Teacher Lin!"

"This is the shop of Teacher Lin they mentioned?"

"Sure enough, low-key luxury has connotations!"

These new students, one by one, saw Lin Ran sitting at the door, and at the same time looked at the overall size of the shop. They felt that Lin Ran must be a big man who likes to be low-key, so these people's eyes suddenly brightened. Ran over excitedly.

Many of this group of people came to look for Lin Ran to cultivate for the first time. They all saw Lin Ran’s mighty and domineering battle in the conference hall, and then they went to inquire about Lin Ran’s shop and hurried to rush. Check it out.

"teacher LIN!"

"Teacher Lin, help me nurture!"

A group of young students of men and women flocked to Lin Ran's shop.

There were Chen Xuan, Chen Fei and others who were still staying next to him. Just as they were about to have a deep conversation with Lin Ran, they saw so many people crowding around. They were a bit embarrassed for a while and felt that they shouldn’t be disturbing Lin Ran’s business. , Can only turn around and leave silently.

Seeing the influx of all the students in this group of students, Lin Ran felt that the situation seemed a bit chaotic, so he hurriedly yelled, "Quite me all. Those who want to cultivate alien animals will line up one by one. If you inquire about other things, then I won’t be with you, no time!"

Hearing Lin Ran's majestic voice, these students immediately calmed down and immediately lined up obediently, but even though the line was lined up, many female students couldn't help but stretch their heads and look at Lin Ran.

"Teacher Lin, you really are a nine-star animal trainer! That's amazing!"

"Your Liuying Magic Moon Dog is so handsome!"

"Teacher Lin, we admire you so much!"

"Ms. Lin, do you have a girlfriend..."


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