Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 346: Reach an agreement

"You want to talk about the three things you want." Lin Ran didn't directly agree at this time, after all, he was afraid that it would propose something that he could not do.

"These three things are very important to me, as long as you can get it, then everything is easy to say." The blood demon Jiaolong's face sank at this time, and slowly said: "First, I need a complete ninth order. The corpse of the marsh king beast, secondly, I need ten crystals of the ninth-order pedigree alien beasts, of which there must be a crystal of a pure-bred dragon alien beast. Third, I need a drop of the essence and blood of a sacred beast-level dragon."


Originally, Lin Ran was still able to accept the ten ninth-order alien beast crystals and the corpse of the marsh king beast. After all, this kind of thing was not too difficult for Lin Ran to say, it was just a matter of time, but at the end of hearing When there was one thing, Lin Ran was completely stunned.

"The essence and blood of a dragon-class animal-level monster? Are you kidding me?" Lin Ranqiang suppressed a smile, and said, "I haven't seen a real-life animal-level animal before, let alone Dragon clan monster-level strange beast, where do you tell me to get it?"

"Boy, let me tell you, as long as you get these three things, I have a way to resurrect my son, so that I can spare you. As for how you get it, I can't control it." Jiaolong's red eyes exuded an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Not only made Lin Ran back a few steps, but even the Liuying Illusory Moon Dog and the World Exterminating Thunder Tiger sent an expression of extreme fear at this time.

"Is this the oppressive feeling of the beast-level..." Lin Ran was full of cold sweat behind his back at this time, muttering slightly in his mouth.

"You said you can resurrect your child by gathering all these things? That's impossible!" Lin Ran slowly came over at this time and asked a little surprised.

After all, the Blood Demon Flood Dragon is indeed dead and cannot die anymore. Not only has all the valuable parts of the body been taken away, but even the flesh and blood have been eaten, and even the bones may be gone. In this case, Can it be resurrected?

"Hmph, it's naturally impossible under normal circumstances, but I am a dragon king of the beast level. There is a trace of my essence in my child. Before it died, its dragon soul was in me. If you can collect these things in my body, I can reshape my child's body and resurrect it when I regain the power of mythical beast level." The blood demon Flood Dragon pressed the anger and said.

"Um..." Lin Ran was stunned. Although he didn't fully understand it, seeing the look of the blood demon dragon, it didn't look like a joke, so Lin Ran thought for a moment, and said: " That’s okay, I can get these things for you, but I need time, it’s a long time."

"No problem, as long as I don't die, my son's dragon soul will not dissipate, and the dragon **** golden egg will not hatch so quickly. I can give it to you at this time." said the blood demon dragon.

"That's good, but I have promised you so many conditions for you so painstakingly, then you can't believe it, and besides asking you about the ancient war, I also need you to tell me the rank 9 alien beast to be promoted to the beast. Grade secret!" Lin Ran said.

"Oh?" The Blood Demon Jiaolong sneered: "Do you still want to know how to be promoted to the rank of the beast? Brat, this is not something you can understand at the moment, let me find those things first!"

"I still don't understand why it's the current one. It's exactly the same as the system said." Lin Ran was a bit speechless. What exactly will the rank 9 alien beast bring to the promotion of the Divine Beast rank?

"Smelly boy, why are you in a daze, don't you hurry to let me out, do you think these trapped beast locks taste good!" Seeing that Lin Ran was stupid, the blood demon dragon stood still and couldn't help roaring .

"What are you yelling at! It makes me angry, and I will lock you up for two more days!" Lin Ran was still thinking about these issues, but suddenly he yelled and said a little angrily.

When the Blood Demon Flood Dragon heard that Lin Ran was going to lock it for another two days, he immediately eased his emotions and said, "Hurry up, this lock is uncomfortable."

"Cut! Wait!" Lin Ran snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he called the system: "System, the time limit for this trapped beast lock is not over yet, how can I get it into the time-space map of Shanhe in advance?"

"You only need to go over and unlock the trapped beast lock that binds it. As for how to send it to the time-space map of Shanhe, 500 points, I will do it for you." The system responded without emotion.

"It's 500 points again? I'll go! It's hard to praise the points, but you took them all." Lin Ran was speechless when he heard that 500 points were needed.

If the points were not cleared by the system last time, these 500 points are not a big deal to Lin Ran at this time, but the points are not so sufficient now. Although there are some praises, the competition of the Beast Tamer League is about to start. At this time, there is no business in the cultivation shop, and it is even more difficult to accumulate points.

"Maybe if you don't pay 500 points, then you can only go to the Secret Realm Fragment one more time. Take the time and space map of the mountains and rivers to find it, and wait to find it, and then collect it." The system said lightly.

"Forget it, it's too much trouble, 500 points should be 500 points." Lin Ran paid immediately as soon as he gritted his teeth.

After all, the time in the current life is too tight, it is impossible to find it again in the Secret Realm Fragment, and the system still needs help.

"With 500 points deducted, a portal is being established for the host..."

"The portal was successfully established."

I saw a sudden vibration in the dark trapped beast space, and then a vertical eye-like crack opened on the side, exactly the same as the crack that entered the plane fragment.

After Lin Ran glanced at the crack, he slowly walked over, and in accordance with the system's instructions, unlocked the trapped beast locks for the Blood Demon Flood Dragon one by one.

Originally, the distance was far, Lin Ran didn't think these chains were special, but as soon as they got closer, he suddenly felt the extremely powerful energy contained in the chains.

Lin Ran touched it lightly with his hand, and was shaken away by the way. At the same time, his arm felt a little numb, as if he had been struck by lightning. If it hadn't been for the powerful body guard of manifested star spiritual power, I am afraid that his arm would have been destroyed by then Up.

"So powerful!" Lin Ran wiped his cold sweat, and at the same time cursed the system in his heart, clearly that these chains are so dangerous, and they are so easy to say, as if they can be unlocked casually, I am afraid that there is no physical armor of celestial power. The body protector can't touch these chains at all.

When he thought of this, Lin Ran couldn't help but look at the Blood Demon Flood Dragon. He felt so painful even to touch it, and it was **** by so many trapped beasts. One could imagine how much it had to bear. Pain, no wonder I said that I had tied it for two days, and it was immediately persuaded.

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