"That won't work! The complete body must be taken down!"

After hearing the system's reminder, Lin Ran immediately put the Star Spirit Vine Demon into his arms, and at the same time took out the Rust Sword again, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the heart that was gradually stopping beating.

Although Lin Ran's astral spirit power was very small at this time, it was more than enough to deal with this crystal nucleus that was on the verge of breaking.


Lin Ran snorted coldly, and immediately jumped up, holding the rust sword of the divine spirit weapon, fiercely toward the heart that emits purple light, and inserted it in!



The moment the Rusty Sword inserted into the crystal core, a purple liquid was sprayed out. The heart that was still beating stopped in an instant, and then it immediately hit the ground and turned into a pool of rubble.

The crystal nucleus fused with the heart was also shattered at the same time, and after the dazzling purple light flickered, it completely dissipated.

But the marsh beasts in the outside world felt a sharp pain in their heart, and suddenly spit out a big mouthful of purple blood, and immediately died when they fell to the ground. The purple mucus that was constantly flowing on their body due to rapid aging stopped at this time.


"Finally got it done."

Lin Ran took a deep breath, then sat on the ground and rested for a while.

At this time, because the marsh beast had died, all the functions in its body had ceased to operate, all the terrible dissolving power had disappeared, and the absolute defense of the system had gradually disappeared at this time.

"Almost there, it's time to find an exit."

Lin Ran stood up slowly, immediately turned around and walked out of his atrium, walking along the branches of blood vessels on the ground.

After a while, Lin Ran came to the place where he entered the body of the Marsh Ten Thousand Beast first, that is, its mouth. At this time, it was still not in the darkness anymore, and a beam of light shot in from the outside. Pain, purple blood was constantly flowing out of the mouth, so naturally the mouth died before it could be closed.

"That should be an exit!"

Lin Ran saw the ray of light, his eyes lit up, and he ran over.


After leaving the body of the Marsh King Beast and returning to the swamp, Lin Ran once again felt an extremely unpleasant smell, and most of the surrounding plants and all withered, all of them splashed with purple slime. .

Lin Ran also saw the corpse of the Marsh King Beast. Although it looked a little smaller, it didn't show any scars from the outside.

"This should completely meet the first condition mentioned by the Blood Demon Flood Dragon."

Lin Ran looked at the body of Marsh King Beast and nodded slightly.

But at this time a bigger question has come, how do you ship it back?

It's impossible to throw it here!

Besides, he entered the super plane of Demon Purgatory, and it took five days to open it. It is impossible to give up now and take it back.

"Um... is there a way to transport the system back?" Lin Ran asked.

"Of course there is, don't you have a time-space map of mountains and rivers, just take it in." The system said lightly.

"The time-space map of mountains and rivers? Oh, I still put that thing on the rose flower demon, and I didn't bring it at all." Lin Ran searched for the star ring and said immediately.

"By the way, you once said that the Supreme Beast Contract can ignore any environment and directly summon is true?" Lin Ran asked with his eyes bright at this time.

"Naturally, that's okay, and the temporary supreme alien beast contract is the same."

"That's great! I'll try it first!"

After getting the affirmation of the system, Lin Ran took a deep breath, did not directly open the light door with a stroke of his right hand, but printed the seal with both hands, using the supreme alien beast contract with the Rose Flower Fairy in his mind to communicate with it. , And then a golden light flashed in his eyes, and then a stroke of his right hand opened a door of light.

Immediately after walking out of the Light Gate, the Rose Flower Fairy slowly walked out, looking around blankly, and then after feeling the extremely unpleasant smell, he glared at Lin Ran, and immediately prepared to run back to the Light Gate. Attempt to slip away.

"Wait, wait...you wait and then go back, first open the mountain and river time-space map, I want to go in.

Lin Ran yelled quickly when he saw Rose Flower Fairy turned his head and left.

The Rose Flower Fairy, who was about to step into the light gate, stopped immediately, and then the light gate in front of him closed immediately.

The desperate Rose Flower Fairy turned his head to look at Lin Ran with anger, and then pinched his nose with his hands, took out the time-space map of mountains and rivers from his arms, and threw it directly to Lin Ran.

"Isn't it smelly? You dislike it." Lin Ran stretched out his hand to catch the time-space map of mountains and rivers, and smiled: "I have a baby in my arms, would you like to see it?"

Lin Ran touched the Star Spirit Vine Demon in his arms and looked at the Rose Flower Demon with a smile.

"Treasure? Not interested." Rose Flower Fairy pinched his nose at this time, said uncomfortably.

"Oh? That's a shame."

Lin Ran smiled, took the Star Spirit Vine Demon out of his arms, and carefully observed it in front of him.


"Is that? Xingling Vine Demon? How could it be possible!"

The Rose Flower Fairy hadn't paid attention to what Lin Ran said, but when he saw the jelly-shaped object in Lin Ran's hand, his eyes lit up, and he ran over like flying and took it directly from Lin Ran's hand.

"It turned out to be the Star Spirit Vine Demon, but unfortunately it seems to be half dead." The Rose Flower Demon looked at the Xing Ling Vine Demon carefully, and said with regret.

"Haha! It's easy. Later, I'll find the Blood Demon Flood Dragon and let it parasitize this Protoss Vine Demon, so that after a long time, the Protoss Vine Demon can completely wake up." Lin Ran laughed.

"Oh? Is this true?" The Rose Flower Fairy was shocked.

After all, she had seen the Star Spirit Vine Demon a long, long time ago, and the relationship is not superficial. After all, the Rose Flower Demon can be said to be the king of the plant-based alien beasts, and the Ten Thousand Flower Valley that controls the Ten Thousand Flower Valley. The spirit vine demon, but the day after tomorrow, due to some reasons, gradually died.

Moreover, as long as there is a place where the Protoss Vine Demon lives, it is very beneficial to the growth of the plant-based alien beasts. Unfortunately, the current Blue Sea Star has no Protoss Vine Demon at all, and even if there is, it cannot survive.

This is why the Rose Flower Fairy would be so excited when seeing the Protoss Vine Demons that Lin Ran took out, but unfortunately it was only a half-dead Protoss Vine Demons, although I have heard that this kind of thing can coexist with other animals, But no one had seen it before, and it was a bit unbelievable to hear Lin Ran say this.

"Naturally it's true, I won't lie to you, so obediently cooperate with me and help me carry this big guy into the time-space map of the mountains and rivers. When the star spirit vine demon wakes up, I will give it to you. Yes." Lin Ran smiled at the Rose Flower Fairy.


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