"Mr. Lin, please."

The three uncles in black who stood aside immediately greeted them.

"Then go." Lin Ran nodded slightly.

The headed uncle with white hair walked to the wall where the display screen had just appeared, and slightly pressed a tile with his hand.

Suddenly the ground began to vibrate, and the walls suddenly began to open to both sides, and a temporarily new elevator appeared in front of Lin Ran.

"Wow! High-tech! There is an elevator embedded in the wall." Lin Ran was shocked.

"Mr. Lin please!" The white-haired uncle immediately walked up with Lin Ran and pressed the button on the seventh floor.

"Oh? It turns out that this building has a seventh floor. Why are all the elevators outside only going up to the sixth floor?" Lin Ran was a little surprised when he saw the uncle in black pressing the button on the seventh floor.

"The seventh floor is not open to the public. It is the exclusive floor of the museum owner. Under normal circumstances, there is no chance to go to the seventh floor except for special characters." The white-haired uncle smiled slightly.

"Oh! That's the case." Lin Ran nodded slightly.

As the elevator doors closed, the walls on both sides were restored again. After a "dingdong" sound, the elevator reached the seventh floor.

As soon as Lin Ran stepped on the seventh floor, a strong fragrance of flowers rushed towards him, surrounded by countless flowers and plants, and even some very precious herbs. From time to time, there were a few juvenile animals of the plant line running away. past.

If it is not confirmed that this is the seventh floor of the Qinghe Battle Hall, I am afraid that Lin Ranhui would think it is a paradise for plant-based animals.

"Mr. Lin, please feel free. I will leave after waiting." After sending Lin Ran to, the three uncles in black didn't stay too much. They immediately took the elevator and returned to the second floor.

At this time, Lin Ran looked around blankly, because there was nothing else there except these flowers and young animals.

"Someone?" Lin Ran yelled out trying.

"Welcome Young Master Lin to the little girl's garden." The ground right in front of Lin Ran suddenly cracked, a huge stone table rose up, and then a woman walked out of the flowers on the side.

She was tall and bumpy, dressed in a red cheongsam, with a pair of big white legs, walking slowly towards Lin Ran.

"Wow! Are you the owner of this Qinghe Battle Hall?" Lin Ran was immediately attracted when he saw the woman in front of him. The long legs and the charming big red lips did make People are crazy.

"The little girl is exactly." Ye Qin smiled and walked towards Lin Ran.

"So you know me?" Lin Ran asked quickly without paying attention to the appearance of this beautiful woman.

"Although we haven't seen it, my brother has seen you." Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

"Brother? Your brother? I've seen it?" Lin Ran was even more confused as he listened.

"Haha! Don't bend with Young Master Lin, the little girl's surname is Ye! I don't know what the Young Master can think of?" Ye Qin sat on the main seat of a stone table and smiled at Lin Ran.

"Family name Ye?" Lin Ran was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly seemed to think of something, and said quickly: "Could it be that you are the younger sister of Principal Ye? This is impossible!"

Lin Ran suddenly looked surprised, and quickly looked up at this beautiful woman again, and at the same time the principal Ye Kui appeared in his mind.

The difference between these two is too big, one is so old, the other is so young?

Although Ye Kui doesn't look ugly, but compared to this younger sister, it's a heaven and an underground.

If Zhang Wu was right, the owner of the Qinghe Battle Hall was a nine-star beast trainer, and that Ye Kui only had the strength of an eight-star beast trainer, which made Lin Ran unable to believe it.

And how did Ye Kui say he is over 60 years old, and this sister is so young?

Although female animal trainers care about their appearance and usually use the celestial power to maintain their appearance, it is impossible to be so young.

She is Ye Kui's younger sister, so it's hardly age...

"Haha! Young Master Lin don't have to be surprised, the little girl is indeed the sister of Principal Ye Kui, my name is Ye Qin." Ye Qin smiled at Lin Ran.

After hearing that Ye Qin personally confessed, Lin Ran no longer dared to look at her with admiration.

The good guy turned out to be so old, and I thought it was a delicate little girl who hoped to be able to leave the single.

"I'm going! It's really disappointing." Lin Ran couldn't help sighing inwardly, and at the same time took off his mask. After all, this person is Ye Kui's sister. She must have known her appearance a long time ago. Masks have no meaning anymore.

"I don't know what the Lord Ye Guan is looking for?" Although Lin Ran wanted to turn his head and leave directly at this time, it is impossible for Ye Qin to specifically invite himself up, there must be something to do.

"Young Master Lin is really very wary." Ye Qin stood up slowly at this time, walked in front of Lin Ran, saw Lin Ran's immature face, and said next to him: "I heard that Young Master Lin is very strong. It's terrible, so I became interested, and would you like to fight me without comment?

Seeing this Ye Qin sticking to herself so close, if she hadn't guessed her age in advance, I'm afraid Lin Ran would really have to react at this time. After all, her appearance is really beautiful, and her body is uneven. , Sticking to Lin Ran, really can't stand it.

So Lin Ran took two steps back quickly and said, "You said, you want to fight me?"

"Yes!" Ye Qin smiled.

"What's the reward for winning? If there is no reward, I won't fight." Lin Ran looked around at this time, raised his brow, and said.

"Haha! Young Master Lin really has the same character as his brother said." Ye Qin was not angry when he saw Lin Ran like this, but was amused.

After all, Ye Kui told her that this Lin Ran has a fatal weakness, that is, love of money, other things are difficult to impress him, if it is something that has no interest, this Lin Ran will definitely not do it.

"If you win, I will naturally have rewards." Ye Qin smiled slightly and said, "Did you ever know that the four battle halls of Xuan Zhongcheng have any power in the Beast Trainer League Competition?"

"Power? I don't know." Lin Ran shook his head slightly.

"Guide!" Ye Qin picked up a glass of red wine on the stone table, shook it twice, took a sip, and said: "We can recommend an animal trainer in all four of our battle halls to enter the second round unconditionally. In the second round of points match, get 100 points for the initial points!"

"If you can hold these 100 points, you can basically enter the third round without pressure. This is our power as the curator!" Ye Qin said to Lin Ran.


Lin Ran was shocked, because what Ye Qin said was something that Lin Ran hadn't seen from the website materials at all. He didn't expect that the owner of the library would be able to **** a person, which is a bit weird.

"Are you sure you are not fooling me?" Lin Ran asked subconsciously.

"Haha! This rule has just been promulgated by the government this year, and you know that this Beast Trainer League Contest is a bit earlier than before, and the rules have naturally changed a bit." Ye Qin explained.

Lin Ran nodded suddenly when he heard this.

It is no wonder that no information about the recommendation can be found on the website. It turned out that it was issued just this year, so it is no wonder.

"So as long as I beat you, I can get the qualification for this recommendation?" Lin Ran raised his brows and said.

"That's natural." Ye Qin said with a smile: "I don't lie to Young Master Lin. Before you, I also invited some other powerful animal trainers, but all failed."

"I saw Young Master Lin's monstrous strength downstairs just now, coupled with the warning from my brother, I specifically invited you to come up for a fight. As long as you can beat me, the qualification to pass is yours!"

At this time, Ye Qin no longer continued her charming speech. On the contrary, besides the extremely powerful celestial spirit power, his eyes revealed a strong desire to fight.

Lin Ran on the side could not help being a little surprised.

It turns out that this is her true face, it seems that the old man is right, the more beautiful a woman, the more dangerous!


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