Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 735: Trouble you

"Well, are you more curious about Supreme?" Duan Tianfeng smiled when he saw Lin Ran froze for a long time.

"Yes, although it is extremely dangerous to become a supreme, but I have to say that the temptation is really great. No wonder there are so many geniuses who go forward and succeed." Lin Ran returned to his senses and quickly responded.

Regardless of the cost of becoming the supreme, but as long as you succeed, you can really get a long life, otherwise the Yun Clan supreme can't be touched by people for hundreds of years.

Although it may disappear because of the power of the heavenly path, the Yun Clan Supreme can hide, and Lin Ran believes that he can too.

Besides, he still has the existence of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, even if the power of heaven finds out what he can do!

And Lin Ran was also convinced of one thing, that is, Murong Yan is definitely not the real supreme, otherwise he would have been spotted by the power of heaven, and how could he survive unscrupulously.

I have to say that Lin Ran is looking forward to the real supreme position at this time.

"But that being said, the Supreme Secret Realm is really very dangerous. Of the nine-star powerhouses who entered, eight out of ten can't get out. Even if they get out by chance, they will get nothing, so you must think clearly before entering."

"You are a genius in our southern region. You must not lose it." Wu Qianhua said solemnly.

"Yes, although the reward for the Beast Tamer League Competition is to enter the Supreme Secret Realm, it is really too dangerous. Without perfect preparation, really don't enter at will." Duan Tianfeng also said hastily.

"Don't worry, I know how to enter the Supreme Secret Realm without rashness." Lin Ran said with a smile.

After all, his current real cultivation base is only the seven-star peak, and it will take a long time to reach the nine-star peak. There is no need to rush for a while.

At present, Lin Ran’s primary goal is to train the Seven Sage Thunder Body to a small level as soon as possible, and then break through the Eight-Star Beast Tamer. It will not be difficult to win the division league competition.

By then, I would not have reached the nine-star peak, and after slowly practicing for a period of time, I could only think about entering the Supreme Secret Realm.

So for the current Lin Ran, there is no need to worry at all.

"Hahaha, the topic doesn't need to be so heavy. When Teacher Lin came back to the college, the students were already so excited and couldn't wait to watch the lecture." Ye Kui saw that the topic was a bit heavy, and he quickly adjusted the atmosphere.

"Haha! Yeah, now Xiaoyou Lin is the idol in the minds of all young people in Xuanzhongcheng, even the grandson of the old man has been clamoring to see you." Wu Qianhua smiled.

"It's Wu Qing, I have an impression." When Lin Ran heard Wu Qianhua's grandson, he immediately thought of Wu Qing.

Although he did not inherit Wu Qianhua's powerful strength, there is a talent that makes Lin Randu very envious, and that is his affinity for alien beasts.

It's no wonder that Master Mo Yu will look at him, with such a talent, he will definitely be able to become a very powerful alien breeder in the future.

"He should graduate now, is he in Master Mo Yu's shop?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"Yes, after all, he was officially accepted as an apprentice by Master Mo Yu, and he is in the shop today." Wu Qianhua nodded and said.

"It's a good time, I'll go find him." Lin Ran said with a smile.

"By the way, President Ye, I have something to trouble you." Lin Ran suddenly remembered an important event and said to Ye Kui quickly.

"Please say, as long as I can do it, Ye will be satisfied." Ye Kui smiled.

"It's actually very simple. After a while, there may be a ten-year-old girl. I hope you can enroll her in school." Lin Ran said straight to the point.

"Ten years old? This age is a bit wrong," Ye Kui frowned slightly, said.

It was not that he refused to do Lin Ran's favor, but that his age was really too young.

The first-year students in the Xuanzhong Alien Beast Academy are generally around fifteen years old. Even if they are talented, they are all thirteen or fourteen. Now it’s really a bit unfavorable to enroll a ten-year-old girl in school. Too suitable.

Even regardless of her age, a ten-year-old girl can't reach the standard of three stars at all, only two stars at best.

If this really allows her to enroll in school, the cultivation level is too low, she can't keep up with the progress of her classmates, and she is still young, it would be better to take a few more years at home to lay a solid foundation.

"Hahaha, Principal Ye is worried about her cultivation level." Lin Ran smiled and said, "You can rest assured that this little girl I brought here is a little younger, but it must be a three-star trainer. Beastmaster!"

"Ten-year-old three-star trainer?"

Not only Ye Kui shouted in surprise, but Wu Qianhua and Duan Tianfeng beside them were shocked.

"Yes, let's not hide it. This little girl is my sister. Don't look at her young age and strong talent for cultivation. There is no problem at all for enrolling early." Lin Ran did not conceal the identity of the little girl and explained directly to them. Up.

In this way, Lin Shanshan can go to school and practice safely without being bullied in the college.

"Is it your younger sister?" Ye Kui was startled and thought to himself: "No, isn't this Lin Ran only a cousin?"

Wu Qianhua and Duan Tianfeng also glanced at each other at this time, because Lin Ran's information was completely clear to them. It was obvious where this guy brought her sister from.

In order to prevent her from being bullied, she was given the identity of her sister, so that no one in the college would dare to bully her.

"How about? Is it okay?" Lin Ran said with a slight smile.

"No problem, since you are Teacher Lin's sister, you can naturally go to school, but you must reach a three-star cultivation level, otherwise it is really not easy to handle." Ye Kui naturally also obviously made the meaning of Lin Ran's words, so there was no Demolition directly.

"Then thank Principal Ye, don't worry, when she comes to enroll in school, she will definitely be the cultivation base of Samsung." Lin Ran said confidently.

Although the identity of Lin Ran’s sister is very suspicious, if he can really become a three-star beast trainer at the age of ten, then the talent for cultivation is really terrifying. This is simply the next Lin Ran, this kind of genius. Of course, Ye Kui couldn't let it go.

Even if it weren't Lin Ran's sister, this alone would definitely be enough to get admitted.

Afterwards, Lin Ran continued to chat with a few people for a while.

咚咚咚! ——

At this moment, a teacher stood at the door of the principal’s office, knocked respectfully on the door, and said: "Principal, the students have gathered in the conference hall, and you can prepare for Teacher Lin to prepare the lecture."

"That's right, I'll go to the convention hall with you."

After Lin Ran saw this teacher, he immediately got up and went to the conference hall of the college with him.

And Duan Tianfeng and Wu Qianhua also went to the conference hall of the college under the leadership of Ye Kui.

In addition to seeing Lin Ran today, the two of them have to come to the academy to see if there are any outstanding students, so that they can be recruited into the army or treasure hunting team.

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