Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 815: Win over

"Brother Yun's reaction, it seems that the golden hand I took out should be exactly what you Yun clan wants." Lin Ran said with a slight smile.

"Since Brother Lin has helped me with the Yun Clan's great help, I will not hide anything from Brother Lin."

Yun Feng took a deep breath and said, "This golden hand is exactly what was left by the supreme ancestor of the Yun clan."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this has an extremely important effect on our Yun Clan. Brother Lin is my Yun Clan's greatest benefactor!"

"You mentioned the two conditions before, as long as it is something that my Yun Clan can do, I will do it!"

"Of course, if Brother Lin thinks that the two conditions are too few, you can add them at will!" Yun Feng said excitedly.

You must know that this golden hand card was completely unknown after the disappearance of the supreme Yun clan. It was lost for nearly a hundred years. During this period, the Yun clan did not know how much manpower and material resources he spent on the blue sea star. Keep looking.

Not only the secret realm in the southern region, but also the secret realms in several other regions, the Yun Clan sent people to search for it.

In the end, through inquiring about some of the Yun Clan Supreme’s past, it was finally confirmed that this thing might be in the southern region.

But even so, it couldn't be found at all, and it was about turning over the southern region.

Unexpectedly, today, Lin Ran from the southern region would even send this golden hand card. Even if Yunfeng wanted to calm down, he couldn't hold it down.

If it weren't for Lin Ran's still here, I'm afraid Yunfeng has already danced.

Yun Feng was very thankful when he thought of this. Fortunately, just now wit told Yun Na to go back first, otherwise, with her character, I am afraid that now she is really dancing and cheering loudly.

"The conditions are actually very simple, and there aren't that many."

Lin Ran smiled and said, "The first one is to ask Brother Yun to give me a batch of Star Origin Stones, the number of which is at least enough to build two small training rooms."

"That's okay. How many Star Origin Stones will Brother Lin need in the future, and how much will I give away for free?" Yun Feng didn't even think about it, so he agreed.

After all, even if Lin Ran didn't mention this condition, Yunfeng would give Lin Ran the Star Origin Stone.

"However, it is really difficult to mine the Star Origin Stone. Brother Lin needs to wait a while if he wants it, but you can rest assured that this time will not be very long." Yunfeng added.

"It's okay, I'll just wait, anyway, now I'm not in a hurry."

Lin Ran smiled slightly and continued: "The second condition is that after the secret realm in the western region opens in the future, I hope I can go in."

"Brother Lin wants to enter the secret realm of my western region?" After hearing Lin Ran's words, Yun Feng was stunned.

"What, is it possible that this condition is not possible?" Lin Ran frowned slightly when he saw Yunfeng's performance, and said, "In this case, tell me the details..."

Before Lin Ran had finished speaking, Yunfeng quickly interrupted Lin Ran and said, "No, it's not. Brother Lin wants to enter the secret realm of the western region. Naturally, with my Yun Clan's ability, I can do it. "

"It was just a little surprised before, because most people actually don't want to come to the secret realm of other areas. After all, it is full of unknowns and it is easy to accident." Yunfeng explained.

"I'm just curious. I've seen the secrets in the southern region, and I always want to look at other regions." Lin Ran smiled and said.

Originally, I thought this Yun Clan could not do it just now, so I wanted to let him tell the specific location. Anyway, with the ability of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, Lin Ran could start the crack in time and space at any time.

But I didn't expect Yun Feng to agree so happily. It seemed that this golden hand really helped their Yun Clan a lot.

Lin Ran even began to think that he would give it early, and now he only came up with two conditions, which was a bit too bad.

But at this moment, Lin Ran's eyes suddenly lit up.

In fact, Lin Ran has always been very curious about the affairs of the supreme Yun clan. Since he helped them find the golden hand, it is better to ask them about the supreme Yun clan and see if he can understand more.

Moreover, Lin Ran was also very curious about what effect this golden hand had on their Yun Clan.

"I wonder if Brother Lin has other conditions?" Yun Feng looked at Lin Ran and did not speak, so he asked.

"The conditions are not there. You have agreed to everything I want."

"But, I want to know what exactly is your Yun Clan's golden hand."

"And the supreme of your ancestors, they all said that he did not disappear, but has been alive, presumably it is not fake, I want to know how to do it, and why finally disappeared." Lin Ran was curious. Asked.

"these questions......"

Yun Feng didn't answer Lin Ran immediately. After all, it was related to the Yun Clan's secrets. If ordinary people, Yun Feng would naturally ignore him, turning his head and leaving here.

But this Lin Ran just offered the treasures that the Yun Clan had been searching for for many years, and the two conditions mentioned were too simple. If Yunfeng left directly now, it seemed that he had lost his grace.

In other words, I am also the Young Master of the Yun Clan, so doing this is really not good.

"Since Brother Lin wants to understand these things, it is not impossible to tell you, but Brother Lin has to promise me one condition first." Yun Feng suddenly brightened his eyes and said.

"Conditions?" Lin Ran was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated for a moment and said: "You can talk about the conditions first."

"It's very simple. After all the Beast Trainer League competitions are over, I want to invite Brother Lin to visit my Yun Clan, and promise to be the foreign guest elder of my Yun Clan. Then, I will tell Lin all about these things. Brother."

"Become the foreign guest elder of your Yun Clan?" Lin Ran was shocked and said: "Becoming your elder, I am afraid that it will restrict my freedom, so forget it."

"No, no, Brother Lin, you have misunderstood. You are just a foreigner elder. To put it bluntly, it is a false name at best."

After seeing Lin Ran’s misunderstanding, Yun Feng quickly explained: “If Brother Lin agreed, the matter of entering the secret realm in the western region you mentioned earlier, you don’t even need my Yun clan to come forward. Brother Lin can easily. Go in loosely."

"Also has the right to mobilize the Star Origin Stone. It can be said that Baiyi is harmless, Brother Lin, you can think about it."

Originally, I was still thinking about how to win this Lin Ran, but I didn’t expect that Lin Ran would take the initiative to learn about the Yun Clan’s past. How could Yun Feng let go of this great opportunity and directly wanted Lin Ran to become their Yun Clan’s outsider? Guest elders.

In this way, a young man with unlimited potential is a member of their Yun clan.

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