Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 838: Start of the second round

"Oh! I see, this shattered poison blade is the little girl next to you."

"Why, so care about whether this broken poison blade can be repaired, is it possible that you like the little girl next to you and want to help her?" Zihuang Zulong laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just said I just want to help." Lin Ran quickly retorted.

"Yes, yes, it's just pure help, I understand, hehe." Zihuang Zulong said in the tone of a person who came over.

"Fuck, don't speak in this tone, make it as if you have been through a hundred battles."

"Also, don't think I don't know what you are thinking. In fact, you have been hitting my Xuan Guanglie Huofeng's attention. I tell you, I will not agree."

"You don't agree that there is a fart, we are in agreement, you have no right to stop, humph!" Zihuang Zulong said proudly.

Lin Ran was speechless when he heard the words of Zihuang Zulong.

"Forget it, I'll go to bed, don't bother you to cultivate relationships, bye."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon yawned, and immediately lost his voice.


"Is there something wrong with my Venom Knife?"

Seeing Lin Ran staring at the Poison Shadow Knife for so long, Meng Zhi said in confusion.

"No, no, I just think this Venom Shadow Knife is extraordinary, much more powerful than my Rust Sword." Lin Ran quickly recovered and returned the Venom Shadow Knife to Meng Zhishan.

"Really, how do I feel that your rust sword is obviously more powerful, every time I see it turn into a black shadow, that power, even such a powerful demon, is the fate of death." Meng Zhishan smiled Smiled and said.

"Haha, it mainly depends on the person's cultivation base. I think if your father activates this poison shadow knife with all his strength, the power will be quite terrifying." Lin Ran smiled.

"By the way, does your father have any ancient mysteries with poison attributes?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"No, the ancient mystery of poison attribute is too rare, unless there is a big chance, otherwise it is really not found."

Meng Zhishan naturally understood the meaning of Lin Ran's words, but unfortunately their Meng family did not have such ancient secret techniques.

"That's a pity, otherwise the power of the Poison Shadow Sword will be even more terrifying." Lin Ran said regretfully.

However, the ancient mystery of this poison attribute is indeed very rare. When Lin Ran checked the ancient mystery store of the system, he found that only the conventional attributes such as fire, water, thunder, wind, and soil were cheaper, and like That kind of poison, ice, light, and demon type requires a lot of points to redeem.

So it is normal for them not to find it, because it is really very rare.

"Should you take the name of the Poison Shadow Knife yourself?" Lin Ran said with a smile.

"It's true. After getting it, my father read many ancient books and found many experts to appraise it, but he didn't know what kind of magical artifact it was, so he chose a name for himself."

"Listening to Brother Lin's tone, is it possible that you know?" Meng Zhishan was surprised and asked.

"I do know that, in fact, the real name of this divine tool should be called Poison Blade of Destruction." Lin Ran explained with a smile.

"Scattered Poison Blade, this name sounds really domineering." Meng Zhishan smiled.

"Not only the name is domineering, but even the origin is amazing. I will tell you about it while I have time now."



In this way, Lin Ran told Meng Zhishan the origin of the Destroying Poison Blade, and before he knew it, the night was already deep.

After Lin Ran talked about the origin of the smashed poison blade, they returned to the room and rested.


Early the next morning.

Lin Ran and the others woke up early, and after breakfast, they went to the Xinghai Battle Hall.

Today is going to be the second round of the Beast Trainer League Competition.

After the first round of the game in the first two days, three people from the southern region advanced to the second round, namely Situ Feng, Su Xiao and Yao Yucheng.

The western region is the same as the southern region, with three players advancing to the second round.

In the northern region, which has been fighting against Lin Ran and others, two players have advanced.

The remaining Eastern and Central regions have a bad record. They are all just one player advancing to the second round.

However, this is only the second round of the game. Players who can advance to this round are undoubtedly very capable.

However, in areas where there are many players promoted in the first round, it may not be possible to successfully advance in the second round. In the past, there were even four players who were promoted in the first round, but the whole army was wiped out in the second round.

In other words, from this second round, you can really see the real strength of the players in each region.

After all, as long as the players who successfully advance to the third round through this second round will have a chance to fight against the strongest players in each region, if they successfully defeat these strongest players, it means that they have a chance to hit the final championship. .

For this reason, all the contestants today will work hard.

The rules of the second round are roughly the same as those in the first round. The computer system will draw and randomly assign opponents to each player.

The only difference from the first round is that the second round of the competition is completed in one day.

In other words, whether Lin Ran's companions can advance to the third round depends on their performance today.

Soon, after the host explained the rules of the game, as well as the progress of the competition so far, the big screen immediately scrolled, matching each player randomly with the opponent.


Situ Feng was in the preparation room, staring at the big screen intently, and shouted excitedly when he saw the big screen stop.

"My opponent is Yang Han?" Situ Feng was shocked when he saw his opponent.

After all, I had watched Yang Han's battle seriously before, and was extremely troubled by his delaying tactics, and Yang Han was still very mysterious, so far it is not clear what his true strength is.

For this reason, when Situ Feng saw that his opponent was Yang Han, he felt nervous.

Su Xiao’s opponent is a player from the Western Region, and Yao Yucheng’s opponent is the only player in the Eastern Region who advances. Although these players are also very strong, they can at least know the approximate strength of their opponent compared to Situ Feng’s. Yang Han couldn't figure it out at all.

He even wondered if Yang Han was disguising from beginning to end.

"It seems you will be a hard fight today." When Su Xiao saw Situ Feng's opponent, his face immediately became serious.

"Don't talk about him, my opponent is amazing. Based on the information and his matchmaking process yesterday, the players in this Eastern region are second only to Wan Rufan. It seems that I can only get here. "

When Yao Yucheng saw who the opponents were, he was heartbroken.

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