Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 860: All three rounds are over

Seeing Lin Ran's still confident expression, all the people present were slightly relieved.

After all, they all knew Lin Ran, as long as he said he was capable of doing it, it was basically a certainty.

It's just that Lin Ran himself understands how terrifying Yang Han's true strength is, and saying that he has confidence is nothing more than not worrying them.

After all, a person who owns an ice king beast, masters a complete Colorful Frost Judgment, even possesses the power of a phoenix, and even surpasses Lin Ran's own cultivation base. This can be said to be the most powerful player that Lin Ran has encountered since the competition. Up.

Without relying on the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, and any divine artifacts, even Lin Ran did not have 100% confidence to win.

"All the signs now show that this Yang Han will definitely be your strongest opponent in this competition. Getting the inheritance of the Frozen Rift is also a sure thing."

"If it weren't for the inheritance, I think it would be impossible for him to make such a powerful Ice Emperor beast." The voice of the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon rang in Lin Ran's mind at this time.

"Now it seems that it is indeed the case. I guess that the alien beast he originally used was also the ice and snow female beast, and then he got the inheritance of the colorful ice silver phoenix, which led to the mutation of the ice and snow female beast and gave birth to such a powerful ice. Emperor Beast." Lin Ran responded.

"So have you decided how to face him?"

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said solemnly: "What you said last time was good. Although I can help you win, it is your own game after all, and it is related to the chance to enter the Supreme Secret Realm."

"If you can't even pass this level, then even if you enter, it doesn't make any sense."

"I understand, so even if I know it's difficult, I will try my best."

"Well, let me tell you a little trick to defeat him."

Seeing that Lin Ran did not ask himself to help him because of Yang Han's astonishing strength, Zi Phoenix Ancestral Dragon admired Lin Ran more and more.

"Any tricks? You won't fool me, right." Lin Ran said suspiciously.

"How could I fool you, really." Zihuang Zulong said proudly: "I'm serious, do you remember the wind attribute energy in your body?"

"Remember? What's wrong."

"Hey, then you must also know that this central area is Fenglinhaishan in ancient times."

"That is to say, that very large Xinghai Forest, there should be some places in it that will have very strong wind energy.

Which of your last badge competitions were held there? If you can comprehend the surging of the wind during the competition, then your Qianyuan wind control technique is a good start. "

"At the same time, with the Seventh Sage Thunder Body, who has reached Xiaocheng, I think that the chance of winning against him will be much greater. And although your Xuanguang Liehuofeng is currently weaker than the Ice Emperor, don’t forget, it’s A strange animal of the quasi-divine beast-level bloodline."

"Even if the ice emperor beast is strong, it has not yet survived the thunder calamity of the quasi-sacred beast level, so no matter how strong it is, it is at the level of the ninth-level peak, and your Xuanguang Liehuofeng can burst out of quasi-sacred beast level power. Once you hand it over, you won’t lose to it."

"That is to say, this Yang Han is bound to use the Seven Color Hanshuang Jue to deal with you. If you play the Seven Sage Thunder Body and Qianyuan Wind Control Technique at the same time, then defeating him is not a problem."

"Of course, all of this must be based on the fact that you can successfully perceive the surging of the wind, otherwise you will still be blind."

"It's just that the rules of the game are still really unfavorable to you, otherwise you don't need to be so troublesome. You can directly use your Seven Phoenix feather fan to defeat Yang Han." Zihuang Zulong explained.

When the Purple Phoenix Zulong said so, Lin Ran's eyes lit up.

"Yes, the Xinghai Forest is the Fenglinhaishan Mountain in ancient times. It must be better than other places to feel the wind surging seriously there."

"It's just still a bit too difficult. After all, the badge competition only lasts for three days. It is still a bit impossible to do it in three days.

"Haha, aren't you the best at making impossible things?" Purple Phoenix Zulong smiled and said.

"Yes! No matter whether I can do it or not, I don't lose the game easily. I must win."

Lin Ran suddenly became excited at this time, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

The few people in the preparation room suddenly saw Lin Ran getting excited inexplicably, and they all looked dumbfounded.

"Ahem, Su Xiao game is about to start, let's watch the game."

Noting the puzzled gazes of his surrounding companions, Lin Ran coughed a few times before turning his attention to the big screen.


Except for the first two exciting games of these three rounds, the remaining three games seem a bit average.

Because there is no dark horse player like Yang Han anymore, it is almost impossible to win the eight-star game against the nine-star, so these three games did not last for a long time, and they all ended soon.

Although Su Xiao resisted fiercely, she was still not strong enough and was defeated by Wan Rufan.

The rest of the two groups are the same, so far the eight-star animal trainer has been eliminated.

The five players who successfully advanced to the final badge competition are Lin Ran, Yang Han, Wan Rufan, Xiang Nianwei and Yun Feng.

Almost all of these five players were the strongest players in their respective regions. The only difference was in the northern region. The Shangguanheng had been defeated by Lin Ran, and the one who succeeded in standing out was Yang Han, who was not optimistic.

As for Shang Guanheng himself, he was still lying in the infirmary of the Xinghai Battle Hall at this time, but he was not in a coma, but had already recovered.

Shang Guanheng's face didn't have any blood, and he didn't have the slightest expression, his eyes were staring fiercely at Yang Han on the TV screen of the infirmary.

Just now Peng Yong rushed out to find Shang Guanheng. After he woke up and briefly explained it to him, Shang Guanheng didn't believe it at all.

So Peng Yong showed the video of the match between Yang Han and Yunna to Shangguanheng. After watching Yang Han's match, Shangguanheng seemed to have lost his soul. He couldn't say a word, and the whole person was dull. For hours, I have been watching Yang Han on the screen.

"Shangguan... Brother Shangguan, how are you doing."

Peng Yong looked at the expression of Shang Guanheng's words, and said worriedly.

"Yang Han! Yang Han!"

"Unexpectedly, you would always play me a monkey on the spot! Damn! Damn!"

Shangguanheng immediately recovered and shouted angrily.

Due to too much force, the wound on his body was torn again, making the corners of Shang Guanheng's mouth twitch.

"Big Brother Shangguan, don't be so excited. Although Yang Han has always deceived us, it seems like a good thing now. After all, we can only count on him in the northern region." Peng Yong said in a comforting tone. .


Shangguanheng ignored Peng Yong, closed his eyes silently, and kept thinking about Yang Han's Ice Emperor beast in his mind. After all, this kind of strange beast has been extinct for thousands of years, and it is impossible to reappear. , Even in the northern region is impossible.

But how did Yang Han get this?


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