Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 864: Wind whirlpool


The Shadow Panther roared continuously, and the voice became smaller and smaller, and began to tremble a little.

"Oh, how come you are so scared, didn't you just want to eat me aggressively?"

Lin Ran walked to the shadow of the Black Panther, squeezed its cheek with his hand, it felt like a big cat.

The shadow panther began to fear more and more, and the tremors became more intense, and even the lower body was oozing yellow liquid.

"I'm going! Why are you so courageous, because you still have the strength of the ninth rank, you are too courageous."

After seeing the shadow panther being scared to pee, Lin Ran quickly stepped back, clutching his nose.

Even the Purgatory Dream Eater had an unhappy expression on his face. If it weren't for Lin Ran, he would have kept its life, and would have choked it to death.

"No more, I won't talk nonsense with you."

"I will now give you a way to survive. Take me to places with strong wind attribute energy, or places where a large number of wind attribute monsters gather. Otherwise, I will send you out of this beautiful world now."

As soon as Lin Ran's voice fell, the Purgatory Dream Eater used a little more energy.

When Shadow Panther heard this, he didn't even think about it, and started nodding again and again, showing that he agreed with Lin Ran's request.

"You promised to be so decisive. It seems that you can survive for so long and have such a high level. It's all because of you, haha!"

Seeing such a soft shadow panther, Lin Ran suddenly laughed.

The Shadow Panther would naturally not care about his ridicule, and now as long as he survives, no matter how he ridiculed himself.

"Okay, you can put it down, but just in case, you ride on it and control it firmly, lest someone accidentally let it go. This guy is a very chicken thief."


The Purgatory Dream Eater roared, and immediately let go and put the Shadow Panther down, and at the same time, it lightly jumped and rode on the Shadow Panther.

And the Shadow Panther didn't care about being mounted on him at all, and ran forward without a word.

Lin Ran also followed quickly.


About two hours later, the shadow panther was still running, without any consciousness of stopping, which made the vigilant Lin Ran feel that something was wrong.

"Why this hasn't arrived yet, I warn you that if you dare to lie to me, I'll crush you to ashes!"

There was a strong killing intent in Lin Ran's eyes, and at the same time he passed it to the Purgatory Dream Eater, causing the Shadow Panther to stop running.


After feeling the master's anger, the Purgatory Dream Eater didn't say a word, pinched his hands directly on the neck of the shadow panther, and then screamed angrily at it.

When the Purgatory Dream Eater roared like this, the Shadow Panther was frightened on the spot, and his limbs were paralyzed and sat on the ground.

Lin Ran also stopped, and looked around carefully, and found that the wind attribute energy around him was getting thinner and thinner. On the contrary, there were many strange beasts with good strength from time to time, all of them staring at him.

So Lin Ran inferred that this guy did not intend to take himself to a place with strong wind attributes, but wanted to take himself into a place where a large number of powerful monsters gathered, so that they would be attacked by them. Shadow Panther can use the speed to escape.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be fooled by a little leopard and laughed at me." The laughter of the Purple Phoenix Zulong also echoed in Lin Ran's mind.

"Damn it, this guy is so cunning, no! I can't keep it anymore!"

Lin Ran was very angry at first, but was taunted by the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon. The astral power armor on his body was subconsciously aroused, and at the same time it was beginning to change towards the golden color. It was obvious that Lin Ran urged the Seven Sage Thunder Body.

The Shadow Panther, who had been crippled with limbs, saw this appearance of Lin Ran again, his eyes whitened and fainted.

"Huh, thought you could escape death by pretending to be unconscious?"

"I won't forgive you this time. I'll grab another one."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he raised his right hand slightly, condensing a large amount of thunder power, and attempted to directly kill it with a raging thunder curse.

But at this moment, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, who was still laughing at Lin Ran, suddenly shouted.

"Oh! Wait a minute!~"

"Don't kill it first, as if it is in the right place." The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said suddenly excited.

"Huh? What did you say."

When the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon said so, Lin Ran immediately stopped the release of the raging thunder curse, and at the same time the star power armor on his body was also dispersed, and the Purgatory Dream Eater sat directly on the Shadow Panther, lest he be spared Let it run.

"Just now, I was paying attention to the surrounding environment and the strange beasts, completely ignoring the sky in front of me."

"Look at what is in the sky not far from the front right!" said Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

Lin Ran was taken aback for a moment, looked suspiciously at the sky in front of him, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

"That's... that's the wind whirlpool!" Lin Ran's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"Haha! It seems that you have misunderstood this little leopard, but if you scared it like this, I think even if it is not dead, it is half disabled. I am afraid that there will be shadows when you see humans in the future." Zihuang Zulong smiled Tao.

"Fuck! It's not that you aroused me, originally I was going to observe it again." Lin Ran quickly retorted.

"Also observe, it is obviously you just said that it thwarted it, it is terrible for you."

"Cut, I won't talk to you, Sambo, let's go."

Lin Ran felt that he couldn't talk about the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon, so he ignored it and let the Purgatory Dream Eater leave with him.

When preparing to leave, the Purgatory Dream Eater pointed his finger at the frightened Shadow Panther on the ground, and signaled Lin Ran what to do with it.

"Forget it, it brought us somehow, and it was really scared for half my life. It is really not easy to cultivate to this level in the wild, so let's save it."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he walked directly in the direction of the wind whirlpool.

The Purgatory Dream Eater kicked it slightly, and after seeing that there was still no response, he followed Lin Ran's pace and left.

"I always thought that the wind whirlpool would only appear in the virtual plane."

Lin Ran walked and talked with Zihuang Zulong thoughtfully.

"This Xinghai Forest is essentially Fenglinhaishan in ancient times. At that time, Fenglinhaishan often had such strange wind vortices, so it is normal to see it now."

"Just let me remind you that this is not a virtual plane, and it is impossible to resurrect indefinitely. This wind whirlpool is very dangerous. Even though you have honed in the wind field for so many days, you can already form a protective film outside your body. , Can help you resist the wind blades flying out of the wind whirlpool."

"But it is still necessary to stay as far away as possible, otherwise once inhaled, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is not an exaggeration to say that humans below the supreme will undoubtedly die once they are inhaled!"

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon reminded Lin Ran solemnly.


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