Super Monster Breeding System

Chapter 890: Obliterate

When such a powerful purple-golden light wave bombarded the Nether Beast's body, the Nether Beast's body exploded on the spot, and a dark kitty's soul had just escaped from its body and was caught by the purple-golden dragon claws.


The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon squeezed hard, and accompanied by a miserable cry, the soul of the Nether Beast was wiped out on the spot.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also lost its strength and regained the shape of a little dragon cub.

"Wow! The one just now is what you really look like? You look handsome!" Lin Ran couldn't help but praised.

Although it appeared for a short time, Lin Ran still clearly saw the appearance of the Zihuang Ancestral Dragon when he grew up. It was indeed the most beautiful dragon animal beast he had ever seen, and the breath was really terrifying. If the purple-golden light wave bombarded himself, I'm afraid Lin Ran would end up with the Nether Beast.

"That's natural, I'm the most handsome dragon!" Zihuang Zulong said proudly.

"Look at it beautiful for you."

After Lin Ran spoke silently, the target noticed that there was a pale golden alien beast crystal in the Nether Beast corpse.

"I'm going! This is the true crystallization of a quasi-sacred beast grade alien beast?"

Lin Ran hurried over, picked up the alien beast crystal, and said.

"Exactly, if it is the crystallization of a divine beast-level monster, it will be dazzling gold."

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon nodded, and then said: "This ghost beast's alien beast crystal contains extremely powerful demon power. In the future, your demon-type alien beast will reach the ninth peak. Let it subdue this alien beast crystal. , You can directly obtain the power of the quasi-sacred beast level, which will cause thunder."

"As long as you pass thunder tribulation smoothly, then you will have a quasi-sacred beast-level alien beast."

"That's the case, then I'll save it well."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ran quickly received this alien beast crystal into the star ring.

In Lin Ran's hands, there are a total of two alien beasts with demon attributes, one is Liuying Magic Moon Dog, and the other is a pure demon monster.

If you really want to use it, it must be for Liuying Magic Moon Dog, after all, Liuying Magic Moon Dog is not far from the ninth-order peak.

Although in a strict sense, it is most suitable to give the Bone Demon General this pure demon monster, but unfortunately the Bone Demon General’s current bloodline is only the eighth rank, and Lin Ran still needs to find a way to evolve it into a ninth rank. Therefore, The Liuying Moon Dog is currently the most suitable.


And when the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon killed the Nether Beast, those violent beasts that were still attacking Yaoguang City frantically, their bright red eyes slowly returned to normal, and they all stopped attacking. , Looked at the surroundings very confused.

After noticing that the violent beast seemed to have returned to normal, Xiao Yinan immediately stopped attacking.

"It's back to normal! The Nether Beast is dead!" Xiao Yinan shouted excitedly.

"It seems that they are really dead, and all these violent beasts have returned to normal."

Patriarch Wan Lao and Wan Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief immediately when they saw this situation.

"It's a pity that I don't know who the hidden master is. If you know, you can thank you in person." Xiao Yinan said with a little regret.

Being able to kill the Netherworld Beast shows that this hidden world master is definitely more powerful than the Yun Clan supreme back then, but unfortunately he doesn't know his specific identity.

While the three of them sighed, all the strange beasts on the ground fled back to the Xinghai Forest. When the guards saw the strange beast leaving, they all cheered excitedly, a beast that could destroy the city of Yaoguang. The tide crisis was finally lifted.

"City Lord, Patriarch Wan, Senior Wan, you have worked hard."

Seeing the three of Xiao Yinan returning to the outside of Yaoguang City, their bodies were all scarred, and all the officers and treasure hunters present were watching with reverent eyes.

But at this moment, in their hearts, they were also very surprised at the purple-golden light and shadow that had just appeared just now, and they were all whispering about what it was and why it disappeared with the ghost beast.

There are even some people who speculate whether it is Yun Clan Supreme who has appeared again and sealed the Nether Beast again.

"City Lord, what exactly is that purple golden light and shadow?" Gao Jun and Fan Yuanrong both asked in surprise.

"This is currently unknown, we will discuss it in detail when we return to the City Lord's Mansion." Xiao Yinan looked at the scene of blood flowing outside the city and sighed deeply.

Especially seeing the corpses of many young people in it made Xiao Yinan feel very uncomfortable. If there weren't that nasty ghost beast erupting, then these people would not die, and they could all live well.

"Anyway, I would like to thank everyone who came to support, Xiao Yinan, on behalf of Yaoguang City, thank you all here."

Looking at the surrounding elders and children of the Yaoguang City family, teachers from various universities, some idle beast trainers, and the players in other regions, Xiao Yinan hugged them and said.

The same goes for the officers and treasure hunters behind them, cuddling their fists at them.

"It doesn't need to be like this. It is the responsibility of every Blue Sea Star to guard the city of Yaoguang. Now that the beast tide is over, then we will leave first."

After Wan Lao Patriarch finished speaking, he took the lead and left the Wan Family.

The rest of the people who came to support have also left one after another.

At this time, many residents were standing in Yaoguang City. When they saw that they successfully resisted the beast tide and protected their lives, they bowed deeply at them.

"City Lord Xiao, Lin Ran from the southern region of mine, and Yang Han from the northern region are still in the Xinghai Forest. I don't know what is going on now, can I send someone to check it out."

Although the animal tide was successfully resisted, Lin Ran and Yang Han still didn't know what was going on, so Meng Zhishan, Su Xiao and others were very worried.

"Come here, let the staff immediately turn on the surveillance on the western periphery of the Xinghai Great Forest to find out where they are both."

Xiao Yinan was also very worried about the situation of Lin Ran and Yang Han, even if there was no reminder from Meng Zhishan and others, he would immediately look for it.

"No, we are safe."

As soon as Xiao Yinan's voice fell, Yang Han walked out from the side, his body was stained with the blood of a large amount of strange beasts, and it was obvious that he had gone through a hard fight just now.

"Yang Han! You are out!"

After seeing Yang Han's figure, everyone present was relieved.

"No, what about Lin Ran!" Meng Zhishan said hurriedly.

"Before I came out, the devil had been resolved by Brother Lin and I, and there was no longer any threat."

"I'm a step ahead. I think Brother Lin may be nearby." Yang Han looked around and said.

"I... I am here!"

Lin Ran suddenly jumped out from somewhere, his body was also stained with the blood of a large amount of foreign beasts, and he looked like he had fought against the beastly beasts for three hundred rounds.


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