After driving in the outer city for a while, I saw the junction of the outer city and the inner city of Yanglin City. The officer guarding the gate was in awe after seeing the armored chariot of the Yun clan. Immediately stood up straight.

Even the normal inspection is not required. The vehicle just stopped for a while, and Yunfeng pulled down the window and nodded slightly at the officers, and immediately let it go.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Ran also left and understood the position of the Yun Clan in Yanglin City, even if it was the city lord who came in person, he needed to give the Yun Clan face.

However, the Yun Clan is not like the Murong Clan. The place where the Yun Clan lives is not in the inner city. To be precise, it is only in a separate area in the inner city of Yanglin City.

The Yun people have lived in this area for generations. Even the city of Yanglin City has not been formed before the Yun people have already lived here.

Therefore, the Yun family apparently lives in the inner city of Yanglin City, but in fact they are not restricted by Yanglin City, and they never ask about political issues. Except for the formation of a Yun family treasure hunting team, the rest There are no more, it can be said that we are living a life without conflict.

Lin Ran knew this. Yun Feng told him all the way. After hearing this, Lin Ran was also very surprised, especially when he heard that the city of Yanglin had not yet formed, the Yun family lived in that area. Sure enough, it is an ancient family that has survived for 100,000 years.

After the armored tank entered the inner city, it was still driving. About half an hour later, I saw a road sign pointing to the right. There were four large characters on it, Yun Clan Territory.

The armored tank also turned right immediately, and after driving for another ten minutes, he saw this extremely old family, the Yun Clan.

The overall appearance of the Yun nationality is more like a village on the whole. The word "Yun" is written at the entrance of the village, and various houses are built inside. There are also pedestrians walking on the street, children playing and so on. Wait.

However, after seeing the silver-white armored chariot of the Yun Clan coming in, these people hurriedly retreated and bowed their heads respectfully.

"This is simply a village, you Yun Clan is really peculiar."

Although Lin Ran listened to Yunfeng's introduction along the way, after witnessing it with his own eyes, his heart was still shocked.

"I, the Yun Clan, is an extremely old big family. The family has lived here for generations. Even if people of foreign surnames marry in, they must abide by the rules of the Yun Clan." Yun Feng said with a smile.

"By the way, is that Xingyuan mine also inside?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"Yes, in the small mountain in front, I hadn't found it before, but about two thousand years ago, that small mountain was suddenly struck by lightning, and then began to collapse, revealing a large number of star source stones inside. I The Yun Clan also relies on the Star Origin Stone, and has become more prosperous."

"That's it, it seems I must go take a look."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he looked at the small mountain pointed by Yunfeng, and started planning to go there to cultivate.

When everyone in the car chatted, the silver-white armored chariot stopped. There was a luxurious villa in front of it. It was different from the construction style of other houses. It was obviously the place where the patriarch lived. .

"Finally here, Brother Lin has worked **** this road." Yun Feng opened the door of the car and went on.

"It's not as hard as it is, but it has opened its eyes. You Yun Clan can't say that it is a paradise. It is very different from the inner city, it is like another city."

Facing the Yun Clan with a long history of one hundred thousand years, Lin Ran really admired it very much.

Especially after learning about the many things that the Yun Clan Supreme had done, I admired it even more. Not to mention, the act of chasing and killing the ghost beast all the way, and finally sealing it, can be said to have saved the entire blue ocean at that time Star.

"Let's go, take you to see my father, he has long wanted to see you."

Yun Feng was also excited and took Lin Ran's hand and walked directly into the door, followed by Meng Zhishan and Yun Na.

After entering the hall, Lin Ran saw two old men with gray hair sitting in the hall. Between them, there was a middle-aged uncle with a very strong aura. This should be Yunfeng’s father, the Yun Clan. Patriarch.

But what makes Lin Ran a little strange is why he always feels that this middle-aged uncle has a familiar feeling, is it possible that he has seen it before?

But that's not right, the patriarch of the Yun clan, what are they doing in Xuanzhong City in the southern area?

This made Lin Ran a little curious, but Lin Ran didn't think so much, after all, he might have remembered it wrong.

"Father, I'm back."

After seeing her father, Yun Na ran over excitedly and sat directly on her father's lap.

"Oh! Didn't you see that there are outsiders here? How proper are you like this."

The patriarch of the Yun clan frowned immediately, but it could be seen how much he petted this daughter, otherwise how dare Yunna sit directly on the lap of the patriarch of the Yun clan on this occasion.

When Yun Feng on the side saw this happening, he also smiled awkwardly at Lin Ran and Meng Zhishan.

"I was too excited for a while and couldn't hold back."

Yunna stood up obediently, and then stood beside her father.

"Father, this is Lin Ran in the southern region." Yun Feng said respectfully to the Yun clan chief.

The patriarch of the Yun clan didn't speak, he just nodded slightly, but the moment his eyes came from Lin Ran, he never left Lin Ran and kept looking.

The other two elders beside him were the same, looking at Lin Ran solemnly.

Yun Feng had already told his father about Lin Ran finding the patriarch of the Yun clan. At the same time, Lin Ran defeated Yun Feng in the Beast Trainer League Competition. They also witnessed it with their own eyes and were very curious about this young man.

"Lin Ran! Pick me up!"

Next to the patriarch of the Yun clan, an old man with gray hair but very sharp eyes rose into the air, and his whole body exuded powerful light attribute energy, forming a golden spear, which pierced directly at Lin Ran.

After seeing this scene, Yunfeng and Yunna were startled on the spot. They were just about to say something, but saw their father shook their heads at them.

"Is this trying to test me?"

"Okay, anyway, I have to stay with your Yun Clan for a while. If you don't show your strength, you won't be respected by them!"

Lin Ran's eyes flashed with a golden thunder power, and the golden star spirit power armor exuding thunder power also emerged at the same time, and then several thick lightning bolts directly bombed the golden spear.

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