Although I don't know where the patriarch Yunhan is in retreat, Lin Ran is particularly aware of the attribute energy. After entering the house, he immediately followed the violent breath and came to the door of a room.

It's just that outside the door of this room, standing two young disciples of the Yun clan who were in their twenties, they all looked shocked when they saw Lin Ran suddenly appear.

"Elder Lin!"

They didn't know why Lin Ran came here suddenly, but they still saluted Lin Ran respectfully.

Because of the emergency, Lin Ran just nodded at them in a hurry, and was about to walk directly into this room.

"No! Elder Lin!"

A young Yun Clan disciple hurriedly stopped Lin Ran and said, "Elder Lin, maybe you are looking for the patriarch in a hurry, but now the patriarch is in a critical period of retreat, it will be completely dependent on these two days, you Can't go in and disturb him."

"It's still a critical period, don't you feel that this light attribute energy fluctuates abnormally?"

"If such violent light attribute energy erupts in your patriarch's body, you will wait for the corpse to be collected!"

"I don't want to say anything to you, I will bear all the consequences!"

At the moment when human life was about to die, Lin Ran didn't have time to talk to them, so he just opened the door.

Then an extremely terrifying wave of light attribute energy spewed out from the room on the spot, and the two Yun Clan disciples who were not well cultivated were directly shaken back for several steps, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

"How can it be!"


Only then did the two Yun Clan disciples realize that something was wrong, and shouted in horror.

"Don't talk nonsense, you can call Yunfeng or Yunna to come over now, I'll deal with it here!"

Lin Ran said very solemnly at this time.

The two Yun Clan disciples first glanced at each other, and then hurriedly yelled at Lin Ran: "Yes!"

No matter how stupid they are, seeing the scene in front of them, they all clearly understand that the patriarch must have gone crazy. For this reason, they must call someone, otherwise the patriarch will be in danger.

After the two left, Lin Ran looked at Yunhan inside the house solemnly.

Yun Han collapsed to the ground at this time, his face was extremely pale, and there was a large pool of blood in front of him, which was obviously just vomited.

"Is there any rescue?" Lin Ran asked the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon tentatively.


"He was in the process of compressing the light attribute energy. He was in a madness, and he was backlashed by the light attribute energy. It is a bit troublesome!" The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon hesitated for a while and said solemnly.

"So... he's going to be cold?" Lin Ran was suddenly startled.

"That's not true. This Yun clan chief has a good cultivation base. He has the strength of the ninth-level peak and has successfully taken a step forward. Unfortunately, if you want to truly reach the supreme, there is still a big gap, but this is enough. To save his life."

"Remember when you tried to compress the energy of the thunder attribute? If you continue to use a strong technique to compress, then you will have this situation, and it will be much more serious than him."

"He is still alive now. A large part of it is because the Holy Spirit Light Jue has the ability to heal. At the moment of crisis, the Yun clan patriarch launched the Holy Spirit Light Jue, which killed him."

"It's just that the already violent light attribute energy in the body is still there. If it is not cleared in time, it will explode again soon. By then, it will be really helpless."

Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon carefully observed Yun Han and said.

"Then what we are going to do now, it is impossible to watch him die. At any rate, he is also the patriarch of the family, and he looks good." Lin Ran said hurriedly.

"In fact, if you want to save him, the best way is for you to also control the Holy Spirit's light decay, and then absorb the violent light attribute energy in Yunhan's body, but you will be uncomfortable doing this, but you have the Seven Sage Thunder Body Protector. Body, so nothing will happen."

"And the light attribute energy in Yunhan's body is very powerful. After absorbing it into your body, if you can successfully compress it, the benefits will be very large. Unfortunately, you have not yet learned the Holy Spirit Light Decay, so this method is obviously not may."

"Now, there is only one way left, that is, I control your body and use the power of my sacred beast level to forcibly **** out the violent light attribute energy in his body. This can save his life, but so far his The cultivation base will plummet and it will take some time to recover." Zihuang Ancestral Dragon said quickly.

"Hey, it was really wasted, but there is no other way. It's still important to save people as soon as possible. As for the collapse of the cultivation base, I can't take care of that much. My life is gone. What is the use of the cultivation base."

"While no one is here now, take control of my body and save him." Lin Ran said directly without hesitation.

"Okay! Then I will come."

As soon as the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon's voice fell, he drilled out of Lin Ran's alien beast space, and turned into a purple-golden light and shadow into Lin Ran's forehead.

As before when he was fighting the Nether Beast, Lin Ran felt that his body could no longer be controlled, but some of the outside Lin Ran could see it.

The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also immediately began to do it.

A pair of colorful phoenix wings suddenly appeared on Lin Ran’s back, and then the pair of colorful phoenix wings burst out with dazzling golden light. Yunhan's body, which had fainted, could not help but emit light attribute energy, constantly Converging towards the colorful phoenix wings.

This process did not take a long time. It only took about tens of seconds to successfully **** out all the violent light attribute energy in Yunhan's body. The Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon also left Lin Ran's body at the same time, but there were many in his hands. A golden ball of light.

"This is the absorbed light attribute energy. It's a pity, you can't use it anymore, then I'm welcome."

Once the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon finished speaking, he opened his mouth and swallowed the golden ball of light.

"It looks like someone is coming, you come back quickly."

Lin Ran suddenly noticed that many people had entered the patriarch's house, and hurriedly said to the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon.

"Oh, it's really fast!"

In order not to be discovered, the Purple Phoenix Ancestral Dragon immediately got into Lin Ran's alien beast space.

Even though Yun Han's face was still very pale at this time, his face was also much softer. He was obviously no longer in pain, but he was temporarily unconscious.

"It can be regarded as pulling you back from the ghost gate."

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, then helped Yun Han up and sat on a chair nearby.

At this time, Yun Feng, Yun Na, Yun Huang, Yun Li, and even Yun Yue all rushed over. When they saw Yun Han who was unconscious and very weak in breath, they all showed a horrified expression. .

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