Super Mothership

Chapter 259 Technology Tree

The first batch of 200,000 virtual helmets dedicated to scientific research were quickly delivered to governments around the world.

Immediately they began to verify the value of the helmet.


Virtual world - "Earth Technology Tree"!

This is a virtual world designed by Nie Yun alone, and it is also the first global virtual exchange community of virtual reality technology "Endless World"!

There are only two things here, a small planet and a green towering giant tree.

The whole small planet is a miniature version of the blue earth, and the huge "tech tree" is rooted on it, and the style of painting is somewhat similar to the "little prince".

Just like the literal meaning, the "Technology Tree" is a towering tree, which is the concrete product of Earth's technology!

Nie Yun divided the existing technologies into nine categories according to technical fields, including: information technology, biotechnology, material technology, energy technology, mechanical technology, power technology, space technology, natural science, and social science.

They constitute the nine branches of the "Earth Technology Tree"! Countless branch technologies extend from these branches.

For example, natural sciences include basic natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, etc. Biotechnology includes genetic technology, medical technology, neurotechnology, etc., and social sciences include humanities, social sciences, language, philosophy...

The technologies in these nine categories are all-encompassing, covering all the existing technology categories on the earth!

This is a huge virtual world of knowledge. Through this virtual world, Nie Yun has opened up technology below the D level to the earth!

Soon, the first lander emerged from the light and shadow and appeared on the huge root of the "Technology Tree".

"Uh...this...this is a virtual world? It's unbelievable!" This was a white-haired old man wearing golden glasses, and he was shocked by the sight in front of him as soon as he appeared.

Standing on its roots and looking up at this giant tree, one can't help but feel that all beings are insignificant in the vast world.

The sense of lifelike images that directly hit the heart moved the old man. Then he looked at his body and touched his face again, and found that except for the clothes, it was exactly the same as his own body.

What he is wearing now is a gray scholar's robe, which is simple and simple, with a few lines sketching out an elegant shape, which made him immediately have the idea that this robe is quite suitable for his academic status.

Just as he was experiencing this novel scene with a shocked face, more figures began to appear around him one after another, blacks, whites, yellows, Asian faces, European faces... all kinds of skin colors and races, Almost like a conference of nations.

"Name: Lawrence, a top scholar in the field of high-energy particle research, passed the identity verification, welcome to the 'Technology Tree World'!" A system prompt suddenly sounded in the white-haired old man's mind.

"The initial setting of the character has been completed. You currently have D-level authority. All technical information below D-level is open to you. You can now choose the technology area you want to go to!"

As the prompt sounded, a translucent operation panel appeared in front of Lawrence's eyes, with a thumbnail of a technology tree listing nine major technology branches.

Information technology, biotechnology... Lawrence looked at the branch names above,

Naturally, he opened the branch of physics in the natural sciences, and then chose the classification of particle physics.

After the selection was completed, Lawrence swayed and suddenly sank. In his somewhat surprised eyes, the whole person was directly absorbed by the roots of the tree.

Then he only felt that his body was being pulled, and he flew upwards rapidly along the veins like pipes of the giant tree, passing through the roots, trunks, branches... Through the transparent pipe walls, he could even see countless scholars dressed in gray all around. In this way, the people in the robe are scattered and transmitted to various branches of technology.

After just ten seconds, the teleportation process like the opening screen ended, and Lawrence came to a huge branch.

This inconspicuous branch extending from the natural science branches on the nine branches has only a dozen leaves, but in Lawrence's eyes, each leaf is the size of a football field.

On top of each blade, there are various buildings of different shapes.

Lawrence's eyes swept across these technological blades related to particle physics and automatically obtained their information, "Bosons, photons, gravitons, quarks, leptons..."

He roughly swept through these branches, thought about the technology blade that finally chose photon, and then his body flew up involuntarily, and after a while, he found that he had come to the building of photon technology.

There are a large number of shelves and books that fill Lawrence's sight, and there are also some seats for people to read, which looks like a huge library in reality.

"You have entered the branch of photonic technology, and you can choose between electronic reading and physical book reading. The knowledge you acquire here can be copied into your personal bookshelf, but it cannot be taken out of this world.

In addition, the system can provide auxiliary calculation software to help your calculation and research, and you can also apply for a separate personal virtual research room.

The effective scientific research results produced will be allowed to be taken out of this world, and according to the size of the results, a certain amount of unlimited coins will be rewarded.

Finally, I wish you a harvest in the ocean of knowledge! "

At the end of the novice guide, Lawrence walked to the bookshelf curiously, and a search list automatically popped up in front of him.

Photon interference, photon propagation, laser technology, nonlinear photonic technology...

There are also a large number of books and documents under the branch, from basic materials to cutting-edge scientific research results, everything! Lawrence even saw some of his own work.

He couldn't wait to choose a "Principle Analysis of High Efficiency Photoelectric Converter" and read it.

Looking at it, he couldn't help but be moved. He is not only a high-energy particle expert of Maoxiong, but also a laser weapon expert. In this book, he can not only see the structural design of his national advanced optoelectronic device In the details, we can also vaguely see the shadow of cutting-edge technologies in various countries.

The performance parameters of more than a dozen design schemes for the changer listed in the book even surpassed his current laboratory research projects.

Many of the contents in it can bring him considerable inspiration and inspiration. This book alone is invaluable in Lawrence's eyes! He was momentarily fascinated.

"Hey! Lawrence, you are indeed there!" Just when Lawrence was addicted to studying and couldn't extricate himself, a sudden voice from his side woke him up.

He looked up and saw an old man with an Asian face greeting him with a smile.

"Eh? Lee! I didn't expect to meet you here!" Lawrence greeted with a smile. The relationship between the flower grower and the scientists from the Maoxiong country is very good. The two met at a bilateral scientific and technological exchange meeting.

"Haha! Analysis of the principle of high-efficiency photoelectric converters? Are you doing research in this area?" The old man surnamed Li glanced at the book in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Well... just rummaging, hehe!" Lawrence didn't reveal much. After all, although the two knew each other, they were also competitors. How could the research information of his own research institute be leaked casually.

"Haha! Don't be secretive. I just read some books. I'm afraid that no matter what scientific research project you have, you will have to rearrange the scientific research plan after entering here, right?"

"Well... Indeed, this is really an incredible place! A scholar's paradise..." Lawrence nodded with a wry smile and sighed.

"Yeah, even the design of this technology tree... is amazing!"

"Huh? Design? Quite spectacular indeed!"

"In addition to being spectacular, the designer's ambition is even more amazing! In the flower family, there are nine outnumbered, and the nine major technology branches represent the designer's ambition to gather the world's knowledge and a furnace. Not only that, we came here. The also quite ingenious!"

"The way to get here? Oh! I understand, to reach the inside of the technology tree through the root system, the designer means that we scientists and scholars are the nourishment of this technology tree?" Lawrence suddenly.

"Exactly! From this technology tree, you can vaguely see the designer's general pattern. I am afraid that he is already thinking from the perspective of all mankind.

Disclosing these scientific and technological materials for free provides scholars from all over the world with such a hall of knowledge and communication channels without barriers. I am afraid... Leading the earth's scientific and technological circles to make great changes is the real purpose of the other party..."

Lawrence was shocked, but thinking about the huge impact the "tech tree" would have on the technology world... He couldn't help but be amazed.

Captain Ghost... an incredible existence!


Naturally, Nie Yun was not selfless enough to completely disclose all technology. Simply put, technology below D-level is a "basic technology package"!

What Nie Yun does is to make a summary of the current public or non-public scientific and technological materials from various countries in the world, and to correct them, categorize them, and it can be said to be an all-encompassing science and technology encyclopedia!

This encyclopedia of science and technology is enough for the world's scientific research system to recognize the progress of world scientific research and understand its own position, no longer waste scientific research force on repetitive operations, and integrate and optimize the scientific research direction of the earth to the greatest extent.

These things originally belonged to the entire civilization, and Nie Yun just sorted them out and fed them back to the civilization.

However, there has never been such an opportunity in history to make knowledge completely open and transparent, and no one has the ability to do a complete optimization and integration of such a huge amount of scientific and technological data!

Because there is no unified government, the scientific research power of the entire earth is actually wasted. More than half of the resources and time are spent on scientific research results that have been developed by others.

It is true that this way of scientific research in which countries compete with each other has accelerated the speed of scientific and technological development on the earth to a certain extent, but compared with the waste of resources caused by no planning and complementarity... In the words of the code name, it is "inefficient and low energy". !

In addition to the lack of a unified regime, the lack of an efficient and global communication system is also an important reason for this situation!

To this end, Nie Yunhe developed a virtual world open to the whole world... "Earth Technology Tree"!

Nie Yun is using the technology tree to gather and integrate the scientific research forces of the earth, so that the scattered five fingers are gradually clenched into a powerful iron fist...

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