Left side of the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of cannons were fired, and the splendid beams of light representing death intertwined, bringing out dazzling starry fireworks in the opposing camp.

After the three rounds of confrontation, the air combat troops of both sides also exchanged fire one after another.

"The frontal enemy firepower is too fierce, we need support!"

"Go up, and even those with shields go up!"

"Brothers of the mecha unit, give me some strength! Rush! Rush in and disrupt their formation. We have a lot of people, and we rely on the number to kill them!"

"Keep up with the fire support behind, suppress the opponent's group salvo, or everyone will die!"

"Rockstar's wealth is still waiting for Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu wants to live to drink and eat meat! If I want to die, Lao Tzu will kill you first!"


Compared with the one-sided battle situation on the right-hand battlefield, the battle that broke out on the left-hand battlefield was even more tragic.

The Croros side wanted a quick solution to avoid long nights, so they launched an all-out attack from the beginning.

The pirate side was simply driven to a dead end, either blocking this wave of the enemy's attack and insisting on the right battlefield to resolve the battle to come to support, or only a dead end, so the resistance was more tenacious than expected.

"What's going on with these damn pirates?" Cloros' face was a little ugly.

He had already let the shadow quietly ambush on the channel leading to the battlefield on the right.

As long as Captain Ghost wants to escape by relying on the high mobility of the "Vector Engine", Shadow will let him know that the "First Assassin of the Broken Star" is not a vain name.

What I didn't expect was that the other party did not play cards according to common sense.

I don't know what method the other party used, but a group of pirates who had obviously failed to work and suffered huge battle damage, actually seemed to have eaten a small blue pill, and their morale had a "V-shaped rebound". ”, he just desperately resisted his own attack.

Is this the group of pirates I know?

"Don't worry, Commander,

No matter how fierce this gang of pirates is, after all, they are nothing but a mob. Even though there are more than 400 more pirates than us, most of them are armed merchant ships, and their combat power is uneven.

Not to mention the command and coordination and legion operations are not our opponents! "The flagship captain who just surrendered, laughed.

This is a fact. To measure the combat effectiveness of the Star Fleet, morale can not be said to be useless, but the role it has played has long been less important than the era of cold weapons.

After all, factors such as weapon power, training level, and tactical coordination are more important.

Morale determines whether you dare to fight, and these determine whether you can win.

From the perspective of the battlefield situation, it is indeed true that the pirate left army, which has a dominant number, is at a disadvantage, and the losses are considerable, and they can only support it.

Using a similar number of pirate fleets to fight a group of regular troops is still a bit reluctant after all...

"Zi~" At this moment, a dazzling beam of light suddenly cut through the void and hit a frigate in front of the flagship where Kroros was!

"Bang!" The shield didn't last for a few seconds before it collapsed under the violent energy impact.

The beam of light effortlessly passed the frigate through the heart, and then the castration continued, directly hitting the second frigate in the rear, leaving a huge wound on the opponent after breaking the shield, which was slowly exhausted. energy.

"Boom!" The first frigate exploded shortly after being penetrated, and the wreckage was scattered.

The one at the back was also bubbling with thick smoke, and it looked like a lot of bad luck.

Seeing one dead and one seriously injured own frigate not far ahead, everyone in the bridge was startled.

Kill two birds with one stone? !

And looking at the trajectory, it was obvious that the blow was aimed at their flagship.

Cloros's eyes narrowed, and his line of sight extended in the direction of the attack.

The visual capture device on the spacecraft immediately zoomed in on the picture, and soon locked onto the pirate flagship that was under layers of protection in the distance.

Appeared again!

What is the origin of this flagship?

It is obviously half smaller than the flagship under his seat, and the range and power of the main gun are still a block away from him!

The last time I fought against the opponent, even myself almost fell into a fight with this unreasonable main gun.

According to the information, this battleship once defeated the Karon beast. It has incredible main artillery attack power and incredible survivability. It is said that after walking in the Leviathan's digestive tract, it can still come out alive.

Now the other party is equipped with a vector engine...

Able to fight, resist and drag racing, it is simply a monster!

"Could it be that there is more than one secret treasure in the opponent's battleship?"

Cloros's heart was beating wildly, and a very unbelievable guess poured out.

"Let the flagship do evasive maneuvers immediately, and keep an eye on the other's flagship!" Cloros was lost in thought, but the captain beside him had already ordered nervously.

The shot just now terrified him.

If this hits him directly, even with the shield value of the flagship, it may not be able to top a few times.

At this moment, the pirate flagship that had just launched the terrifying bombardment suddenly shot out several streams of light, piercing the starry sky like a meteor.

"Report! The other party dispatched legendary mechas! A total of... 6 in total!" The radar soldiers in the bridge said with wide-eyed eyes.

The energy radiation of the legendary mecha is fundamentally different from that of ordinary mechas. There is a separate identification signal in the radar of each warship, and it is almost impossible to mistake it.

"What? 6 units?!" The captain's forehead was almost sweating.

This kind of strategic arms, even if it is one, may pose a threat to one's own side. At this moment, six of them suddenly pop up. If a swarm of swarms comes towards him...

Fortunately, perhaps the battle situation was unfavorable. As soon as the six legendary mechas appeared, they were divided into six directions to support each battlefield, and they chose to give priority to helping the pirates stabilize their positions.

With these legendary mechas with powerful combat power that can almost control small-scale local wars, and Nie Yun's 15 times the king's artillery to provide fire support, the pressure on the pirates was greatly reduced immediately.

"Long live the pirate king!" All the pirates cheered.

With these big men taking the lead, the morale of the pirates was even higher, and a wave of counter-charges was launched, and the balance of victory began to tilt toward the pirates...

In order to prevent the Leviathan from being set on fire by the "Umbrella of Heaven", Nie Yun specially sent this rare beast to the right army, not even the elites of the Ryan family.

However, although the younger brothers did not come, Nie Yun's flagship and the legendary mecha in the hangar are really super powerful!

"6 units? This number... doesn't seem right?" Cloros suddenly wondered.

According to the information, Madman, Chilong, Flint, and Captain Ghost each have a Legend in their hands. Counting the "Valkyrie" that was just exposed, Nie Yun only dispatched 5 Legends when he encircled the Dark Temple. Where did it come from? 6 units?

When he hurriedly called out the battle scene in front of him, his face suddenly became very strange...


The shadow that is hiding in the corner of the battlefield at the moment has a more wonderful face than Cloros.

Because he also discovered that the legendary mecha on the battlefield was almost identical to the Shadow under his seat...

"Captain Ghost! I ¥%\u0026%*\u0026%%..."

You are a cottage, and even the mecha is not spared?


"Boom!" Chilong smashed an enemy plane with an axe, and then looked strangely at the "friendly" mecha that was killing the Quartet not far from him.

I couldn't help it, Chilong said in the public channel of several people.

"Brother Ghost, I said, that Shadow..."

"Oh! If you want to join the real dark temple, of course you need to have all the evidence and evidence, so I specially ordered one from the organization.

Produced by the organization, it must be a boutique! Look, is it realistic enough? "

"But...but it has a crystallized shield..." Chilong was speechless.

It's just a cottage, do you want it to be so realistic?

"That's right! It's a high imitation!"

Everyone: "..."

Nie Yun smiled.

Surprised? Don't be surprised.

Because you will understand later, what is legend walking all over the place...

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