Super Mothership

Chapter 821 Peaceful Business Development Route

Although it was expected that Gemini would take the initiative to ask for help for the safety of the mother star, the people who came were somewhat beyond Nie Yun's expectations.

"Speaker Cruze?"

"Sir, we meet again."

The light and shadow effects of the virtual image are realistic, and you can clearly see Speaker Cruze's slightly haggard face.

Obviously, the matter of the major crisis on the home planet has made him a little bit overwhelmed recently.

"Let's get straight to the point, what do you want this time?"

"Lord Speaker, what does that mean, I don't quite understand." Nie Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he acted dumb.

"Equivalent exchange, isn't this your organization's consistent transaction principle?

If you want you to keep the Gemini mother star, you must have already thought about the asking price in your heart, but it doesn't matter. ' Cruze said calmly.

"Uh..." I didn't expect the other party to be so direct.

But hold back, smile with sincerity, and eat gracefully!

Nie Yun smiled. "As expected of the Speaker."

"Oh! It's just a few years old, plus being able to recognize the situation." Cruze said helplessly.

The ants on the hot pot are used to describe the Gemini today. The longer it drags on, the more torment the Gemini will suffer.

"Presumably, when you sent troops into Gemini, you already expected today's situation, or... today's situation was brought about by you, right?"

"Huh?" Nie Yun blinked innocently.

"Lord Speaker, this is really wronging us. The second prince sent troops to attack us. We can't control this. It is our organization's best effort to get the news in advance."

"Haha..." Cruze smiled noncommittally.

Even if the Second Prince sends troops to sneak attack you can't control it, but the next development will probably follow your script...

If nothing else, just rely on the iron wall fleet that you can expel that dare not fight, can you really not be able to defend a wormhole with this kind of strength?

There are two possible reasons.

The first is that they don't want the opponent to be trapped in a fight, destroying the territory of the solar system too much, or causing too many casualties.

The second is naturally to want to lead the disaster to the east, and then watch the fire from the other side, and take advantage of the fire!

So the current situation... Is it really that the other party can't catch up with the Iron Wall Fleet?

Politicians are not detectives, and there is no need to tell evidence. Cruzer already has the answer in mind.

Cruze was not angry because of the other party's deliberate design. In the contest between power and power, or between civilizations, it is strength and the most brilliant strategic art to be able to play the enemy in the palm of his hand.

Skills are not as good as people, convince yourself!

After dealing with each other for so long, Kluzer's style of acting on the unity of all things can be regarded as a bit of context.

This organization, as they claim, wants something, and often does not like to use force, but to use "transaction".

Although it has such a powerful military force, it is hidden and seldom used directly.

Energy crystal trade, intelligence trade, "vector engine" trade...

Although there was a certain degree of coercion in the several cooperation with the All Things Returning Society, Gemini did not suffer a big loss.

From this aspect, the "character" and "credibility" of the Society of All Things are guaranteed to a certain extent.

This is why Gemini is increasingly willing to deal with this mysterious force in the form of cooperation rather than confrontation.

However, if Cruze knew, the reason why "All Things Come Together" is so "gentle and low-key" to the outside world is entirely because not long ago, even Gemini was something they needed to look up to, a "giant" existence, I don't know how it would make How do you feel?

The tiger's skin is bluffing, can you really go up and scratch the other party?

What should I do if I make people anxious and really work hard with you?

It wasn't that Nie Yun didn't want to be hard before, but he was completely empty-hearted!

"Tell me about your conditions, as long as it's not too much, Gemini can accept it.

It's just that you have to understand that we no longer have such a treasure as a 'vector engine',

I'm afraid I can't afford to pay too high a price. "After Cruzer confessed, he naturally cried poor.

It's not the first time the protection fee has been paid anyway.

This thing is handed over once, and the second time is not so resistant...

"Lord Speaker is straight to the point, then I will not hide it. As long as Lord Speaker agrees to two conditions, we will immediately take action to completely solve the threat of the Iron Wall Fleet."

"First, we are going to the neighboring galaxy." With the strength to support, Nie Yun speaks very directly and very hard.

Cruze frowned.

cede land?

This condition is somewhat beyond his expectations, and there is also a lack of land for this level of power?

And...why Proxima Centauri?

Cruze was thoughtful, but the answer was quite happy. "Can!"

Compared with the importance of the Gemini parent star, a remote and undeveloped wild galaxy, this business is not a loss!

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded in satisfaction.

The other party seems to have seen the situation clearly and is very good at it, so there is no need to elaborate.

"Second, sign the Earth and Gemini Free Trade Agreement, and we will be responsible for establishing the Karaxing Duty Free Port, allowing the free flow of goods between the two sides!"

Hearing this, Cruze was silent for a long time.

After ceding the land, is it forcing the opening of trade ports?

How could he smell a familiar smell...

This free trade agreement is not a simple issue of free circulation of goods. If the other party relies on a higher level of technology and dumps a large amount of goods to Gemini, it will undoubtedly greatly impact Gemini's own industrial system.

This is like the era of the planet. The dumping of products from industrial countries to agricultural countries is itself a kind of resource plunder based on scientific and technological advantages.

At the same time, it castrated the possibility of agricultural countries developing local industries and hindered their technological progress.

Of course, nothing is absolute. There are also examples of poor flower growers who have gone through decades of reform and opening up and finally turned around and counterattacked.

For Gemini, is this a crisis and an opportunity at the same time?

If you can use the free trade agreement and exchange the market for technology, it may be impossible to quickly improve the strength of Gemini.

And the most urgent thing for Gemini at present is to improve their strength, otherwise what will they do to face such a behemoth as the Woolf Empire, the Machine Race, and even the Union of All Things?

Didn't see a fleet appearing casually now, has Gemini shivered?

Nie Yun looked at the tangled Cruze, knowing that the other party was fiercely weighing the pros and cons, but just waited quietly.

This second condition is actually an attempt by Nie Yun.

Try a... an alternative mode of civilization development!

Earth civilization has developed to the present point, and the technology and military systems have entered the top ranks of the surrounding star fields, which are enough to compete with the veteran interstellar empires such as Woolf and Mechanic.

But it has a flaw that cannot be repaired in a short period of time...that is volume!

The Earth civilization with advantages such as the "source of fire" Nie Yun, the mechanical bug, the legacy technology of the Iris civilization, and the water of life undoubtedly has huge potential for development.

But if you want to develop your potential, you need resources, massive resources!

If nothing else, just talking about energy, the Woolf Empire has hundreds of stellar energy systems that have been fully "Dyson spheres", and the "Prometheus Project" of the solar system is worthy of progress. one.

Even if Nie Yun activates the entire human and mechanical army, let alone the Woolf Empire, it is still a long way to go to catch up with Gemini.

Therefore, he can only find another way and take the high-end elite line.

However, the elite route also requires resources, especially basic resources such as various rare metals and energy, and scientific and technological research and development is a major resource consumer.

The Stone Age, the Iron Age, the Industrial Age…

A civilization with a higher technology level will also increase its demand for resources exponentially!

The human power that Earth civilization can use is only a small galaxy. If it takes a lot of time to collect these resources, the energy will undoubtedly be scattered.

What's more, there are many rare resources that cannot be found in the solar system, or there are very few stocks, which increases the difficulty of collection.

The "Karaxing Free Trade Zone" at that time was actually an attempt by the Earth civilization to take advantage of the huge market of Gemini and accelerate the development of civilization through complementary resources.

But it is a pity that the technological level of the earth civilization at that time was half as big as that of Gemini, and naturally it was impossible to use the advantages of science and technology to carry out asymmetric resource plunder.

Therefore, in addition to the energy crystal trade, the transaction volume between the two sides has always been tepid, at most a "small commodity market".

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But now it is different. Nie Yun, who entered the advanced battlefield of the Woolf Empire, made a lot of money, driving the technological level of Earth civilization to continue to soar.

Electronic products, industrial machinery, and even mechas and warships, amazing technological incubation is going on inside the earth civilization. These high-end products urgently need a huge market to digest, in exchange for massive resources, so as to hit a higher technological peak.

The time is ripe!

Of course, Nie Yun can directly enslave Gemini by force, but that's still the problem. Earth's civilization is too small.

Maybe a snake swallows an elephant, but a snake swallows a whale?

I am afraid that suppressing the rebellions around Gemini will make Earth civilization exhausted.

So if you want to use the value of Gemini to the extreme, it is best to use a peaceful way to let the other party work for you willingly!

On the basis of absolute force, the low-level industrial chain is transferred to developing countries, while its own side harvests the basic resources of these countries through a series of peaceful means such as controlling the high-end industrial chain and patent barriers.

This is the stage of development that almost every developed country has experienced, and it is also the background of the era of "globalization" at that time.

And at this time, Nie Yun... just wanted to make Earth civilization such a top of the food chain!

Nie Yun believes that this is the best way for Earth civilization to be able to directly advance to a higher civilization in the shortest time with its current size, spanning the long era of interstellar development!

As long as the Earth civilization can always maintain its technological and military advantages, the trillions of people in Gemini will become "miners" and "peasants" who work for them, and become an alternative vassal.

This development model is suitable for small but extremely powerful civilizations.

As long as it is parasitized on the Gemini civilization, the earth civilization can obtain a steady supply of blood.


This was indeed the evaluation given to this mode of civilization development by several scientists who participated in the discussion at that time.

But Nie Yun doesn't like it very much. He prefers to call this mode...

A peaceful business development route with the characteristics of the capitalism of the earth civilization!

Mechanical bug: "..." (╮(╯▽╰)╭)

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