"What a weak fellow!"

Walking into the Holy Family, Li Jiexuan took the report of the Holy Family with a cold face. Of course he knew what Hanzo was trying to say, it was nothing more than to stop the nonsense of the Holy Family!

Relying on these 50,000 snake curse people is indeed enough to expel the ninja coalition. Even half a day ago, he could deliberately open a gap and let the three shadows escape, so as to complete the task and return to this world with a fortune!

However, after the actual battle, Li Jiexuan suddenly discovered that 50,000 snake-cursed people could defeat thousands of the three-shadow ninja coalition. If you give him 500,000 snakes and curse people, wouldn't he be able to unify the entire ninja world?

Of course, the Land of Rain is only a small country, and even if everyone was arrested, there would still be no 500,000 snake-cursed people!

However, he can completely rely on the Land of Rain to open the gap. So as to radiate to the civilians of the entire Naruto world, get more snake curse people!

If you want to unify the entire ninja world, various attempts are essential. As for the location of the test... Is there a better test ground than the plot world?

Triggered mission: Unification of the plot world Mission content: Complete the unification of the plot world and become the creator of the ultimate peace in the Naruto world, the only original emperor!

Quest Reward: Epic Attribute Title: False Emperor. One million points.

Mission time limit: Thirty experience plots.

The loose time limit for a full thirty experience plot told Li Jiexuan that this task is very difficult, and it is almost impossible to succeed at one time!

But even so, he didn't want to give up this opportunity...

"Accelerate the speed of the Holy Family!" Li Jiexuan roared coldly at Yu Ren in the pilgrimage house, "I want the Holy House to run 24 hours a day!"

"But when will it stop?"

"Stop?" Li Jiexuan squinted his eyes and sneered: "Let's wait until this country has all become snake-cursed people!"


The light blue chakra drove the little paper crane to fly high, resist the rain, cross the jungle and mountains, and finally stopped in front of Jiraiya and Tsunade!

The two picked up the paper crane at the same time, and their expressions changed dramatically...

"There's no other way, I have to wait until I come back to find Li Jiexuan!" Tsunade helplessly put down the missing person notice, put on his equipment, and rushed out of the town.

"Children, I will be away for a while, and you will train by yourself." Jiraiya said goodbye to Nagato and the other three without looking back, jumped on the head of Boss Toad, and rushed towards Wuyin Village.

When Jiraiya and Tsunade left, only the solitary paper crane was left hovering over the swamp where Orochimaru was buried.

Sarutobi Hiizan let go of his hands in surprise...

"Orochimaru is already dead!" Sarutobi Hizan was a little saddened, Orochimaru was his most proud disciple, and he died just like that! And with the strength of Orochimaru, who killed him?

"Li Jiexuan!"

Hanzo burst into the Holy Family House with red eyes, and slapped the iron gate with gritted teeth: "You have to give me an explanation today, why don't you stop the Holy Family?"

Seeing such a violent Hanzo, Li Jiexuan shook his head with a smile that was not a smile: "Do you think I can still stop?"

"What do you mean?" Hanzo's eyes widened in surprise.

"Open the door and take a look outside the shrine." Li Jiexuan chuckled disdainfully: "Look at what you will do to you when you tell them that you will close the Holy Family!"

"Pfft!" Hearing this, Hanzo fell to the ground in a trance. Even if he doesn't look, he knows what's going to happen...

If he dares to stop the Holy Family...

Those fanatics will scream the false god and tear him to shreds!

"Could it be... Is there really no way to stop it?" Hanzo looked at Li Jiexuan coldly, and an evil idea could not help but breed in his heart.

No, not right! There is another way!

As long as this Li Jiexuan dies, all this will end!

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