Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 238 The real murderer is Tuogu

"why are you?"

Li Jiexuan was dumbfounded and disappointed. The real murderer Uchiha smiled and shook his head: "What? Jie Xuansang doesn't want to see me?"

Li Jiexuan waved his hand, let out a long sigh, and sat opposite Uchiha's real murderer: "It's none of your business, it's my own fault."

Hearing this, the real murderer Uchiha shook his head very seriously: "No, this matter has something to do with me. To be precise, I have to pay most of the responsibility?"


Li Jiexuan raised his eyebrows strangely, and thought to himself: Could it be that this Uchiha murderer stole Sarutobi Hiizan's cute cousin?

"It's my fault that the Uchiha clan secretly plotted against you!" Uchiha's real murderer looked sad: "As the patriarch, I failed to stop them..."

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan couldn't help sighing, it seemed that there was no cute cousin at all.

"Forget it, those things don't matter!"

Li Jiexuan didn't care at all, whether the Uchiha clan blacked him or not, they all killed themselves. Before long, the name Uchiha will disappear from history...

Seeing Li Jiexuan's big belly, the real murderer Uchiha was also very grateful, and forced out a stack of banknotes with a smile: "Even if Jiexuan-sang is tolerant, I can't feel at ease because of this, these banknotes should be a small compensation... "

"Small compensation?"

Li Jiexuan flipped through the bills and couldn't help swallowing: When is 300 million taels considered a small compensation? Uchiha is worthy of being an old-fashioned wealthy and wealthy country!

However, no matter how rich you are, it is not made like this...

If he is the patriarch of Uchiha, the real murderer would be too naive to think that 300 million taels can settle the problem between him and Uchiha.

Is the real killer a naive guy?

the answer is negative.

"The real murderer's patriarch might as well speak directly?" Li Jiexuan threw the 300 million taels of silver notes aside and sneered: "Although I don't have as much money as the Uchiha clan, it is enough!"

The medicine business that Dean Tupai helped him manage is getting bigger and bigger.

Li Jiexuan has always been an invisible rich man!

Hearing Li Jiexuan's blunt question, the real murderer of Uchiha didn't mean to be angry at all, but smiled a little humbly: "Jiexuan-sang certainly doesn't lack this money, and I don't expect to use this money to make up for you and Uchiha. relationship, this is just a little personal intention of my real murderer!"

The real murderer of Uchiha made it very clear that the 300 million taels had nothing to do with Uchiha, but he personally gave it...

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan put the money into his pocket without hesitation. Uchiha is Uchiha, the real murderer is the real murderer, he knows this very clearly!

Since there is no hatred and no grudges, why not send money?

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Li Jiexuan shook his finger with a smile: "I won't refund anything beyond my ability..."


After a long silence, a mature young woman suddenly came out from behind the tree, holding a sleeping child in her arms.

Uchiha Tomioka!

It seems that this beautiful young woman is the wife of the real murderer - Uchiha Suiying.

"What does it mean?"

Li Jiexuan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, already vaguely guessing something in his heart.

"We want to entrust the child of Fuqiu to you." The real murderer of Uchiha and his wife Shuiying put the still-infant Fuqiu Uchiha in front of Li Jiexuan.


Uchiha is the real murderer, this is to care for the orphan!

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