Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 256 Warring States Situation

The wind howled, and a small city loomed in the dust...


A few big feet stepped on the sand, looking at the looming city, Ye lowered his head respectfully: "Mr. Jie Xuan, this is the country of Ye!"


Li Jiexuan nodded lightly, only to find out when he walked to the edge of the city. The entire wild city was heavily guarded, with nearly a thousand warriors standing on the wall, guarding the city.

In addition, Li Jiexuan noticed Chakra's breath...

Moreover, this number is not in the minority!

Sure enough, no matter how small the country. Ninjas are always essential, after all, many ninja villages can sustain development without even a state. It doesn't make sense, where there is a state to back up, but no ninja can be cultivated...

"If that's the case, why don't you take some ninjas out?" Li Jiexuan was a little puzzled, and it was strange that the famous name of Noshimura appeared in another country during the war.

Five minutes later, with Ye's profound remarks, Li Jiexuan finally understood everything...

In the world of Naruto, there are many small countries that act as buffers between the big countries, just like the birds, rain, rivers, wilds around the country of wind...

These small countries have different national strengths, some are strong and some are weak, if under normal circumstances a war would have broken out long ago and seek reunification!

However, as a big country, the Wind Kingdom, for the buffer effect of small countries, prohibits wars between small countries around it. Because once the small countries are unified, and no matter the buffering effect disappears, the rising powers are also a threat to their status...

"But a year ago, Shayin Village was wiped out by Konoha." Ye scolded with deep hatred: "Since then, the Land of Wind has never been able to govern the border. On this good opportunity, every country wants to take the opportunity to rise. , making this place chaotic!"

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan couldn't help but feel a little bit pained: I didn't expect that these countries were beaten to death, and it was his reason to trace the origin...

"But as a big name, why did you appear in the enemy's territory?" Li Jiexuan still couldn't understand. Isn't this a gift?

Speaking of this, Noshimura on the side took over the words: "Among the warring countries, our wild country is the weakest. If we don't seek foreign aid, we will one day be wiped out by neighboring birds!"

Noshimura tried to tell Li Jiexuan: This is a mess, it's useless for you to come...

However, Li Jiexuan didn't pay attention to this at all: "Foreign aid? Which country did you go to?"

"The Land of Rain!"

Speaking of which, Noshimura gritted his teeth a bit: "The big name of the country of rain sent a letter saying that I must come to the door in person before I am willing to send troops to rescue!"

"So you went?"

"I thought that Yu Ye was separated by a bird, and he would never try to cross the bird and directly attack the country of the wild." Noshimura gritted his teeth: "But what I didn't expect was that he would actually unite with the country of the bird and betray me directly. It's gone!"


Should Li Jiexuan say, this is very Danzo style?

Birds can get the country of wild, but the country of rain must be a country that monopolizes a large area of ​​land that the country of wind has been unable to manage. Silently, the bird rain and the two countries reached an agreement like this...

"It seems that this time the task is not so simple!"

Li Jiexuan shook his head helplessly, the situation in this wild country was far more difficult than he imagined. Even the distant ally in the close attack can't do it, the situation can be described as corrupt, and there is the possibility of destroying the country at any time.

But since he's here...

"The country of the wild will never be destroyed!"

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