Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter two hundred and seventy nine must kill

The country of craftsmen was founded by Qingming.

But few people know that Qingming also has a brother named Qingzheng...

As the lord of the country of craftsmen, Qingming, the craftsmanship of making ninja tools is naturally the top in the world. And his brother, Qingzheng's craftsmanship is much worse.

In fact, among the master craftsmen in the country of craftsmen, Qing Zheng's craftsmanship is the worst one...

Because of this, Qingzheng's business is not good. For the sake of face, Jin Tian appeared. The shrewd Jintian can often find good orders for Qingzheng.

The reason why Jintian mistook Li Jiexuan as an important member of Wuyin Village is because Qingzheng inquired about news: Recently, important people in Wuyin Village will come to the country of craftsmen to make a big order...

Qingzheng misestimated his own strength, and the person who came from Wuyin Village was not an important person, but the second generation of Mizukage - Ghost Lantern Magic Moon.

Ghost Lantern Huanyue was also a little unbelievable, he just came to place an order for ninja tools. When he was about to wave goodbye to Qingming, he saw that Li Jiexuan was killing people...

"Isn't Li Jiexuan dead?"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue's face is stunned, this feeling is like when you go downstairs to buy breakfast and suddenly see Ma Yun drinking porridge next door.

However, Ghost Lantern Huanyue was not going to stop Li Jiexuan. If you have to say why...

Could it be that you would overturn Ma Yun's porridge with a slap, and then cried out in pain: You are the richest man, how can you drink porridge? Eat bird's nest!

If someone really does this, Ghost Lantern Moon respects him as a warrior...

"Shuzi, stop!"

The warrior... has appeared.

Qingming, who was standing beside Ghost Lantern Huanyue, suddenly roared, trying to stop Li Jiexuan. It's a pity that Li Jiexuan is determined to kill Qingzheng, and naturally he will not stop...

"Damn it!" Qingming stretched out his hands fiercely and roared, "Yali Dark Saber!"


Several serpent-like purple blades emerged from Qingming's sleeves, spreading freely like living creatures, blocking Li Jiexuan's grass pheasant sword.


Li Jiexuan frowned. He had never opened the three states, and the speed of his physical body was no better than Shangren. It's not surprising that the grass pheasant sword was blocked, it's just...

It turned out that this ninja tool automatically blocked him?

Li Jiexuan is actually no stranger to the ninja tool, the Yali Dark Saber. But such a speed is completely different from the strength in the anime...

Raising his head, the one who used the Yali Dark Saber was the man with white hair - Qingming, the great name of the country of craftsmen!

You know, in the anime. Ego Ai Luo used a gun to keep the cranes to directly give Qingming a second. This is not the first time, the strength and reality in the anime are seriously inconsistent.


"Want to stop me with such power?"

Li Jiexuan sneered, and before he knew it, the silver dragon scales covered his whole body, and the sharp dragon claws easily crushed all the teeth and dark knives in front of him.

In Jiao Xianren mode, Li Jiexuan's power is already at the shadow level, and this little tooth can't stop him from the dark knife...

After tearing apart the Yali dark knife in front of him, Qingzheng had already escaped from the thief, hiding behind Qingming like a chicken.


Li Jiexuan didn't care either, and walked towards Qingming unhurriedly. He will kill Qingzheng, no matter where he hides, it is useless...

"Brother, you must save me!" Qingzheng grabbed Qingming's trousers in horror, but Qingming couldn't speak for a while...

Li Jiexuan put too much pressure on him, like a real dragon, noble, majestic and unstoppable...

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