"The magic of the lantern body!"

Outside Konoha Village, Li Jiexuan made his knees cross-legged, and a long wave of thoughts crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and came to Payne, who was thousands of miles away.

"Huh? This fluctuation has never been seen before..."

"Om, hum, hum~"

With a few soft sounds, Li Jiexuan's phantom suddenly appeared in front of Payne, and the few remaining members of Tongxiao's organization met face to face.

"Who are you? Why do you use the magic of the lantern body?" Tiandao Payne was still expressionless, as Nagato divided into seven Tiandao, not so much a person, more like a puppet...

In this case, it is a very test of deception!

"This is what Feiduan told me." Li Jiexuan grinned lightly: "I dug him out of the soil, and then he taught me this ninjutsu."

"Flying section..."

Jue frowned slightly, but said nothing. Feiduan is immortal, and being buried in the ground seems to be a very logical explanation.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Jiexuan held his head and chuckled: "It's nothing, I admire Xiao very much, so I want to join."

"join in?"

Payne squinted his eyes. Although Akatsuki has suffered a lot of casualties recently, there are only a few ninjas left, but it's definitely not that any cat or dog can sneak in...

"I heard that the Xiao organization is catching the tailed beast?" Li Jiexuan shrugged with a smile: "I happened to be beside a tailed beast. I caught it and used it as my certificate of submission..."

Hearing this, Payne finally reluctantly nodded slowly: "If you catch a tailed beast, you are a member of Xiao's organization!"

Seeing Payne nodding, Li Jiexuan cut off the slide body and grinned: "Now, I'm also Xiao's reservist, there is no reason for the Six Path Immortals to slap me to death..."

As for which tailed beast to capture, does it need to be said?

Naturally Six Tails – Foam!

Alone, with a tow oil bottle - Ying. If there is a tailed beast better than this, it is only the big turtle with three tails.


Li Jiexuan looked at the independent mountain top built on the edge of the mountain in the distance, and couldn't help laughing: "This kind of defense can only deal with ordinary people, and some ninjas who are not in the mainstream!"

Servant Walker, is also a very interesting story!

As for the traps on the fort plain...

When the Flood Immortal Mode was turned on, the traps of Kunai and Shuriken hit the scales of the Flood Dragon, which could only bounce off weakly, and could not even leave a mark.


"Someone is breaking through the fort!"

Even so, Dunbei was not nervous, and shook his head with a smile: "However, the barrier of this fortress is not so easy to break through..."

"Jiao Qiandiao!"

The sharp thunder gun pierced through the entire barrier in an extremely domineering way and slapped the face strongly.

"It seems that the ninja here is not an ordinary guy."

Dunbingwei was determined to die, took out the forbidden art of the spider clan, and explained to the bubble on the side: "You must protect Lord Ying."

As in the plot, Dunbei lets Foam and Ying hide in the secret passage. Alone, trying to block the incoming enemy...

It's a pity that this time he is not facing a thief wandering ninja, but Li Jiexuan who has super shadow strength. Such a difference in strength is like a cloud of mud...

After breaking through the barrier, Li Jiexuan didn't pay any attention to escape the soldiers at all, and flew straight to the secret passage in the back mountain in the plot: "If there is no accident, Liuwei and Ying are here."

"Now, let's try my luck after I put on my skin." Xiao's red cloud and black clothes swayed gently in the night wind, Li Jiexuan raised his arms with a smile: "Bai Leiyi!"

The white thunder clothes covered the whole body, and then slowly stretched and stretched under the drive of Li Jiexuan, and finally turned into a thunder sword with a length of several hundred meters...

"Thunder Sword – Slash!!!"

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